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protein sample preparation

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  • Measurement of human surfactant protein-B turnover in vivo from tracheal aspirates using targeted proteomics. 20178338

    We describe a method to measure protein synthesis and catabolism in humans without prior purification and use the method to measure the turnover of surfactant protein-B (SP-B). SP-B, a lung-specific, hydrophobic protein essential for fetal-neonatal respiratory transition, is present in only picomolar quantities in tracheal aspirate samples and difficult to isolate for dynamic turnover studies using traditional in vivo tracer techniques. Using infusion of [5,5,5-(2)H(3)] leucine and a targeted proteomics method, we measured both the quantity and kinetics of SP-B tryptic peptides in tracheal aspirate samples of symptomatic newborn infants. The fractional synthetic rate (FSR) of SP-B measured using the most abundant proteolytic fragment, a 10 amino acid peptide from the carboxy-terminus of proSP-B (SPTGEWLPR), from the circulating leucine pool was 0.035 +/- 0.005 h(-1), and the fractional catabolic rate was 0.044 +/- 0.003 h(-1). This technique permits high-throughput and sensitive measurement of turnover of low abundance proteins with minimal sample preparation.
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  • Large-Scale Filter-Aided Sample Preparation Method for the Analysis of the Ubiquitinome. 28260372

    Protein ubiquitination regulates key cellular functions, including protein homeostasis and signal transduction. The digestion of ubiquitinated proteins with trypsin yields a glycine-glycine remnant bound to the modified lysine residue (K-ε-GG) that can be recognized by specific antibodies for immunoaffinity purification (IAP) and subsequent identification of ubiquitination sites by mass spectrometry. Previous ubiquitinome studies based on this strategy have consistently digested milligram amounts of protein as starting material using in-solution digestion protocols prior to K-ε-GG enrichment. Filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) surpasses in-solution protein digestion in cleavage efficiency, but its performance has thus far been shown for digestion of sample amounts on the order of micrograms. Because cleavage efficiency is pivotal in the generation of the K-ε-GG epitope recognized during IAP, here we developed a large-scale FASP method (LFASP) for digestion of milligram amounts of protein and evaluated its applicability to the study of the ubiquitinome. Our results demonstrate that LFASP-based tryptic digestion is efficient, robust, reproducible, and applicable to the study of the ubiquitinome. We benchmark our results with state-of-the-art ubiquitinome studies and show a ∼3-fold reduction in the proportion of miscleaved peptides with the method presented here. Beyond ubiquitinome analysis, LFASP overcomes the general limitation in sample capacity of standard FASP-based protocols and can therefore be used for a variety of applications that demand a large(r) amount of starting material.
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    Amicon Ultra-15, membrana PLGC Ultracel-PL, 10 kDa

    Protein identification at the low nanogram level could in principle be obtained by most nanoscale LC-MS/MS systems. Nevertheless, the complex sample preparation procedures generally required in biological applications, and the consequent high risk of sample losses, very often hamper practical achievement of such low levels. In fact, the minimal amount of protein required for the identification from a gel band or spot, in general, largely exceeds the theoretical limit of identification reachable by nanoscale LC-MS/MS systems. A method for the identification of low levels of purified proteins, allowing limits of identification down to 1 ng when using standard bore, 75 microm id nanoscale LC-MS/MS systems is here reported. The method comprises an offline two-step sample cleanup, subsequent to protein digestion, which is designed to minimize sample losses, allows high flexibility in the choice of digestion conditions and delivers a highly purified peptide mixture even from "real world" digestion conditions, thus allowing the subsequent nanoscale LC-MS/MS analysis to be performed in automated, unattended operation for long series. The method can be applied to the characterization of low levels of affinity purified protei
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    ZipTip® Pipette Tips
  • Homocysteine and other thiols determined in plasma by HPLC and thiol-specific postcolumn derivatization. 8353942

    We describe a versatile high-performance liquid-chromatographic method for determining homocysteine and other plasma sulfhydryls. Using three different procedures for preparation of plasma, we determined total, free (non-protein-bound), and reduced forms of homocysteine, cysteine, glutathione, cysteinylglycine, and gamma-glutamylcysteine in human plasma. Sample preparation involves disulfide reduction with dithiothreitol and protein precipitation with sulfosalicylic acid. The assay utilizes isocratic reversed-phase ion-pair liquid chromatography at pH 2.4, postcolumn derivatization with 4,4'-dithiodipyridine, and colorimetric detection at 324 nm. The intra-assay precision (CV) of the method for total homocysteine is 1.5%; the interassay precision over 2.5 months is 2.5%. The detection limit for homocysteine is < 50 nmol/L plasma.
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    100X GTPγS, 10mM
  • Rapid and sensitive determination of protein-nitrotyrosine by ELISA: Application to human plasma. 22276750

    3-Nitrotyrosine (3NT) is known as an important indicator of nitrosative stress and has been linked to various diseases. Our aim was to develop an indirect ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) method suitable for the detection of protein-bound 3NT in clinical plasma and serum samples. Nitrated protein standards and reduced protein standards were prepared. Limit of detection was determined for standards; recovery and reproducibility were determined for human plasma samples. The limit of detection for this method is 1.82±0.56 pmol/mg protein. Mean recovery of standards was 95%. 3NT concentration in plasma samples of obese and normal weight subjects was determined to be between 2 pmol/mg and 19 pmol/mg. No time-consuming sample preparation or expensive laboratory equipment is required, and applied antibodies are commercially available. Sensitivity, rapid analysis time, possibilities of high throughput applications and small sample volumes make this ELISA attractive for use in clinical laboratories.
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    Anti-Nitrotyrosine Antibody
  • Spinning-disk confocal microscopy of yeast. 20946826

    Spinning-disk confocal microscopy is an imaging technique that combines the out-of-focus light rejection of confocal microscopy with the high sensitivity of wide-field microscopy. Because of its unique features, it is well suited to high-resolution imaging of yeast and other small cells. Elimination of out-of-focus light significantly improves the image contrast and signal-to-noise ratio, making it easier to resolve and quantitate small, dim structures in the cell. These features make spinning-disk confocal microscopy an excellent technique for studying protein localization and dynamics in yeast. In this review, I describe the rationale behind using spinning-disk confocal imaging for yeast, hardware considerations when assembling a spinning-disk confocal scope, and methods for strain preparation and imaging. In particular, I discuss choices of objective lens and camera, choice of fluorescent proteins for tagging yeast genes, and methods for sample preparation.
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  • Identification and quantification of Gi-type GTP-binding proteins that copurify with a pituitary somatostatin receptor 8449959

    Somatostatin (SRIF) receptors of GH4C1 cells occupied with biotinyl-NH-[Leu8,D-Trp22,Tyr25] somatostatin28 (bio-S28) have been affinity purified over streptavidin affinity columns (Eppler, C. M., Zysk, J. R., Corbett, M., and Shieh, H.-M. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 15603-15612). This procedure results in the copurification of a single subtype of SRIF receptor (SSTR2) and associated guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins) that are coupled to these receptors. For accurate quantification it was necessary to: (i) use homogenous recombinant standards; (ii) accurately assess the purity of standards; (iii) determine recovery of G proteins during sample preparation and Western blotting; and (iv) account for cross-reactivity among antisera. Four pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins were quantified with previously characterized polyclonal antisera. Gi alpha 1 also was measured with a novel, more sensitive monoclonal antibody (7H7). Go alpha and Gi alpha 2 but not Gi alpha 1 and Gi alpha 3 were detected in membrane extracts prepared from GH4C1 cells. In contrast, the G proteins copurified with SSTR2 receptors were predominantly Gi alpha 2 (50% of total G protein) and Gi alpha 3 (36% of total G protein), whereas Go alpha and Gi alpha 1 were negligible. G beta subunits also were detected. Silver staining confirmed the absence of a 39-kDa protein, corresponding to the M(r) of Go alpha associated with purified SRIF receptor-G protein complexes. These data suggest that SRIF receptors selectively couple to two G proteins, one of which is sparsely expressed in GH4C1 cells; the data conform to the notion that SRIF receptors discriminate between similar pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins.
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  • Cross-sample validation provides enhanced proteome coverage in rat vocal fold mucosa. 21423617

    The vocal fold mucosa is a biomechanically unique tissue comprised of a densely cellular epithelium, superficial to an extracellular matrix (ECM)-rich lamina propria. Such ECM-rich tissues are challenging to analyze using proteomic assays, primarily due to extensive crosslinking and glycosylation of the majority of high M(r) ECM proteins. In this study, we implemented an LC-MS/MS-based strategy to characterize the rat vocal fold mucosa proteome. Our sample preparation protocol successfully solubilized both proteins and certain high M(r) glycoconjugates and resulted in the identification of hundreds of mucosal proteins. A straightforward approach to the treatment of protein identifications attributed to single peptide hits allowed the retention of potentially important low abundance identifications (validated by a cross-sample match and de novo interpretation of relevant spectra) while still eliminating potentially spurious identifications (global single peptide hits with no cross-sample match). The resulting vocal fold mucosa proteome was characterized by a wide range of cellular and extracellular proteins spanning 12 functional categories.
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    Anti-Fibronectin Antibody
  • Paraoxonase-3, a Putative Circulating Antioxidant, Is Systemically Up-Regulated in Late Gestation in the Fetal Rat, Sheep, and Human. 20463093

    Context: Surfactant is a successful therapeutic based on supplementing preterm infants with a substance that would normally have been up-regulated in late gestation. Although prematurity is associated with oxidative stress, no effective antioxidant therapy has yet been identified. Objective: Our objective was to identify endogenous antioxidants involved in fetal preparation for birth. Design: We performed transcript profiling of fetal rat lung and intestine at 16 d gestational age (dGA) and 20 dGA with out-of-sample validation. Gene expression was then measured in fetal sheep tissues, comparing 1) advancing GA, 2) exogenous maternal dexamethasone (compared with saline, at 130 dGA), and 3) fetal adrenalectomy at 115-118 d on levels at term. Protein levels were compared in human umbilical cord serum using Western blot. Results: Four transcripts were up-regulated more than 20-fold on the array in both rat lung and intestine. One of these, paraoxonase-3 (Pon3), had been identified as a putative circulating antioxidant. Up-regulation of Pon3 mRNA in rat lung, intestine, and liver was confirmed in siblings (all P < 0.001). Pon3 mRNA levels in fetal sheep lung and intestine increased 5.1- and 5.3-fold, respectively (both P < 0.001) between 100 and 145 dGA and were strongly correlated with plasma cortisol (both P < 0.001). Fetal sheep pulmonary Pon3 transcript level was increased 55% (P = 0.01) by dexamethasone and reduced 74% (P < 0.001) by adrenalectomy. Term human infants had more than 6-fold higher umbilical cord serum levels of Pon3 than preterm (24-28 wk GA) infants (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Pon3, a putative circulating antioxidant, was systemically up-regulated in late-gestation rat, sheep, and human fetuses and is a candidate therapeutic in preterm human infants.
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    Protein-Concentrate Kit (Micro)
  • Analysis of modified apolipoprotein B-100 structures formed in oxidized low-density lipoprotein using LC-MS/MS. 17549798

    Oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) is one of the major factors involved in the development of atherosclerosis. Because of the insolubility of apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) and the heterogeneous nature of oxidative modification, modified structures of apoB-100 in oxLDL are poorly understood. We applied an on-Membrane sample preparation procedure for LC-MS/MS analysis of apoB-100 proteins in native and modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) samples to eliminate lipid components in the LDLs followed by collection of tryptic digests of apoB-100. Compared with a commonly used in-gel digestion protocol, the sample preparation procedure using PVDF membrane greatly increased the recovery of tryptic peptides and resulted in improved sequence coverage in the final analysis, which lead to the identification of modified amino acid residues in copper-induced oxLDL. A histidine residue modified by 4-hydroxynonenal, a major lipid peroxidation product, as well as oxidized histidine and tryptophan residues were detected. LC-MS/MS in combination with the on-Membrane sample preparation procedure is a useful method to analyze highly hydrophobic proteins such as apoB-100.
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    ZipTip® Pipette Tips