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  • Analiz sertifikaları, Kalite Sertifikaları veya Güvenlik Bilgi Formlarını aramak için Doküman Arayıcı’yı kullanmayı deneyin.
  • Kullanım Kılavuzlarına erişmek için yardıma ihtiyacınız olur ise Müşteri Hizmetleri ile iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
  • Novel localization of orexin A in the tubular cytotypes of the rat testis. 20619297

    The hypothalamic peptides orexin A (OXA) and orexin B (OXB), deriving from the proteolytic cleavage of the precursor molecule prepro-orexin, have also been localized in multiple cerebral areas and peripheral organs. They regulate food intake, arterial blood pressure, heart rate, sleep/wake cycle, sexual behavior, arousal, and the hypothalamic/hypophyseal axes. Prepro-orexin mRNA expression and OXA-immunoreactivity were previously detected in the rat testis at different ages of postnatal development, with strong peptide signal in Leydig cells and spermatocytes. In this study, OXA-immunoreactivity was found in Sertoli cells and spermatids of rat testis. Hematoxylin-counterstained sections revealed OXA positive spermatids in the stages of the germinal epithelium cycle ranging from the VIIth to the XIVth. The expression of prepro-orexin mRNA and of the protein in the testis tissue was ascertained by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting analysis, respectively. Although the functional role of OXA in the male genital tract still remains to be elucidated, our findings provide the first evidence that Sertoli cells, belonging to the tubular compartment of testis, represent an important source of OXA, thus suggesting the potential involvement of the peptide in the control of seminiferous epithelium development.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Orexin-A, control peptide for AB3098
  • Expression of orexin A and its receptor 1 in the choroid plexuses from buffalo brain. 19250669

    The hypothalamic peptide orexin A, deriving from the proteolytic cleavage of the precursor molecule prepro-orexin, has a wide range of physiological effects including the regulation of feeding behaviour, neuroendocrine functions, sleep-wake cycle, and energy homeostasis. Lowered excretion of orexin A into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) plays a pathological role in animal and human narcolepsy. Altered levels of orexin A into the CSF have been also found in numerous disorders of the central nervous system, including Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, dementia, and depressive disorders. While the localization of orexin A and its receptor 1, OX(1), has been elicited in many regions of the mammalian brain and in peripheral organs, there are no information on the expression of the neuropeptide and its receptor 1 in the choroid plexuses (CPs) producing the CSF. In this study, we investigated the expression of orexin A and OX(1) in the CPs from the brain of an adult mammalian species, Bubalis bubalis, by immunogold-labelling in scanning electron microscopy. Both orexin A and OX(1) immuno-reactivity appeared to be widely distributed on the surface of choroid epithelium. Interestingly, a marked orexin A labelling was detected in the areas surrounding the CP blood capillaries. The expression of prepro-orexin and OX(1) mRNA transcripts of 200 and 300 bp, respectively, was assessed in the CPs by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, while Western blotting analysis confirmed the presence of these two proteins in the tissue. Our findings provide the first evidence for orexin A and OX(1) expression in the CPs from mammalian brain, and suggest that the levels of orexin A into the CSF are probably regulated by CP activity.
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    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-Orexin Antibody, Prepro
  • Expression of orexin A and its receptor 1 in the vestibular glands of the cattle genital tract. 19089887

    The hypothalamic peptide orexin A (oxA) binds specifically the G-protein-coupled orexin receptor 1 (ox1R). It is involved in many physiological functions including the regulation of food intake, sleep-wake cycle, arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and sexual behavior. The localization of oxA in adrenal glands, stomach, bowel, pancreas, and testis has recently been assessed. Here, we provide the first evidence for the expression of oxA and ox1R in the vestibular glands of mammalian genital tract.
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    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Orexin-A, control peptide for AB3098
  • Expression of orexin A and its receptor 1 in the rat epididymis. 19328827

    The hypothalamic peptide orexin A (oxA) derives from the proteolytic cleavage of the precursor molecule prepro-orexin. It binds with the high affinity G-protein-coupled orexin receptor 1 (OX1R). Here, we report the detection of oxA and OX1R in the principal cells of the rat caudal epididymis by immunohistochemistry. Both oxA and OX1R immunolabelling showed cytoplasmic supranuclear localization, filling the apical portion of the cells. The expression of prepro-orexin and OX1R mRNA transcripts in the rat epididymis was assessed by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, while the presence of both these proteins in the tissue was confirmed by Western blotting analysis. Our findings provide the evidence for the presence of oxA and OX1R in the rat epididymis, and demonstrate that both proteins are locally synthesised, thus suggesting a role for oxA in governing the fertilizing capability of the immature male gamete.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Orexin-A, control peptide for AB3098
  • Differential distribution of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH)- and hypocretin (Hcrt)-immunoreactive neurons projecting to the mesopontine cholinergic complex in the ra ... 22015351

    Hypocretin (Hcrt or orexin) and melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) containing neurons are located in the hypothalamus and are implicated in the regulation of feeding behavior, energy homeostasis, and sleep-wake cycle. MCH and Hcrt are not co-localized within the same neuron, but these neurons project widely throughout the brain, especially to brain regions regulating arousal. Recent data indicate that HCRT and MCH neurons located medially with respect to the fornix have a differential projection pattern compared to those located lateral to the fornix. To further elucidate the projection of these neurons in the present study we use retrograde tracing methods combined with double immunofluorescence to determine the differential distribution of Hcrt- and MCH-immunoreactive neurons projecting to the pedunculopontine tegmental (PPTg) or laterodorsal tegmental (LDTg) nuclei. In rats where the retrograde tracer was confined to the PPTg/LDTg we found that there were more MCH neurons projecting to these targets compared to HCRT neurons (P<0.01). When the retrograde tracer was confined to the PPTg, there were more retrogradely labeled MCH neurons lateral to the fornix compared to MCH neurons in the medial LH subdivision (P<0.05). On the average, only about 4.5% of MCH neurons versus 6.1% of HCRT neurons project to PPTg/LDTg. Thus, very few of the MCH or HCRT neurons project to these arousal populations. Although there were significantly more MCH neurons projecting to the mesopontine cholinergic arousal zone compared to the HCRT neurons, the HCRT neurons also exert an indirect influence via the tuberomammillary nucleus. Based on the present and previous (Hong and Lee, 2011) observations, we suggest that both MCH and HCRT neurons exert a potent influence on the PPTg/LDTg, which might play an important role in arousal.
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    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-Orexin-A Antibody
  • The orexin system in the enteric nervous system of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). 25144456

    This study provides a general approach to the presence and possible role of orexins and their receptors in the gut (three gastric chambers and intestine) of confined environment bottlenose dolphin. The expression of prepro-orexin, orexin A and B and orexin 1 and 2 receptors were investigated by single immunostaining and western blot analysis. The co-localization of vasoactive intestinal peptide and orexin 1 receptor in the enteric nervous system was examined by double immunostaining. Also, orexin A concentration were measured in plasma samples to assess the possible diurnal variation of the plasma level of peptide in this species. Our results showed that the orexin system is widely distributed in bottlenose dolphin enteric nervous system of the all gastrointestinal tract examined. They are very peculiar and partially differs from that of terrestrial mammals. Orexin peptides and prepro-orexin were expressed in the main stomach, pyloric stomach and proximal intestine; while orexin receptors were expressed in the all examined tracts, with the exception of main stomach where found no evidence of orexin 2 receptor. Co-localization of vasoactive intestinal peptide and orexin 1 receptor were more evident in the pyloric stomach and proximal intestine. These data could suggest a possible role of orexin system on the contractility of bottlenose dolphin gastrointestinal districts. Finally, in agreement with several reports, bottlenose dolphin orexin A plasma level was higher in the morning during fasting. Our results emphasize some common features between bottlenose dolphin and terrestrial mammals. Certainly, further functional investigations may help to better explain the role of the orexin system in the energy balance of bottlenose dolphin and the complex interaction between feeding and digestive physiology.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-Orexin Antibody, Prepro
  • Orexin-A increases cell surface expression of AMPA receptors in the striatum. 19028455

    Accumulating evidence suggests that orexin signaling is involved in reward and motivation circuit functions. However, the underlying mechanisms are not yet fully understood. Here, we show that orexin-A potentiates AMPAR-mediated synaptic transmission in the striatum, possibly by regulating the surface expression of AMPARs. Primary culture of striatal neurons revealed increased surface expression of AMPARs following orexin-A treatment. The increase in surface-expressed AMPARs induced by orexin-A treatment was dependent on both ERK activation and the presence of extracellular Ca(2+). In the corticostriatal synapses of rat brain slices, orexin-A bath-application caused a delayed increase in the AMPAR/NMDAR EPSC ratio, suggesting that orexin-A sets in motion a series of events that lead to functional alterations in the striatal circuits. Our findings provide a potential link between the activation of orexin signaling in the striatum in response to addictive substances and neural adaptations in the reward circuitry that may mediate the long-lasting addiction-related behaviors.
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    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-phospho-CREB (Ser133) Antibody
  • Orexin A decreases lipid peroxidation and apoptosis in a novel hypothalamic cell model. 22796468

    Current data support the idea that hypothalamic neuropeptide orexin A (OxA; hypocretin 1) mediates resistance to high fat diet-induced obesity. We previously demonstrated that OxA elevates spontaneous physical activity (SPA), that rodents with high SPA have higher endogenous orexin sensitivity, and that OxA-induced SPA contributes to obesity resistance in rodents. Recent reports show that OxA can confer neuroprotection against ischemic damage, and may decrease lipid peroxidation. This is noteworthy as independent lines of evidence indicate that diets high in saturated fats can decrease SPA, increase hypothalamic apoptosis, and lead to obesity. Together data suggest OxA may protect against obesity both by inducing SPA and by modulation of anti-apoptotic mechanisms. While OxA effects on SPA are well characterized, little is known about the short- and long-term effects of hypothalamic OxA signaling on intracellular neuronal metabolic status, or the physiological relevance of such signaling to SPA. To address this issue, we evaluated the neuroprotective effects of OxA in a novel immortalized primary embryonic rat hypothalamic cell line. We demonstrate for the first time that OxA increases cell viability during hydrogen peroxide challenge, decreases hydrogen peroxide-induced lipid peroxidative stress, and decreases caspase 3/7 induced apoptosis in an in vitro hypothalamic model. Our data support the hypothesis that OxA may promote obesity resistance both by increasing SPA, and by influencing survival of OxA-responsive hypothalamic neurons. Further identification of the individual mediators of the anti-apoptotic and peroxidative effects of OxA on target neurons could lead to therapies designed to maintain elevated SPA and increase obesity resistance.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-Orexin-1 Receptor Antibody
  • Hypocretin-2 saporin lesions of the ventrolateral periaquaductal gray (vlPAG) increase REM sleep in hypocretin knockout mice. 19623260

    Ten years ago the sleep disorder narcolepsy was linked to the neuropeptide hypocretin (HCRT), also known as orexin. This disorder is characterized by excessive day time sleepiness, inappropriate triggering of rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep and cataplexy, which is a sudden loss of muscle tone during waking. It is still not known how HCRT regulates REM sleep or muscle tone since HCRT neurons are localized only in the lateral hypothalamus while REM sleep and muscle atonia are generated from the brainstem. To identify a potential neuronal circuit, the neurotoxin hypocretin-2-saporin (HCRT2-SAP) was used to lesion neurons in the ventral lateral periaquaductal gray (vlPAG). The first experiment utilized hypocretin knock-out (HCRT-ko) mice with the expectation that deletion of both HCRT and its target neurons would exacerbate narcoleptic symptoms. Indeed, HCRT-ko mice (n = 8) given the neurotoxin HCRT2-SAP (16.5 ng/23nl/sec each side) in the vlPAG had levels of REM sleep and sleep fragmentation that were considerably higher compared to HCRT-ko given saline (+39%; n = 7) or wildtype mice (+177%; n = 9). However, cataplexy attacks did not increase, nor were levels of wake or non-REM sleep changed. Experiment 2 determined the effects in mice where HCRT was present but the downstream target neurons in the vlPAG were deleted by the neurotoxin. This experiment utilized an FVB-transgenic strain of mice where eGFP identifies GABA neurons. We verified this and also determined that eGFP neurons were immunopositive for the HCRT-2 receptor. vlPAG lesions in these mice increased REM sleep (+79% versus saline controls) and it was significantly correlated (r = 0.89) with loss of eGFP neurons. These results identify the vlPAG as one site that loses its inhibitory control over REM sleep, but does not cause cataplexy, as a result of hypocretin deficiency.
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    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-NeuN Antibody, clone A60
  • GABAergic neurons intermingled with orexin and MCH neurons in the lateral hypothalamus discharge maximally during sleep. 20597977

    The lateral hypothalamus (LH), where wake-active orexin (Orx)-containing neurons are located, has been considered a waking center. Yet, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH)-containing neurons are codistributed therein with Orx neurons and, in contrast to them, are active during sleep, not waking. In the present study employing juxtacellular recording and labeling of neurons with Neurobiotin (Nb) in naturally sleeping-waking head-fixed rats, we identified another population of intermingled sleep-active cells, which do not contain MCH (or Orx), but utilize gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a neurotransmitter. The 'sleep-max' active neurons represented 53% of Nb-labeled MCH-(and Orx) immunonegative (-) cells recorded in the LH. For identification of their neurotransmitter, Nb-labeled varicosities of the Nb-labeled/MCH- neurons were sought within sections adjacent to the Nb-labeled soma and immunostained for the vesicular transporter for GABA (VGAT) or for glutamate. A small proportion of sleep-max Nb+/MCH- neurons (19%) discharged maximally during slow-wave sleep (called 'S-max') in positive correlation with delta electroencephalogram activity, and from VGAT staining of Nb-labeled varicosities appeared to be GABAergic. The vast proportion of sleep-max Nb+/MCH- neurons (81%) discharged maximally during paradoxical sleep (PS, called 'P-max') in negative correlation with electromyogram amplitude, and from Nb-labeled varicosities also appeared to be predominantly GABAergic. Given their discharge profiles across the sleep-wake cycle, P-max together with S-max GABAergic neurons could thus serve to inhibit other neurons of the arousal systems, including local Orx neurons in the LH. They could accordingly dampen arousal with muscle tone and promote sleep, including PS with muscle atonia.
    Document Type:
    Product Catalog Number:
    Product Catalog Name:
    Anti-Vesicular GABA Transporter (VGAT) Antibody