Our broad portfolio consists of multiplex panels that allow you to choose, within the panel, analytes that best meet your needs. On a separate tab you can choose the premixed cytokine format or a single plex kit.
Cell Signaling Kits & MAPmates™
Choose fixed kits that allow you to explore entire pathways or processes. Or design your own kits by choosing single plex MAPmates™, following the provided guidelines.
The following MAPmates™ should not be plexed together: -MAPmates™ that require a different assay buffer -Phospho-specific and total MAPmate™ pairs, e.g. total GSK3β and GSK3β (Ser 9) -PanTyr and site-specific MAPmates™, e.g. Phospho-EGF Receptor and phospho-STAT1 (Tyr701) -More than 1 phospho-MAPmate™ for a single target (Akt, STAT3) -GAPDH and β-Tubulin cannot be plexed with kits or MAPmates™ containing panTyr
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Select A Species, Panel Type, Kit or Sample Type
To begin designing your MILLIPLEX® MAP kit select a species, a panel type or kit of interest.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
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96-Well Plate
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Add Additional Reagents (Buffer and Detection Kit is required for use with MAPmates)
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Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Space Saver Option Customers purchasing multiple kits may choose to save storage space by eliminating the kit packaging and receiving their multiplex assay components in plastic bags for more compact storage.
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New Milli-Q® IQ 7003/7005/7010/7015 integrated water purification system provides superior quality Type 1 and Type 2 water from tap. With Elix® EDI technology, touchscreens, Q-POD® and E-POD® dispensers, and mercury-free UV lamps, the system will exceed your most demanding expectations.
Our home page presents the best of what we do. Our latest, most innovative product offerings along with customer stories and our Responsibility activities.
...Regulated Instrumental Food Analysis Regulated Instrumental Food Analysis Discover complete solutions for food quality testing * The E-POD® dispenser is available with Milli-Q® Integral and Elix® Advantage systems. --> Let's ensure safe meals ...
Our water purification system accessories incorporate advanced technological developments to guarantee consistent purity of the stored and distributed water.
Merck, Download the Elix Advantage System app to discover 10 ways it will boost your lab's performance, and learn more about water purification technology.
Our Elix® Advantage system will lead you to a better way of supplying optimal pure water for your applications. The e-Mag provides contains a wealth of information about water purification technology in general, and the Elix® Advantage system in particular.
Several Merck water systems are designed to produce ultrapure (Type 1) water. Some can operate directly from tap (potable) water and others from pure water (Elix®, RiOs™, distilled or DI water).