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PA38/100 NovAseptic Valve, Pneumatic Stainless Steel Actuator, Normally Open, NO

1  The Actuator is packaged in a closed box.
Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Catalogue NumberPA38/100
Trade Name
  • NovaSeptic
DescriptionNovAseptic Valve, Pneumatic Stainless Steel Actuator, Normally Open, NO
Product Information
Surface Finish, ExteriorElectropolished; Ra ≤1.6 µm (63 µin)
Operating Temperature Range0 to 70 °C
Valve TypeActuator, Pneumatic
Quality LevelSP2
Application NotesThe applied valve body and diaphragm may have different design temperature and/or pressure limits. The weakest component in the assembled product determines the maximum design temperature and pressure limits.
Physicochemical Information
Operating Pressure Range-1 to –6 bar
DimensionsFor information about the dimensions of this product please refer to the Product Specification Sheet.
Weight2.5 kg (5.51 lb.)
Materials Information
Device Material
  • Cover: Stainless Steel EN 1.4305/ASTM 303
  • Indicator: Plastic POM C
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Material PackageThe Actuator is packaged in a closed box.
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
PA38/100 04053252350443