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  • SRA regulates adipogenesis by modulating p38/JNK phosphorylation and stimulating insulin receptor gene expression and downstream signaling. 24743795

    The Steroid Receptor RNA Activator (SRA) enhances adipogenesis and increases both glucose uptake and phosphorylation of Akt and FOXO1 in response to insulin. To assess the mechanism, we differentiated ST2 mesenchymal precursor cells that did or did not overexpress SRA into adipocytes using combinations of methylisobutylxanthine, dexamethasone and insulin. These studies showed that SRA overexpression promotes full adipogenesis in part by stimulation of insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) signaling. SRA overexpression inhibited phosphorylation of p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) and c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) in the early differentiation of ST2 cells. Conversely, knockdown of endogenous SRA in 3T3-L1 cells increased phosphorylation of JNK. Knockdown of SRA in mature 3T3-L1 adipocytes reduced insulin receptor (IR) mRNA and protein levels, which led to decreased autophosphorylation of IRβ and decreased phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and Akt. This likely reflects a stimulatory role of SRA on IR transcription, as transfection studies showed that SRA increased expression of an IR promoter-luciferase reporter construct.
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    Anti-Phosphotyrosine Antibody, clone 4G10®
  • Temporal recruitment of transcription factors and SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling enzymes during adipogenic induction of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma ... 15143161

    The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) regulates adipogenesis, lipid metabolism, and glucose homeostasis, and roles have emerged for this receptor in the pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer. We report here that induction of the PPARgamma activator and adipogenesis forced by overexpression of adipogenic regulatory proteins is blocked upon expression of dominant-negative BRG1 or hBRM, the ATPase subunits of distinct SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling enzymes. We demonstrate that histone hyperacetylation and the binding of C/EBP activators, polymerase II (Pol II), and general transcription factors (GTFs) initially occurred at the inducible PPARgamma2 promoter in the absence of SWI/SNF function. However, the polymerase and GTFs were subsequently lost from the promoter in cells expressing dominant-negative SWI/SNF, explaining the inhibition of PPARgamma2 expression. To corroborate these data, we analyzed interactions at the PPARgamma2 promoter in differentiating preadipocytes. Changes in promoter structure, histone hyperacetylation, and binding of C/EBP activators, Pol II, and most GTFs preceded the interaction of SWI/SNF enzymes with the PPARgamma2 promoter. However, transcription of the PPARgamma2 gene occurred only upon subsequent association of SWI/SNF and TFIIH with the promoter. Thus, induction of the PPARgamma nuclear hormone receptor during adipogenesis requires SWI/SNF enzymes to facilitate preinitiation complex function.
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  • Expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma in key neuronal subsets regulating glucose metabolism and energy homeostasis. 18845632

    In addition to increasing insulin sensitivity and adipogenesis, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma agonists cause weight gain and hyperphagia. Given the central role of the brain in the control of energy homeostasis, we sought to determine whether PPARgamma is expressed in key brain areas involved in metabolic regulation. Using immunohistochemistry, PPARgamma distribution and its colocalization with neuron-specific protein markers were investigated in rat and mouse brain sections spanning the hypothalamus, the ventral tegmental area, and the nucleus tractus solitarius. In several brain areas, nuclear PPARgamma immunoreactivity was detected in cells that costained for neuronal nuclei, a neuronal marker. In the hypothalamus, PPARgamma immunoreactivity was observed in a majority of neurons in the arcuate (including both agouti related protein and alpha-MSH containing cells) and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei and was also present in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, the lateral hypothalamic area, and tyrosine hydroxylase-containing neurons in the ventral tegmental area but was not expressed in the nucleus tractus solitarius. To validate and extend these histochemical findings, we generated mice with neuron-specific PPARgamma deletion using nestin cre-LoxP technology. Compared with littermate controls, neuron-specific PPARgamma knockout mice exhibited dramatic reductions of both hypothalamic PPARgamma mRNA levels and PPARgamma immunoreactivity but showed no differences in food intake or body weight over a 4-wk study period. We conclude that: 1) PPARgamma mRNA and protein are expressed in the hypothalamus, 2) neurons are the predominant source of PPARgamma in the central nervous system, although it is likely expressed by nonneuronal cell types as well, and 3) arcuate nucleus neurons that control energy homeostasis and glucose metabolism are among those in which PPARgamma is expressed.
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  • cAMP-dependent signaling regulates the adipogenic effect of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. 18070879

    The effect of n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-6 PUFAs) on adipogenesis and obesity is controversial. Using in vitro cell culture models, we show that n-6 PUFAs was pro-adipogenic under conditions with base-line levels of cAMP, but anti-adipogenic when the levels of cAMP were elevated. The anti-adipogenic action of n-6 PUFAs was dependent on a cAMP-dependent protein kinase-mediated induction of cyclooxygenase expression and activity. We show that n-6 PUFAs were pro-adipogenic when combined with a high carbohydrate diet, but non-adipogenic when combined with a high protein diet in mice. The high protein diet increased the glucagon/insulin ratio, leading to elevated cAMP-dependent signaling and induction of cyclooxygenase-mediated prostaglandin synthesis. Mice fed the high protein diet had a markedly lower feed efficiency than mice fed the high carbohydrate diet. Yet, oxygen consumption and apparent heat production were similar. Mice on a high protein diet had increased hepatic expression of PGC-1alpha (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1alpha) and genes involved in energy-demanding processes like urea synthesis and gluconeogenesis. We conclude that cAMP signaling is pivotal in regulating the adipogenic effect of n-6 PUFAs and that diet-induced differences in cAMP levels may explain the ability of n-6 PUFAs to either enhance or counteract adipogenesis and obesity.
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    Glucagon RIA
  • A putative role for platelet-derived PPARγ in vascular homeostasis demonstrated by anti-PPARγ induction of bleeding, thrombocytopenia and compensatory megakaryocytopoiesi ... 20888877

    Widely known for its role in adipogenesis and energy metabolism, PPARγ also plays a role in platelet function. To further understand functions of platelet-derived PPARγ, we produced rabbit polyclonal (PoAbs) and mouse monoclonal (MoAbs) antibodies against PPARγ 14mer/19mer peptide-immunogens. Unexpectedly, our work produced two key findings. First, MoAbs but not PoAbs produced against PPARγ peptide-immunogens displayed antigenic crossreactivity with highly conserved PPARα and PPARβ/δ. Similarly, Santa Cruz PoAb sc-7196 was monospecific for PPARγ while MoAb sc-7273 crossreacted with PPARα and PPARβ/δ. Second, immunized rabbits and mice exhibited unusual pathology including cachexia, excessive bleeding, and low platelet counts leading to thrombocytopenia. Spleens from immunized mice were fatty, hemorrhagic and friable. Although passive administration of anti-PPARγ PoAbs failed to induce experimental thrombocytopenia, megakaryocytopoiesis was induced 4-8-fold in mouse spleens. Similarly, marrow megakaryocytopoiesis was enhanced 1.8-4-fold in immunized rabbits. These peptide-immunogens are 100% conserved in human, rabbit and mouse; thus, immune-mediated platelet destruction via crossreactivity with platelet-derived PPARγ likely caused bleeding, thrombocytopenia, and compensatory megakaryocytopoiesis. Such overt pathology would cause significant problems for large-scale production of anti-PPARγ PoAbs. Furthermore, a major pitfall associated with MoAb production against closely related molecules is that monoclonicity does not guarantee monospecificity, an issue worth further scientific scrutiny.
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  • On the formation of lipid droplets in human adipocytes: the organization of the perilipin-vimentin cortex. 24587346

    We report on the heterogeneity and diversity of lipid droplets (LDs) in early stages of adipogenesis by elucidating the cell and molecular biology of amphiphilic and cytoskeletal proteins regulating and stabilizing the generation of LDs in human adipose cells. A plethora of distinct and differently sized LDs was detected by a brief application of adipocyte differentiation medium and additional short treatment with oleic acid. Using these cells and highly specific antibodies for LD-binding proteins of the perilipin (PLIN) family, we could distinguish between endogenously derived LDs (endogenous LDs) positive for perilipin from exogenously induced LDs (exogenous LDs) positive for adipophilin, TIP47 and S3-12. Having optimized these stimulation conditions, we used early adipogenic differentiation stages to investigate small-sized LDs and concentrated on LD-protein associations with the intermediate-sized filament (IF) vimentin. This IF protein was described earlier to surround lipid globules, showing spherical, cage-like structures. Consequently - by biochemical methods, by immunofluorescence microscopy and by electron- and immunoelectron microscopy - various stages of emerging lipid globules were revealed with perilipin as linking protein between LDs and vimentin. For this LD-PLIN-Vimentin connection, a model is now proposed, suggesting an interaction of proteins via opposed charged amino acid domains respectively. In addition, multiple sheaths of smooth endoplasmic reticulum cisternae surrounding concentrically nascent LDs are shown. Based on our comprehensive localization studies we present and discuss a novel pathway for the LD formation.
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  • Histone H3K9 methyltransferase G9a represses PPARγ expression and adipogenesis. 23178591

    PPARγ promotes adipogenesis while Wnt proteins inhibit adipogenesis. However, the mechanisms that control expression of these positive and negative master regulators of adipogenesis remain incompletely understood. By genome-wide histone methylation profiling in preadipocytes, we find that among gene loci encoding adipogenesis regulators, histone methyltransferase (HMT) G9a-mediated repressive epigenetic mark H3K9me2 is selectively enriched on the entire PPARγ locus. H3K9me2 and G9a levels decrease during adipogenesis, which correlates inversely with induction of PPARγ. Removal of H3K9me2 by G9a deletion enhances chromatin opening and binding of the early adipogenic transcription factor C/EBPβ to PPARγ promoter, which promotes PPARγ expression. Interestingly, G9a represses PPARγ expression in an HMT activity-dependent manner but facilitates Wnt10a expression independent of its enzymatic activity. Consistently, deletion of G9a or inhibiting G9a HMT activity promotes adipogenesis. Finally, deletion of G9a in mouse adipose tissues increases adipogenic gene expression and tissue weight. Thus, by inhibiting PPARγ expression and facilitating Wnt10a expression, G9a represses adipogenesis.
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  • Regulation of leptin synthesis in white adipose tissue of the female fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx: role of melatonin with or without insulin. 20971799

    Factors regulating leptin synthesis during adipogenesis in wild species are not well known. Studies in the female Cynopterus sphinx bat have shown that it undergoes seasonal changes in its fat deposition and serum leptin and melatonin levels. The aim of the present study was to investigate the hormonal regulation of leptin synthesis by the white adipose tissue during the period of fat deposition in female C. sphinx. This study showed a significant correlation between the seasonal changes in serum melatonin level with the circulating leptin level (r = 0.78; P < 0.05) and with the changes in body fat mass (r = 0.88; P < 0.05) in C. sphinx. A significant correlation between circulating insulin and leptin levels (r = 0.65; P < 0.05) was also found in this species. This in vivo finding suggests that melatonin together with insulin may enhance leptin synthesis by increasing adipose tissue accumulation. The in vitro study showed that melatonin interacts synergistically with insulin in stimulating leptin synthesis by adipose tissue in C. sphinx. The study showed MT(2) receptors in adipose tissue and a stimulatory effect of melatonin on leptin synthesis, which was blocked by treatment with an MT(2) receptor antagonist, suggesting that the effect of melatonin on leptin synthesis by adipose tissue is mediated through the MT(2) receptor in C. sphinx. The in vitro study showed that the synthesis of leptin is directly proportional to the amount of glucose uptake by the adipose tissue. It further showed that melatonin together with insulin synergistically enhanced the leptin synthesis by adipose tissue through phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase in C. sphinx.
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    Multi-Species Leptin RIA
  • Chemerin, a novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) target gene that promotes mesenchymal stem cell adipogenesis. 21572083

    Chemerin is an adipocyte-secreted protein that regulates adipogenesis and the metabolic function of mature adipocytes via activation of chemokine-like receptor 1 (CMKLR1). Herein we report the interaction of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) and chemerin in the context of adipogenesis. Knockdown of chemerin or CMKLR1 expression or antibody neutralization of secreted chemerin protein arrested adipogenic clonal expansion of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) by inducing a loss of G(2)/M cyclins (cyclin A2/B2) but not the G(1)/S cyclin D2. Forced expression of PPARγ in BMSCs did not completely rescue this loss of clonal expansion and adipogenesis following chemerin or CMKLR1 knockdown. However, forced expression and/or activation of PPARγ in BMSCs as well as non-adipogenic cell types such as NIH-3T3 embryonic fibroblasts and MCA38 colon carcinoma cells significantly induced chemerin expression and secretion. Sequence analysis revealed a putative PPARγ response element (PPRE) sequence within the chemerin promoter. This PPRE was able to confer PPARγ responsiveness on a heterologous promoter, and mutation of this sequence abolished activation of the chemerin promoter by PPARγ. Chromatin immunoprecipitation confirmed the direct association of PPARγ with this PPRE. Treatment of mice with rosiglitazone elevated chemerin mRNA levels in adipose tissue and bone marrow coincident with an increase in circulating chemerin levels. Together, these findings support a fundamental role for chemerin/CMKLR1 signaling in clonal expansion during adipocyte differentiation as well as a role for PPARγ in regulating chemerin expression.
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  • Presence of obestatin in breast milk: relationship among obestatin, ghrelin, and leptin in lactating women. 18499397

    OBJECTIVE: The peptide hormones ghrelin and leptin have been found in blood and breast milk. This study was undertaken to investigate whether breast milk also contains obestatin, which is derived from the same gene as ghrelin but has opposite actions, and to characterize the relations among serum and milk ghrelin, obestatin, and leptin levels in lactating mothers. METHODS: Venous blood, colostrum, and mature milk were obtained from healthy lactating women (n = 31) just before suckling. The ghrelin and obestatin concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay. Leptin levels were measured by enzyme-amplified sensitivity immunoassay. RESULTS: Obestatin levels in colostrum (538.9 pg/mL) and mature milk (528.5 pg/mL) were more than twice the corresponding blood levels (270.3 and 289.4 pg/mL, respectively). In contrast, leptin levels in colostrum (2.01 ng/mL) and mature milk (2.04 ng/mL) were more than five-fold lower than the corresponding blood levels (11.54 ng/mL). There was no correlation between breast milk ghrelin levels and leptin (r = -0.18, P > 0.05). However, there was a positive correlation between leptin levels in breast milk and blood (r = 0.369, P 0.05). CONCLUSION: The origin of milk obestatin is not currently known, but it comes from the blood or breast and may drain through the mammary glands into the milk. Ghrelin, obestatin, and leptin in the milk may directly affect appetite and their levels may be related to the regulation of energy balance and the pathogenesis of obesity.
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