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  • Analiz sertifikaları, Kalite Sertifikaları veya Güvenlik Bilgi Formlarını aramak için Doküman Arayıcı’yı kullanmayı deneyin.
  • Kullanım Kılavuzlarına erişmek için yardıma ihtiyacınız olur ise Müşteri Hizmetleri ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
  • Expression and functional analyses of circadian genes in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos: Cry1 is involved in the meiotic process independently of circadian clo ... 19020302

    In mammals, circadian genes, Clock, Arntl (also known as Bmal1), Cry1, Cry2, Per1, Per2, and Per3, are rhythmically transcribed every 24 h in almost all organs and tissues to tick the circadian clock. However, their expression and function in oocytes and preimplantation embryos have not been investigated. In this study we found that the circadian clock may stop in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos. Real-time PCR analysis revealed the presence of transcripts of these genes in both oocytes and preimplantation embryos; however, their amounts did not oscillate every 24 h in one- to four-cell and blastocyst-stage embryos. Moreover, immunofluorescence analyses revealed that CLOCK, ARNTL, and CRY1 were localized similarly in the nuclei of germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes and one-cell- to four-cell-stage embryos. Because CRY1 is known to interact with the CLOCK-ARNTL complex to suppress transcription-promoting activity of the complex for genes such as Wee1, Cry2, Per1, Per2, and Per3 in cells having the ticking circadian clock, we hypothesized that if the circadian clock functions in GV oocytes and one-cell- to four-cell-stage embryos, CLOCK, ARNTL, and CRY1 might suppress the transcription of these genes in GV oocytes and one-cell- to 4-cell-stage embryos as well. As a result, knockdown of CRY1 in GV oocytes by RNA interference did not affect the transcription levels of Wee1, Cry2, Per1, Per2, and Per3, but it reduced maturation ability. Thus, it seems that circadian genes are not involved in circadian clock regulation in mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos but are involved in physiologies, such as meiosis.
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    Donkey Anti-Goat IgG Antibody, HRP conjugate, Species Adsorbed
  • RORγ directly regulates the circadian expression of clock genes and downstream targets in vivo. 22753030

    In this study, we demonstrate that the lack of retinoic acid-related orphan receptor (ROR) γ or α expression in mice significantly reduced the peak expression level of Cry1, Bmal1, E4bp4, Rev-Erbα and Per2 in an ROR isotype- and tissue-selective manner without affecting the phase of their rhythmic expression. Analysis of RORγ/RORα double knockout mice indicated that in certain tissues RORγ and RORα exhibited a certain degree of redundancy in regulating clock gene expression. Reporter gene analysis showed that RORγ was able to induce reporter gene activity through the RORE-containing regulatory regions of Cry1, Bmal1, Rev-Erbα and E4bp4. Co-expression of Rev-Erbα or addition of a novel ROR antagonist repressed this activation. ChIP-Seq and ChIP-Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (QPCR) analysis demonstrated that in vivo RORγ regulate these genes directly and in a Zeitgeber time (ZT)-dependent manner through these ROREs. This transcriptional activation by RORs was associated with changes in histone acetylation and chromatin accessibility. The rhythmic expression of RORγ1 by clock proteins may lead to the rhythmic expression of RORγ1 target genes. The presence of RORγ binding sites and its down-regulation in RORγ-/- liver suggest that the rhythmic expression of Avpr1a depends on RORγ consistent with the concept that RORγ1 provides a link between the clock machinery and its regulation of metabolic genes.
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    Anti-acetyl-Histone H3 (Lys9) Antibody
  • Role for intestinal CYP2E1 in alcohol-induced circadian gene-mediated intestinal hyperpermeability. 23660503

    We have shown that alcohol increases Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cell monolayer permeability in vitro by inducing the expression of redox-sensitive circadian clock proteins CLOCK and PER2 and that these proteins are necessary for alcohol-induced hyperpermeability. We hypothesized that alcohol metabolism by intestinal Cytochrome P450 isoform 2E1 (CYP2E1) could alter circadian gene expression (Clock and Per2), resulting in alcohol-induced hyperpermeability. In vitro Caco-2 intestinal epithelial cells were exposed to alcohol, and CYP2E1 protein, activity, and mRNA were measured. CYP2E1 expression was knocked down via siRNA and alcohol-induced hyperpermeability, and CLOCK and PER2 protein expression were measured. Caco-2 cells were also treated with alcohol or H₂O₂ with or without N-acetylcysteine (NAC) anti-oxidant, and CLOCK and PER2 proteins were measured at 4 or 2 h. In vivo Cyp2e1 protein and mRNA were also measured in colon tissue from alcohol-fed mice. Alcohol increased CYP2E1 protein by 93% and enzyme activity by 69% in intestinal cells in vitro. Alcohol feeding also increased mouse colonic Cyp2e1 protein by 73%. mRNA levels of Cyp2e1 were not changed by alcohol in vitro or in mouse intestine. siRNA knockdown of CYP2E1 in Caco-2 cells prevented alcohol-induced hyperpermeability and induction of CLOCK and PER2 proteins. Alcohol-induced and H₂O₂-induced increases in intestinal cell CLOCK and PER2 were significantly inhibited by treatment with NAC. We concluded that our data support a novel role for intestinal CYP2E1 in alcohol-induced intestinal hyperpermeability via a mechanism involving CYP2E1-dependent induction of oxidative stress and upregulation of circadian clock proteins CLOCK and PER2.
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    Anti-Nitrotyrosine Antibody
  • Epigenetic suppression of mouse Per2 expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus by the inhalational anesthetic, sevoflurane. 24498074

    We previously reported that sevoflurane anesthesia reversibly suppresses the expression of the clock gene, Period2 (Per2), in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this suppression remain unclear. In this study, we examined the possibility that sevoflurane suppresses Per2 expression via epigenetic modification of the Per2 promoter.Mice were anesthetized with a gas mixture of 2.5% sevoflurane/40% oxygen at a 6 L/min flow for 1 or 4 h. After termination, brains were removed and samples of SCN tissue were derived from frozen brain sections. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays using anti-acetylated-histone antibodies were performed to investigate the effects of sevoflurane on histone acetylation of the Per2 promoter. Interaction between the E'-box (a cis-element in the Per2 promoter) and CLOCK (the Clock gene product) was also assessed by a ChIP assay using an anti-CLOCK antibody. The SCN concentration of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(+)), a CLOCK regulator, was assessed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.Acetylation of histone H4 in the proximal region of the Per2 promoter was significantly reduced by sevoflurane. This change in the epigenetic profile of the Per2 gene was observed prior to suppression of Per2 expression. Simultaneously, a reduction in the CLOCK-E'-box interaction in the Per2 promoter was observed. Sevoflurane treatment did not affect the concentration of NAD(+) in the SCN.Independent of NAD(+) concentration in the SCN, sevoflurane decreases CLOCK binding to the Per2 promoter E'-box motif, reducing histone acetylation and leading to suppression of Per2 expression.
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  • Histone monoubiquitination by Clock-Bmal1 complex marks Per1 and Per2 genes for circadian feedback. 26323038

    Circadian rhythms in mammals are driven by a feedback loop in which the transcription factor Clock-Bmal1 activates expression of Per and Cry proteins, which together form a large nuclear complex (Per complex) that represses Clock-Bmal1 activity. We found that mouse Clock-Bmal1 recruits the Ddb1-Cullin-4 ubiquitin ligase to Per (Per1 and Per2), Cry (Cry1 and Cry2) and other circadian target genes. Histone H2B monoubiquitination at Per genes was rhythmic and depended on Bmal1, Ddb1 and Cullin-4a. Depletion of Ddb1-Cullin-4a or an independent decrease in H2B monoubiquitination caused defective circadian feedback and decreased the association of the Per complex with DNA-bound Clock-Bmal1. Clock-Bmal1 thus covalently marks Per genes for subsequent recruitment of the Per complex. Our results reveal a chromatin-mediated signal from the positive to the negative limb of the clock that provides a licensing mechanism for circadian feedback.
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  • The circadian clock modulates enamel development. 22653892

    Fully mature enamel is about 98% mineral by weight. While mineral crystals appear very early during its formative phase, the newly secreted enamel is a soft gel-like matrix containing several enamel matrix proteins of which the most abundant is amelogenin (Amelx). Histological analysis of mineralized dental enamel reveals markings called cross-striations associated with daily increments of enamel formation, as evidenced by injections of labeling dyes at known time intervals. The daily incremental growth of enamel has led to the hypothesis that the circadian clock might be involved in the regulation of enamel development. To identify daily rhythms of clock genes and Amelx, we subjected murine ameloblast cells to serum synchronization to analyze the expression of the circadian transcription factors Per2 and Bmal1 by real-time PCR. Results indicate that these key genetic regulators of the circadian clock are expressed in synchronized murine ameloblast cell cultures and that their expression profile follows a circadian pattern with acrophase and bathyphase for both gene transcripts in antiphase. Immunohistological analysis confirms the protein expression of Bmal and Cry in enamel cells. Amelx expression in 2-day postnatal mouse molars dissected every 4 hours for a duration of 48 hours oscillated with an approximately 24-hour period, with a significant approximately 2-fold decrease in expression during the dark period compared to the light period. The expression of genes involved in bicarbonate production (Car2) and transport (Slc4a4), as well as in enamel matrix endocytosis (Lamp1), was greater during the dark period, indicating that ameloblasts express these proteins when Amelx expression is at the nadir. The human and mouse Amelx genes each contain a single nonconserved E-box element within 10 kb upstream of their respective transcription start sites. We also found that within 2 kb of the transcription start site of the human NFYA gene, which encodes a positive regulator of amelogenin, there is an E-box element that is conserved in rodents and other mammals. Moreover, we found that Nfya expression in serum-synchronized murine ameloblasts oscillated with a strong 24-hour rhythm. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis that the circadian clock temporally regulates enamel development.
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    Anti-MOP3 Antibody
  • Circadian timing in the lung; a specific role for bronchiolar epithelial cells. 18787022

    In addition to the core circadian oscillator, located within the suprachiasmatic nucleus, numerous peripheral tissues possess self-sustaining circadian timers. In vivo these are entrained and temporally synchronized by signals conveyed from the core oscillator. In the present study, we examine circadian timing in the lung, determine the cellular localization of core clock proteins in both mouse and human lung tissue, and establish the effects of glucocorticoids (widely used in the treatment of asthma) on the pulmonary clock. Using organotypic lung slices prepared from transgenic mPER2::Luc mice, luciferase levels, which report PER2 expression, were measured over a number of days. We demonstrate a robust circadian rhythm in the mouse lung that is responsive to glucocorticoids. Immunohistochemical techniques were used to localize specific expression of core clock proteins, and the glucocorticoid receptor, to the epithelial cells lining the bronchioles in both mouse and human lung. In the mouse, these were established to be Clara cells. Murine Clara cells retained circadian rhythmicity when grown as a pure population in culture. Furthermore, selective ablation of Clara cells resulted in the loss of circadian rhythm in lung slices, demonstrating the importance of this cell type in maintaining overall pulmonary circadian rhythmicity. In summary, we demonstrate that Clara cells are critical for maintaining coherent circadian oscillations in lung tissue. Their coexpression of the glucocorticoid receptor and core clock components establishes them as a likely interface between humoral suprachiasmatic nucleus output and circadian lung physiology.
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    Anti-Clara Cell Secretory Protein Antibody
  • Heterogeneous expression of the core circadian clock proteins among neuronal cell types in mouse retina. 23189207

    Circadian rhythms in metabolism, physiology, and behavior originate from cell-autonomous circadian clocks located in many organs and structures throughout the body and that share a common molecular mechanism based on the clock genes and their protein products. In the mammalian neural retina, despite evidence supporting the presence of several circadian clocks regulating many facets of retinal physiology and function, the exact cellular location and genetic signature of the retinal clock cells remain largely unknown. Here we examined the expression of the core circadian clock proteins CLOCK, BMAL1, NPAS2, PERIOD 1(PER1), PERIOD 2 (PER2), and CRYPTOCHROME2 (CRY2) in identified neurons of the mouse retina during daily and circadian cycles. We found concurrent clock protein expression in most retinal neurons, including cone photoreceptors, dopaminergic amacrine cells, and melanopsin-expressing intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells. Remarkably, diurnal and circadian rhythms of expression of all clock proteins were observed in the cones whereas only CRY2 expression was found to be rhythmic in the dopaminergic amacrine cells. Only a low level of expression of the clock proteins was detected in the rods at any time of the daily or circadian cycle. Our observations provide evidence that cones and not rods are cell-autonomous circadian clocks and reveal an important disparity in the expression of the core clock components among neuronal cell types. We propose that the overall temporal architecture of the mammalian retina does not result from the synchronous activity of pervasive identical clocks but rather reflects the cellular and regional heterogeneity in clock function within retinal tissue.
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  • Antibodies for assessing circadian clock proteins in the rodent suprachiasmatic nucleus. 22558277

    Research on the mechanisms underlying circadian rhythmicity and the response of brain and body clocks to environmental and physiological challenges requires assessing levels of circadian clock proteins. Too often, however, it is difficult to acquire antibodies that specifically and reliably label these proteins. Many of these antibodies also lack appropriate validation. The goal of this project was to generate and characterize antibodies against several circadian clock proteins. We examined mice and hamsters at peak and trough times of clock protein expression in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). In addition, we confirmed specificity by testing the antibodies on mice with targeted disruption of the relevant genes. Our results identify antibodies against PER1, PER2, BMAL1 and CLOCK that are useful for assessing circadian clock proteins in the SCN by immunocytochemistry.
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  • Responses of brain and behavior to changing day-length in the diurnal grass rat (Arvicanthis niloticus). 23313227

    Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a major depressive disorder that recurs in the fall and winter when day-length gets short. It is well accepted that day-length is encoded by the principal circadian clock located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), but very little is known about day-length encoding in diurnal mammals. The present study utilized the grass rat, Arvicanthis niloticus, to investigate how the circadian system responds to photoperiodic changes in a diurnal mammal that shows day-length-dependent mood changes. The animals were initially housed in equatorial day-length (12h, EP) followed by either long (16h, LP) or short (8h, SP) photoperiods. The LP animals showed an expansion of the peak phase of the PER1 and PER2 rhythm in the SCN as well as an extended behavioral active phase. In contrast, the SP animals did not show any compression of their active phase nor a change in the peak duration of PER1 or PER2 expression, compared to those in EP. The results suggest that the circadian system in the diurnal grass rats is less responsive when day-length gets short compared to when it gets longer. The depression-like behaviors were assessed using sweet solution preference (SSP) and forced swimming test (FST). Animals in the SP group showed decreased SSP and increased immobility time in FST as compared to the EP group, suggesting a depressive phenotype. The present study serves as the first step toward exploring the role that the circadian system plays in SAD using a diurnal rodent model.
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