Calretinin and calbindin distribution patterns specify subpopulations of type I and type II spiral ganglion neurons in postnatal murine cochlea. Liu, W; Davis, RL The Journal of comparative neurology
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As the first neural element in the auditory pathway, neurons in the spiral ganglion shape the initial coding of sound stimuli for subsequent processing. Within the ganglion, type I and type II neurons form divergent and convergent innervation patterns, respectively, with their hair cell sensory receptors, indicating that very different information is gathered and conveyed. Layered onto these basic innervation patterns are structural and electrophysiological features that provide additional levels of processing multifaceted sound stimuli. To understand the nature of this additional complexity of signal coding, we characterized the distribution of calretinin and calbindin, two regulators of intracellular calcium that serve as markers for neuronal subpopulations. We showed in acute preparations and in vitro that calretinin and calbindin staining levels were heterogeneous. Immunocytochemical analysis of colocalization further showed that high levels of staining for the two molecules rarely overlapped. Although varied amounts of calbindin and calretinin were found within each tonotopic location and neuronal type, some distinct subdistributions were noted. For example, calretinin levels were highest in neurons innervating the midcochlea region, whereas calbindin levels were similar across the entire ganglion. Furthermore, we noted that apical type II neurons, identified by antiperipherin labeling, had significantly lower levels of calretinin and higher levels of calbindin. We also established that the endogenous firing feature of onset tau of the subthreshold response showed a pattern related to quantified calretinin and calbindin staining levels. Taken together, our results suggest an additional dimension of complexity within the spiral ganglion beyond that currently categorized. | | | 24414968
Peripherin is a subunit of peripheral nerve neurofilaments: implications for differential vulnerability of CNS and peripheral nervous system axons Aidong Yuan 1 , Takahiro Sasaki, Asok Kumar, Corrinne M Peterhoff, Mala V Rao, Ronald K Liem, Jean-Pierre Julien, Ralph A Nixon J Neurosci
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Peripherin, a neuronal intermediate filament protein implicated in neurodegenerative disease, coexists with the neurofilament triplet proteins [neurofilament light (NFL), medium (NFM), and heavy (NFH) chain] but has an unknown function. The earlier peak expression of peripherin than the triplet during brain development and its ability to form homopolymers, unlike the triplet, which are obligate heteropolymers, have supported a widely held view that peripherin and neurofilament triplets form separate filament systems. However, here, we demonstrate that, despite a postnatal decline in expression, peripherin is as abundant as the triplet in the adult PNS and exists in a relatively fixed stoichiometry with these subunits. Peripherin exhibits a distribution pattern identical to those of triplet proteins in sciatic axons and colocalizes with NFL on single neurofilaments by immunogold electron microscopy. Peripherin also coassembles into a single network of filaments containing NFL, NFM, and NFH with and without α-internexin in quadruple- or quintuple-transfected SW13vim(-) cells. Genetically deleting NFL in mice dramatically reduces peripherin content in sciatic axons. Moreover, peripherin mutations has been shown to disrupt the neurofilament network in transfected SW13vim(-) cells. These data show that peripherin and the neurofilament proteins are functionally interdependent. The results strongly support the view that, rather than forming an independent structure, peripherin is a subunit of neurofilaments in the adult PNS. Our findings provide a basis for its close relationship with neurofilaments in PNS diseases associated with neurofilament accumulation. | Western Blotting | | 22723690
Peripherin-IgG association with neurologic and endocrine autoimmunity. Chamberlain, JL; Pittock, SJ; Oprescu, AM; Dege, C; Apiwattanakul, M; Kryzer, TJ; Lennon, VA Journal of autoimmunity
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Peripherin-IgG has been reported a pertinent autoantibody in non-obese type 1 diabetic (NOD) mice. However, it has not previously been recognized in any human disease. In blinded evaluation of serum for markers of neurological autoimmunity in a high-volume diagnostic laboratory, we incidentally identified 26 patients (61% female) with an IgG that bound selectively to neural elements in enteric ganglia, sympathetic nerve trunks and discrete nerve tracts in mid-brain and hind-brain. The target antigen was identified as peripherin, a 55kDa - type III intermediate filament protein. Review of clinical histories revealed that 54% of seropositive patients had dysautonomia (predominantly gastrointestinal dysmotility), 30% had neuropathies with varied sensory symptoms and 35% had clinical or serological evidence of endocrinopathy (type 1 diabetes, thyroiditis or premature ovarian failure). Collectively, 73% had autonomic dysfunction or endocrinopathy. None of 173 healthy subjects was seropositive. Subsequent western blot evaluation of archival sera from patients with small fiber/autonomic neuropathies (with or without endocrinopathy) revealed a 33% seropositivity rate for peripherin-IgG. Our further demonstration that peripherin-immunoreactive autonomic fibers in pancreas, thyroid and ovary are juxtaposed to endocrine epithelium, complement our clinical observations in suggesting that neuronal elements may be a pertinent initial target for immune attack in multiple forms of endocrine autoimmunity (intermolecular epitope spreading). It remains to be determined whether or not peripherin-IgG is predictive for development of small fiber neuropathy (autonomic or somatic). | | | 20061119
Loss of GABAB receptors in cochlear neurons: threshold elevation suggests modulation of outer hair cell function by type II afferent fibers. Maison, SF; Casanova, E; Holstein, GR; Bettler, B; Liberman, MC Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology : JARO
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Despite pharmacological and immunohistochemical evidence for GABA as a neurotransmitter in the olivocochlear efferent bundle, a clear functional role of GABA in the inner ear has not emerged. To explore the role of metabotropic GABA(B) receptors, we characterized the cochlear phenotype of mice with targeted deletion of the GABA(B1) subunit and determined its tissue localization using a mouse line expressing a GFP-tagged GABA(B1) subunit under the endogenous promoter. Immunostaining revealed GABA(B1) expression in both type I and type II ganglion cells and in their synaptic terminals under inner and outer hair cells, respectively. No GABA(B1) expression was observed in hair cells. Mean cochlear thresholds, measured via both auditory brainstem responses and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs), were elevated by approximately 10 dB in GABA(B1)-deficient mice, consistent with outer hair cell dysfunction. Olivocochlear efferent function, assessed via DPOAE suppression during efferent electrical stimulation, was unaffected by GABA(B1) deletion. GABA(B1)-deficient mice showed increased resistance to permanent acoustic injury, with mean threshold shifts approximately 25 dB smaller than wild-types after exposure to 8-16-kHz noise at 100 dB for 2 h. In contrast, there was no vulnerability difference to temporary acoustic injury following exposure to the same noise at 94 dB for 15 min. Our results suggest that GABAergic signaling in type II afferent neurons may be required for normal outer hair cell amplifier function at low sound levels and may also modulate outer hair cell responses to high-level sound. | | | 18925381
Voltage-gated sodium channel expression in rat spiral ganglion neurons. A G Fryatt,C Vial,M Mulheran,M J Gunthorpe,B D Grubb Molecular and cellular neurosciences
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The spiral ganglion neurons (SGN) provide the afferent innervation of the hair cells in the organ of Corti and relay auditory information from the inner ear to the brain. Voltage-gated sodium channels (Na(V)) initiate and propagate action potentials that encode this sensory information but little is known regarding the subtypes expressed in these cells. We have used RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry to study the compliment and anatomical distribution of Na(V) channels in rodent SGN. Na(V)1.1, Na(V)1.6 and Na(V)1.7 were all detected at the mRNA level. Fluorescence or streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase immunohistochemistry extended these findings, demonstrating predominant localisation of Na(V)1.6 and Na(V)1.7 on SGN cell bodies and Na(V)1.1 on axonal processes. Dual labelling with peripherin demonstrated higher Na(V)1.6 and Na(V)1.7 expression on Type I rather than Type II neurons. These results provide evidence for selective expression and variations in the distribution of VGSC in the rodent SGN, which may guide further studies into afferent function in the auditory pathway and therapeutic approaches for diseases such as hearing loss and tinnitus. | | | 19765660
A novel peripherin isoform generated by alternative translation is required for normal filament network formation. Jesse McLean, Shangxi Xiao, Keigo Miyazaki, Janice Robertson Journal of neurochemistry
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Peripherin is a type III neuronal intermediate filament protein detected within the intraneuronal inclusions characteristic of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The constitutively expressed peripherin isoform is encoded by all nine exons of the human and mouse peripherin genes to generate a protein species of approximately 58 kDa on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. Expression of this isoform, termed Per-58, generates a filament network in transfected SW13 vim cells. On immunoblots of cell lysates derived from these transfected cells, we have consistently observed a second peripherin species of approximately 45 kDa. In this study, we show that this species is a novel peripherin isoform generated through the use of an in-frame downstream initiation codon. This isoform, that we have designated Per-45, is co-expressed together with Per-58 and, thus, constitutive in both human and mouse. Using mutational analysis, we show that Per-45 is required for normal network formation, with the absence of Per-45 leading to irregular filamentous structures. We further show that peripherin expression in the normal nervous system is characterized by tissue-specific Per-58 : Per-45 isoform ratios. Taken together, these results identify novel processing requirements for peripherin expression and indicate a hitherto unrecognized role for neuronal intermediate filament network formation through intra-isoform associations. | | | 18205747
Fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 1 (FHF1) is expressed in a subpopulation of calcitonin gene-related peptide-positive nociceptive neurons in the murine dorsal root ganglia. Thomas Hubert,Steeve Bourane,Stéphanie Ventéo,Ilana Mechaly,Sylvie Puech,Jean Valmier,Patrick Carroll,Agnès Fichard-Carroll The Journal of comparative neurology
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Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons exhibit a wide molecular heterogeneity in relation to the various sensory modalities (mechanoception, thermoception, nociception) that they subserve. Finding markers of subpopulations is an important step in understanding how these neurons convey specific information. We identified fibroblast growth factor homologous factor 1 (FHF1) in a search for markers of subpopulations of DRG neurons. FHFs constitute a family of four factors that share some structural properties with fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) but are functionally distinct. They are expressed in specific subsets of neurons and are involved in the modulation of sodium channel activity. The pattern of expression of FHF1 in the DRG was determined during development, in the adult and after axotomy. We show that in the adult, FHF1 is expressed in two populations, one composed of nociceptors and another in which no neurotrophic factor receptors were detected (panTrk-/c-Ret-). Interestingly, in the nociceptors, FHF1 expression was restricted to a subset of TrkA+/calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive neurons. Neurofilament 200 (NF-200) and peripherin labeling indicates that 70% of the FHF1-expressing neurons contribute to A-fibers and 30% to C-fibers. FHF1 interacts with the Na(v)1.9 sodium channel isoform, which is strongly expressed in cRet+/isolectin-B4 binding neurons, but we show that FHF1 is not expressed in the cRet+/IB4+ subclass and that it does not colocalize with Na(v)1.9. Our results argue strongly against the possibility that FHF1 has a modulatory effect on this channel in cRet+/IB4+ neurons, but FHF1 could play a role in a distinct subset of TrkA+/CGRP+ nociceptors. | | | 18220257
BMP4 induction of sensory neurons from human embryonic stem cells and reinnervation of sensory epithelium. Fuxin Shi,Carleton Eduardo Corrales,M Charles Liberman,Albert S B Edge The European journal of neuroscience
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In mammals, hair cells and auditory neurons lack the capacity to regenerate, and damage to either cell type can result in hearing loss. Replacement cells for regeneration could potentially be made by directed differentiation of human embryonic stem (hES) cells. To generate sensory neurons from hES cells, neural progenitors were first made by suspension culture of hES cells in a defined medium. The cells were positive for nestin, a neural progenitor marker, and Pax2, a marker for cranial placodes, and were negative for alpha-fetoprotein, an endoderm marker. The precursor cells could be expanded in vitro in fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-2. Neurons and glial cells were found after differentiation of the neural progenitors by removal of FGF-2, but evaluation of neuronal markers indicated insignificant production of sensory neurons. Addition of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) to neural progenitors upon removal of FGF-2, however, induced significant numbers of neurons that were positive for markers associated with cranial placodes and neural crest, the sources of sensory neurons in the embryo. Neuronal processes from hES cell-derived neurons made contacts with hair cells in denervated ex vivo sensory epithelia and expressed synaptic markers, suggesting the formation of synapses. In a gerbil model with a denervated cochlea, the ES cell-derived neurons engrafted in the auditory nerve trunk and sent out neurites that grew toward the auditory sensory epithelium. These data indicate that hES cells can be induced to form sensory neurons that have the potential to treat neural degeneration associated with sensorineural hearing loss. | | | 18005071
Changes in dorsal root ganglion CGRP expression in a chronic inflammatory model of the rat knee joint: differential modulation by rofecoxib and paracetamol. Penny C Staton,Alex W Wilson,Chas Bountra,Iain P Chessell,Nicola C Day European journal of pain (London, England)
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Neuropeptide-expressing small diameter sensory neurones are thought to be vital in generating inflammatory hyperalgesic responses. Within the dorsal root ganglion (DRG), both the levels of the neuropeptide calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and the numbers of CGRP-immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) DRG neurones have been shown to increase in a number of acute adjuvant-induced inflammatory pain models. The aim of this study was to look specifically at changes in numbers of CGRP-IR DRG neurones in a chronic model of inflammatory joint pain following complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) injection into the rat knee. In this model, there were significant increases in the number of ipsilateral CGRP-IR small DRG neurones at days 1, 16 and 35 following intra-articular CFA, compared to saline-injected sham animals. This correlated with the behavioural readouts of hypersensitivity and knee joint inflammation at the same time points. There was also a significant increase in the number of ipsilateral CGRP-IR medium DRG neurones and contralateral CGRP-IR small DRG neurones at day 1. Following dosing of CFA-injected rats with rofecoxib (Vioxx) or paracetamol, there was a significant decrease in the number of ipsilateral CGRP-IR small and medium DRG neurones in rofecoxib- but not paracetamol-treated rats. These data also correlated with behavioural readouts where hypersensitivity and knee joint inflammation were significantly reduced by rofecoxib but not paracetamol treatment. In conclusion, these data show that changes in ipsilateral CGRP expression within small DRG neurones are consistent with behavioural readouts in both time course, rofecoxib and paracetamol studies in this model of chronic inflammatory pain. | | | 16690336
Conditional NF-L transgene expression in mice for in vivo analysis of turnover and transport rate of neurofilaments. Millecamps, S; Gowing, G; Corti, O; Mallet, J; Julien, JP The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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We generated mice with doxycycline control of a human neurofilament light (NF-L) transgene in the context of the absence (tTA;hNF-L;NF-L(-/-)) or presence (tTA;hNF-L;NF-L(+/-)) of endogenous mouse NF-L proteins. Doxycycline treatment caused the rapid disappearance of human NF-L (hNF-L) mRNA in tTA;hNF-L mice, but the hNF-L proteins remained with a half-life of 3 weeks in the brain. In the sciatic nerve, the disappearance of hNF-L proteins after doxycycline treatment occurred in synchrony along the sciatic nerve, suggesting a proteolysis of NF proteins along the entire axon. The presence of permanent NF network in tTA;hNF-L;NF-L(+/-) mice further stabilized and extended longevity of hNF-L proteins by several months. Surprisingly, after cessation of doxycycline treatment, there was no evidence of leading front of newly synthesized hNF-L proteins migrating into sciatic nerve axons devoid of NF structures. The hNF-L proteins detected at weekly intervals reappeared and accumulated in synchrony at similar rate along nerve segments, a phenomenon consistent with a fast hNF-L transport into axons. We estimated the hNF-L transport rate to be of approximately 10 mm/d in axons devoid of NF structures based on the use of an adenovirus encoding tet-responsive transcriptional activator to transactivate the hNF-L transgene in hypoglossal motor neurons. These results provide in vivo evidence that the stationary NF network in axons is a key determinant of half-life and transport rate of NF proteins. | Western Blotting | | 17475803