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69264 AP Detection Reagent Kit

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich



Catalogue NumberPackaging Qty/Pack
69264-3 Plastic ampoule 1 ea
69264-4 Plastic ampoule 5 ea
OverviewThe AP Detection Reagent Kit includes standardized solutions of 3-bromo-4-chloro-5-indolyl phosphate (BCIP) and nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT), plus 20X AP Buffer, for sensitive chromogenic detection of alkaline phosphatase conjugates. With the NBT/BCIP system, positive bands turn a deep blue-violet color that resists fading.
Catalogue Number69264
Brand Family Novagen®
Product Information
1 kit5 × 1 kitComponent
1.5 ml5 × 1.5 mlBCIP
1.5 ml5 × 1.5 mlNBT
20 ml5 × 20 ml20X AP Buffer
Quality LevelMQ100
Storage and Shipping Information
Ship Code Blue Ice Only
Toxicity Multiple Toxicity Values, refer to MSDS
Storage Multiple storage requirements
Avoid freeze/thaw Avoid freeze/thaw
Do not freeze Ok to freeze
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
69264-3 04055977259322
69264-4 04055977259339