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MCSL10S02 Millidisk® Cartridge 10-stack 5.0 µm Hydrophilic

2  Double Easy-Open bag
Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Replacement Information
Catalogue NumberMCSL10S02
Trade Name
  • Millidisk®
DescriptionMillidisk® Cartridge 10-stack 5.0 µm Hydrophilic
Product Information
Device ConfigurationCartridge
Maximum Differential Pressure, bar (psid)Forward: 4.1 bar (60 psid) @ 25 °C; 1.7 bar (25 psid) @ 80 °C; 0.35 bar (5 psid) @ 123 °C; Reverse: 0.7 bar (10 psid) @ 25 °C
Maximum Inlet Pressure, bar (psi)Forward - 4.1 bar (60 psi) @ 25 °C; 1.7 bar (25 psi) @ 80 °C; 0.35 bar (5 psi) @ 123 °C; Reverse - 0.7 bar (10 psi) @ 25 °C
Stack Design10 Stak
Cartridge CodeNot Applicable
Good Manufacturing PracticesThese products are manufactured in a facility which adheres to FDA Good Manufacturing Practices.
Quality LevelMQ400
Biological Information
Bacterial EndotoxinsAqueous extraction contains ≤0.5 EU/mL as determined by the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) Test
Sterilization5 SIP cycles of 60 min @ 135 °C; 5 autoclave cycles of 60 min @ 126 °C
Physicochemical Information
Pore Size5.0 µm
Bubble Point at 23 °C≥138 mbar (2 psig) air with water
Flow Rate57 L/min @ 3.5 bar ΔP
Gravimetric ExtractablesThe extractables level was equal to or less than 2.5 mg per sterilized device after 24 hours in water at controlled room temperature.
Non-Fiber ReleasingThis product was manufactured with a Durapore® membrane which meets the criteria for a "non-fiber releasing" filter as defined in 21 CFR 210.3 (b) (6).
USP Bacterial EndotoxinsA sample aqueous extraction contains less than 0.5 EU/mL as determined by the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) test.
Filtration Area500 cm²
Materials Information
  • Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF)
Device Material
  • Polysulfone
Seal MaterialSilicone (SI)
Support MaterialPolysulfone
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
Packaging Information
Material Size2
Material PackageDouble Easy-Open bag
Transport Information
Supplemental Information
Oxidizable SubstancesWill meet the USP Oxidizable Substances Test requirements after a water flush of ≥200 mL
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
MCSL10S02 04053252390814


Certificates of Quality

Milidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane C3PB69670
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane - C9CA09235
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane - C9NA07390
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane C1PB89214
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane C2CB47221
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane C2PB36009
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane C3NB59538
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane C3NB64701
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane C8JA90656
Millidisk 10 Cartridge Durapore Membrane- C0HB64981

User Guides

Hydrophilic Durapore® Cartridges and Capsules User Guide