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Air Gap

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  • Gap junctional conductance between pairs of ventricular myocytes is modulated synergistically by H+ and Ca++. 2115574

    Gap junctional conductance (gj) between cardiac ventricular myocyte pairs is rapidly, substantially, and reversibly reduced by sarcoplasmic acidification with CO2 when extracellular calcium activity is near physiological levels (1.0 mM CaCl2 added; 470 microM Ca++). Intracellular calcium concentration (Cai), measured by fura-2 fluorescence in cell suspensions, was 148 +/- 39 nM (+/- SEM, n = 6) and intracellular pH (pHi), measured with intracellular ion-selective microelectrodes, was 7.05 +/- 0.02 (n = 5) in cell pair preparations bathed in medium equilibrated with air. Cai increased to 515 +/- 12 nM (n = 6) and pHi decreased to 5.9-6.0 in medium equilibrated with 100% CO2. In air-equilibrated low-calcium medium (no added CaCl2; 2-5 microM Ca++), Cai was 61 +/- 9 nM (n = 13) at pHi 7.1. Cai increased to only 243 +/- 42 nM (n = 9) at pHi 6.0 in CO2-equilibrated low-calcium medium. Junctional conductance, in most cell pairs, was not substantially reduced by acidification to pHi 5.9-6.0 in low-calcium medium. Cell pairs could still be electrically uncoupled reversibly by the addition of 100 microM octanol, an agent which does not significantly affect Cai. In low-calcium low-sodium medium (choline substitution for all but 13 mM sodium), acidification with CO2 increased Cai to 425 +/- 35 nM (n = 11) at pHi 5.9-6.0 and gj was reduced to near zero. Junctional conductance could also be reduced to near zero at pHi 6.0 in low-calcium medium containing the calcium ionophore, A23187. The addition of the calcium ionophore did not uncouple cell pairs in the absence of acidification. In contrast, acidification did not substantially reduce gj when intracellular calcium was low. Increasing intracellular calcium did not appreciably reduce gj at pHi 7.0. These results suggest that, although other factors may play a role, H+ and Ca++ act synergistically to decrease gj.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-CARD11 Antibody
  • Consequences of developmental exposure to concentrated ambient ultrafine particle air pollution combined with the adult paraquat and maneb model of the Parkinson's diseas ... 24486957

    Current evidence suggests suceptibility of both the substantia nigra and striatum to exposure to components of air pollution. Further, air pollution has been associated with increased risk of PD diagnsosis in humans or PD-like pathology in animals. This study examined whether exposure of mice to concentrated ambient ultrafine particles (CAPS; less than 100nm diameter) during the first two weeks of life would alter susceptibility to induction of the Parkinson's disease phenyotype (PDP) in a pesticide-based paraquat and maneb (PQ+MB) model during adulthood utilizing i.p. injections of 10mg/kg PQ and 30mg/kg MB 2× per week for 6 weeks. Evidence of CAPS-induced enhancement of the PQ+MB PDP was limited primarily to delayed recovery of locomotor activity 24 post-injection of PQ+MB that could be related to alterations in striatal GABA inhibitory function. Absence of more extensive interactions might also reflect the finding that CAPS and PQ+MB appeared to differentially target the nigrostriatal dopamine and amino acid systems, with CAPS impacting striatum and PQ+MB impacting dopamine-glutamate function in midbrain; both CAPS and PQ+MB elevated glutamate levels in these specific regions, consistent with potential excitotoxicity. These findings demonstrate the ability of postnatal CAPS to produce locomotor dysfunction and dopaminergic and glutamateric changes, independent of PQ+MB, in brain regions involved in the PDP.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-Tyrosine Hydroxylase Antibody
  • Up-regulation of GAP-43 in the chinchilla ventral cochlear nucleus after carboplatin-induced hearing loss: correlations with inner hair cell loss and outer hair cell loss ... 23707995

    Inner ear damage leads to nerve fiber growth and synaptogenesis in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN). In this study, we documented the relationship between hair cell loss patterns and synaptic plasticity in the chinchilla VCN using immunolabeling of the growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43), a protein associated with axon outgrowth and modification of presynaptic endings. Unilateral round window application of carboplatin caused hair cell degeneration in which inner hair cells (IHC) were more vulnerable than outer hair cells (OHC). One month after carboplatin treatment (0.5-5 mg/ml), we observed varying patterns of cochlear hair cell loss and GAP-43 expression in VCN. Both IHC loss and OHC loss were strongly correlated with increased GAP-43 immunolabeling in the ipsilateral VCN. We speculate that two factors might promote the expression of GAP-43 in the VCN; one is the loss of afferent input through IHC or the associated type I auditory nerve fibers. The other occurs when the medial olivocochlear efferent neurons lose their cochlear targets, the OHC, and may as compensation increase their synapse numbers in the VCN.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-Growth Associated Protein 43 Antibody, clone 9-1E12
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