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Milli-Q® CLX 7000 Connected Water Purification Systems

Economical and reliable high-performance water purification systems for clinical analyzers (up to 3000 L/day)

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A high-performance purification system with built-in support

Milli-Q® CLX 7000 analyzer feed systems provide an economical and high-performance water purification solution for pure water needs of up to 3000 liters per day. Water produced complies with the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute® (CLSI) guideline for clinical laboratory reagent water (CLRW).
These high-throughput biomedical water systems are designed to maximize your lab’s productivity by integrating our state-of-the-art purification technologies and delivering an unprecedented level of system accessibility and service, including:

  • MyMilli-Q™ Remote Care online monitoring and service capability
  • Tailored Milli-Q® Services Plans for expert support and to extend your system’s lifetime
  • Pre-installation feed water analysis to maximize your system’s performance

CLRW quality water for clinical analyzers

Milli-Q® CLX 7000 systems combine patented purification technologies to ensure constant water quality with low and predictable running costs. Our Elix® electrodeionization (EDI) module contains self-regenerating ion exchange resins that require no maintenance, such as the need to change resin cylinders. Unique E.R.A.® (Evolutive Reject Adjustment) technology automatically optimizes water recovery based on feed water quality, decreasing your water usage costs by up to 50%. Plus, 3 built-in bactericidal UV lamps reduce system and analyzer sanitization needs to maximize lab uptime.

Designed for ease of use, including interactive touchscreens

Milli-Q® CLX 7000 systems are designed to save users time and effort:

  • A large, user-friendly color touchscreen shows all important system information at a glance and allows for intuitive operation
  • Step-by-step instructions on the touchscreen support fast and easy maintenance
  • RFID technology ensures automatic traceability of consumables

The Milli-Q® CLX 7000 systems are compact and mounted on wheels, so that they can be installed wherever it is convenient in the laboratory. Systems are also customizable, allowing you to adapt them to your specific requirements (for example, by adding a TOC monitor).

Supported by MyMilli-Q™ Remote Care online monitoring and service capability

The outstanding, rapid service of Milli-Q® Services includes a remote connection capability. MyMilli-Q™ Remote Care is already onboard your Milli-Q® CLX 7000 system and functions as a secure online portal that simplifies the management of your system and supports optimal lab productivity.
Key features of MyMilli-Q™ Remote Care:

  • 24/7 secure online access to real-time system performance data as well as quality reports archived over the last 2 years
  • Rapid, online diagnostics—and even remote repair—by our service team
  • Receive immediate and customized notifications of system alerts and alarms by email and/or SMS
  • Full data traceability as well as effortless data access and retrieval capabilities facilitate accreditation and reaccreditation processes (e.g., CAP 15189SM accreditation to the ISO 15189:2012 standard)

Quality certificates

For full confidence in your Milli-Q® CLX 7000 system, it is delivered with a Certificate of Calibration for the built-in temperature and resistivity meters, and a Certificate of Conformity ensuring that it has been built and tested fully assembled following internal Standard Operating Procedures. The manufacturing site is ISO 9001 v.2015 and ISO 140001 certified.

Built-in Emergency Bypass Feature

Milli-Q® CLX 7000 systems are designed to limit downtime. To ensure you always have an uninterrupted supply of pure water, these robust systems are equipped with an emergency bypass feature that is easy to set up. This video demonstration gives step-by-step guidance to help you confidently perform the bypass procedure.