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Please enter the Product Catalog Number to find an SDS:
Example: 109535

Safety Data Sheets

Merck's SDS provide essential information for anyone handling laboratory chemicals, including all of Merck’s dangerous and most non-dangerous products. All laboratory personnel should be fully aware of the potential risks involved and take appropriate safety measures before actually working with the substances. These safety measures include the technical handling of chemicals, the personal safety for people working with them as well as environmental considerations.

SDS are available on Product Detail pages. Alternatively, search by SKU number.
Certificates of Analysis

Sample Certificate of Analysis
Certificates of Analysis are essential to provide all the required information about a particular material, confirming that the material is fit for purpose including actual results obtained from testing performed as part of quality control of an individual batch of a product.

Finding your COA:

  • COA are available on Product Detail pages
  • Alternatively, use the tool above to search by catalog and lot numbers.

More questions? Contact Customer Service


Where can I find…?

  • Brochures
  • Application Notes
  • Data/Specifications Sheets
  • Posters

You can find product-related documents:
Emprove® Dossiers: Address tomorrow's regulatory questions today.

Merck: Providing efficient regulatory documentation to the pharma and biopharma industry...

More about the new Emprove® Program.

Product Catalog Detail page
See documents associated with your product:

Documents - Sample Product Detail Page