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105636 HPTLC Silica gel 60 DIOL F₂₅₄s

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Catalogue NumberPackaging Qty/Pack
1056360001 Fibre case 25 units
Catalogue Number105636
DescriptionHPTLC Silica gel 60 DIOL F₂₅₄s
OverviewOur NH2, CN and DIOL -modified silica sorbents are less polar then conventional silica phases, making them ideal for separating hydrophilic or charged substances. Our moderately polar cyano- and diol-modified silica plates can be used for both normal phase and reversed phase systems. An alternative to PEI cellulose, amino-modified NH2 plates provide weak basic ion exchange characteristics with special selectivity for charged compounds.
Product Information
HS Code3822 19 00
Quality LevelMQ100
ApplicationGlass HPTLC Silica gel 60 DIOL F₂₅₄s plates. Silica gel HPTLC plates size 20 x 10 cm, 25 sheets.
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Other liquids and solids
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageStore at +2°C to +30°C.
Specific surface area (according to BET; 5-Pt. measurement)480 - 540 m²/g
Pore volume (N₂-isotherm)0.74 - 0.84 ml/g
d 50 (laser diffraction, size distribution)5 - 7 µm
Layer thickness150 - 200 µm
Deviation of layer thickness per plate≤ 35 µm
Chromatographic testings:
A) Steroidtest, straight phase
- hydrocortisone, straight phase

4 - 8
- Reichstein S, straight phase11 - 18
- Methyltestosterone, straight phase27 - 36
B) Steroid test, reversed phase
- methyltestosterone, steroid test48 - 68
- Reichstein S, steroid test58 - 78
- hydrocortisone, steroid test68 - 88
Typical value determined on an activated plate (120°C, 15 min)
Eluent a) petroleum benzine 40-60°/acetone (80/20 v/v)
Eluent b) acetone/water (30/70 v/v)
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
1056360001 04022536713960