EphA4 Regulates the Balance between Self-Renewal and Differentiation of Radial Glial Cells and Intermediate Neuronal Precursors in Cooperation with FGF Signaling. Chen, Q; Arai, D; Kawakami, K; Sawada, T; Jing, X; Miyajima, M; Hirai, S; Sakaguchi, K; Furushima, K PloS one
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In mouse cerebral corticogenesis, neurons are generated from radial glial cells (RGCs) or from their immediate progeny, intermediate neuronal precursors (INPs). The balance between self-renewal of these neuronal precursors and specification of cell fate is critical for proper cortical development, but the signaling mechanisms that regulate this progression are poorly understood. EphA4, a member of the receptor tyrosine kinase superfamily, is expressed in RGCs during embryogenesis. To illuminate the function of EphA4 in RGC cell fate determination during early corticogenesis, we deleted Epha4 in cortical cells at E11.5 or E13.5. Loss of EphA4 at both stages led to precocious in vivo RGC differentiation toward neurogenesis. Cortical cells isolated at E14.5 and E15.5 from both deletion mutants showed reduced capacity for neurosphere formation with greater differentiation toward neurons. They also exhibited lower phosphorylation of ERK and FRS2α in the presence of FGF. The size of the cerebral cortex at P0 was smaller than that of controls when Epha4 was deleted at E11.5 but not when it was deleted at E13.5, although the cortical layers were formed normally in both mutants. The number of PAX6-positive RGCs decreased at later developmental stages only in the E11.5 Epha4 deletion mutant. These results suggest that EphA4, in cooperation with an FGF signal, contributes to the maintenance of RGC self-renewal and repression of RGC differentiation through the neuronal lineage. This function of EphA4 is especially critical and uncompensated in early stages of corticogenesis, and thus deletion at E11.5 reduces the size of the neonatal cortex. | | 25978062
Epigenetic regulation of Atrophin1 by lysine-specific demethylase 1 is required for cortical progenitor maintenance. Zhang, F; Xu, D; Yuan, L; Sun, Y; Xu, Z Nature communications
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Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) is involved in gene regulation and development; however, its precise function, molecular targets and underlying mechanisms during development are poorly understood. Here we show that LSD1 is required for neuronal progenitor cell (NPC) maintenance during cortical development. A ChIP-seq analysis identified a LSD1-binding site (LBAL) downstream of Atrophin1 (ATN1). Surprisingly, tranylcypromine (LSD1 inhibitor) treatment increased H3K4 methylation at LBAL, leading to ATN1 repression and NPC differentiation. Knockdown of LSD1 and ATN1 phenocopied each other in inducing NPC premature differentiation and depletion, which could be rescued by ATN1 overexpression, suggesting that LSD1 controls NPC differentiation via regulation of ATN1 methylation status and expression. The involvement of LSD1 in ATN1 expression and NPC maintenance were confirmed in knockout mice. These findings hint at the potential application for the clinical drug, tranylcypromine, in the prevention and/or treatment of ATN1-associated degenerative disease, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy. | | 25519973
Common partner Smad-independent canonical bone morphogenetic protein signaling in the specification process of the anterior rhombic lip during cerebellum development. Tong, KK; Kwan, KM Molecular and cellular biology
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Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling is critical for cerebellum development. However, the details of receptor regulated-Smad (R-Smad) and common partner Smad (Co-Smad, or Smad4) involvement are unclear. Here, we report that cerebellum-specific double conditional inactivation of Smad1 and Smad5 (Smad1/5) results in cerebellar hypoplasia, reduced granule cell numbers, and disorganized Purkinje neuron migration during embryonic development. However, single conditional inactivation of either Smad1 or Smad5 did not result in cerebellar abnormalities. Surprisingly, conditional inactivation of Smad4, which is considered to be the central mediator of canonical BMP-Smad signaling, resulted only in very mild cerebellar defects. Conditional inactivation of Smad1/5 led to developmental defects in the anterior rhombic lip (ARL), as shown by reduced cell proliferation and loss of Pax6 and Atoh1 expression. These defects subsequently caused the loss of the nuclear transitory zone and a region of the deep cerebellar nuclei. The normal maturation of the remaining granule cell precursors in the external granular layer (EGL) suggests Smad1/5 signaling is required for the specification process in ARL but not for the subsequent EGL development. Our results demonstrate functional redundancy for Smad1 and Smad5 but functional discrepancy between Smad1/5 and Smad4 during cerebellum development. | | 23459943
Centrosome amplification causes microcephaly. Marthiens, Véronique, et al. Nat. Cell Biol., (2013)
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Centrosome amplification is a hallmark of human tumours. In flies, extra centrosomes cause spindle position defects that result in the expansion of the neural stem cell (NSC) pool and consequently in tumour formation. Here we investigated the consequences of centrosome amplification during mouse brain development and homeostasis. We show that centrosome amplification causes microcephaly due to inefficient clustering mechanisms, where NSCs divide in a multipolar fashion producing aneuploid cells that enter apoptosis. Importantly, we show that apoptosis inhibition causes the accumulation of highly aneuploid cells that lose their proliferative capacity and differentiate, thus depleting the pool of progenitors. Even if these conditions are not sufficient to halt brain development, they cause premature death due to tissue degeneration. Our results support an alternative concept to explain the etiology of microcephaly and show that centrosome amplification and aneuploidy can result in tissue degeneration rather than overproliferation and cancer. | | 23666084
Process-based expansion and neural differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells for transplantation and disease modeling. Stover, AE; Brick, DJ; Nethercott, HE; Banuelos, MG; Sun, L; O'Dowd, DK; Schwartz, PH Journal of neuroscience research
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Robust strategies for developing patient-specific, human, induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-based therapies of the brain require an ability to derive large numbers of highly defined neural cells. Recent progress in iPSC culture techniques includes partial-to-complete elimination of feeder layers, use of defined media, and single-cell passaging. However, these techniques still require embryoid body formation or coculture for differentiation into neural stem cells (NSCs). In addition, none of the published methodologies has employed all of the advances in a single culture system. Here we describe a reliable method for long-term, single-cell passaging of PSCs using a feeder-free, defined culture system that produces confluent, adherent PSCs that can be differentiated into NSCs. To provide a basis for robust quality control, we have devised a system of cellular nomenclature that describes an accurate genotype and phenotype of the cells at specific stages in the process. We demonstrate that this protocol allows for the efficient, large-scale, cGMP-compliant production of transplantable NSCs from all lines tested. We also show that NSCs generated from iPSCs produced with the process described are capable of forming both glia defined by their expression of S100β and neurons that fire repetitive action potentials. | Immunocytochemistry | 23893392
Dicer is required for neural stem cell multipotency and lineage progression during cerebral cortex development. Saurat, N; Andersson, T; Vasistha, NA; Molnár, Z; Livesey, FJ Neural development
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During cerebral cortex development, multipotent neural progenitor cells generate a variety of neuronal subtypes in a fixed temporal order. How a single neural progenitor cell generates the diversity of cortical projection neurons in a temporal sequence is not well understood. Based on their function in developmental timing in other systems, Dicer and microRNAs are potential candidate regulators of cellular pathways that control lineage progression in neural systems.Cortex-specific deletion of Dicer results in a marked reduction in the cellular complexity of the cortex, due to a pronounced narrowing in the range of neuronal types generated by Dicer-null cortical stem and progenitor cells. Instead of generating different classes of lamina-specific neurons in order over the 6-day period of neurogenesis, Dicer null cortical stem and progenitor cells continually produce one class of deep layer projection neuron. However, gliogenesis in the Dicer-null cerebral cortex was not delayed, despite the loss of multipotency and the failure of neuronal lineage progression.We conclude that Dicer is required for regulating cortical stem cell multipotency with respect to neuronal diversity, without affecting the larger scale switch from neurogenesis to gliogenesis. The differences in phenotypes reported from different timings of Dicer deletion indicate that the molecular pathways regulating developmental transitions are notably dosage sensitive. | Immunohistochemistry | 23895693
A human stem cell model of early Alzheimer's disease pathology in Down syndrome. Shi, Yichen, et al. Sci Transl Med, 4: 124ra29 (2012)
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Human cellular models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis would enable the investigation of candidate pathogenic mechanisms in AD and the testing and developing of new therapeutic strategies. We report the development of AD pathologies in cortical neurons generated from human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells derived from patients with Down syndrome. Adults with Down syndrome (caused by trisomy of chromosome 21) develop early-onset AD, probably due to increased expression of a gene on chromosome 21 that encodes the amyloid precursor protein (APP). We found that cortical neurons generated from iPS cells and embryonic stem cells from Down syndrome patients developed AD pathologies over months in culture, rather than years in vivo. These cortical neurons processed the transmembrane APP protein, resulting in secretion of the pathogenic peptide fragment amyloid-β42 (Aβ42), which formed insoluble intracellular and extracellular amyloid aggregates. Production of Aβ peptides was blocked by a γ-secretase inhibitor. Finally, hyperphosphorylated tau protein, a pathological hallmark of AD, was found to be localized to cell bodies and dendrites in iPS cell-derived cortical neurons from Down syndrome patients, recapitulating later stages of the AD pathogenic process. | | 22344463
Monoamine oxidases regulate telencephalic neural progenitors in late embryonic and early postnatal development. Cheng, Aiwu, et al. J. Neurosci., 30: 10752-62 (2010)
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Monoamine neurotransmitters play major roles in regulating a range of brain functions in adults and increasing evidence suggests roles for monoamines in brain development. Here we show that mice lacking the monoamine metabolic enzymes MAO A and MAO B (MAO AB-deficient mice) exhibit diminished proliferation of neural stem cells (NSC) in the developing telencephalon beginning in late gestation [embryonic day (E) 17.5], a deficit that persists in neonatal and adult mice. These mice showed significantly increased monoamine levels and anxiety-like behaviors as adults. Assessments of markers of intermediate progenitor cells (IPC) and mitosis showed that NSC in the subventricular zone (SVZ), but not in the ventricular zone, are reduced in MAO AB-deficient mice. A developmental time course of monoamines in frontal cortical tissues revealed increased serotonin levels as early as E14.5, and a further large increase was found between E17.5 and postnatal day 2. Administration of an inhibitor of serotonin synthesis (parachlorophenylalanine) between E14.5 and E19.5 restored the IPC numbers and SVZ thickness, suggesting the role of serotonin in the suppression of IPC proliferation. Studies of neurosphere cultures prepared from the telencephalon at different embryonic and postnatal ages showed that serotonin stimulates proliferation in wild-type, but not in MAO AB-deficient, NSC. Together, these results suggest that a MAO-dependent long-lasting alteration in the proliferation capacity of NSC occurs late in embryonic development and is mediated by serotonin. Our findings reveal novel roles for MAOs and serotonin in the regulation of IPC proliferation in the developing brain. | | 20702706