Tools to Test Wastewater
Recommended Products
Coliform and E. coli Test Kit
Contains all the QC tools you will need to test for Coliform and E. coli in your water, including S-Pak filters, Petri-Pad petri dishes and m-ColieBlue® Broth.
Fecal Test Kit
Contains all the QC tools you will need to test for fecal contamination in your water, including S-Pak filters, Petri-Pad petri dishes and m-FC Broth with Rosolic Acid.
Coliform Test Kit
Contains all the QC tools you will need to test for coliform contamination in your water, including S-Pak filters, Petri-Pad petri dishes and m-Endo Total Coliform Broth.
EZ-Pak Membranes and Membrane Dispenser
EZ-Pak membranes and dispenser revolutionize filter handling for MF method testing by combining the benefits of ready-to-use, sterile, individually-packed membranes with unique handling ease. From convenient, ready-to-use test kits to individual tools, simply select the items that are right for you.
Materials of Construction
Dispenser casing: Stainless steel with epoxy-based paint finish, and Ultem® resin
Rollers: Ultem resin
Mechanical components: Cast aluminum and Victrex® Peek™ polymer
Membrane: Mixed esters of cellulose membrane, 47 mm or 50 mm diameter, gridded
EZ-Pak dispenser: 240 mm H x 160 mm W x 235 mm D
EZ-Pak dispenser: 2.4 kg (5.5 lbs)
S-Pak Membranes
S-Pak sterile, individually packed, gridded membrane filters are made from mixed esters of cellulose and have been optimized for MF method microbiological analysis.
Certificates of quality confirm Standard Methods compliance.
Petri-Pad Petri Dish
47 mm dishes pre-loaded with sterilized absorbent pads. Eliminates labor and cost of hand-loading pads and minimizes contamination.
Materials of Construction
Molded polystyrene; pure cellulose pad
Available in convenient, single test 2 mL plastic ampoules, eliminating the manipulation of glass ampoules and avoiding the waste and spoilage associated with bulk packaged media. Manufacturing and testing of ampouled media is conducted in strict accordance with precise quality control procedures to ensure optimal growth and maximum shelf life.
Self-contained, easy-to-use samplers are ideally suited to monitor microbiological organisms in your wastewater.
Materials of Construction
Filter material: Mixed Cellulose Esters
Incubators and Accessories
This compact and light weight portable units are ideal for incubate total and fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci and other microorganisms
48 Petri Dishes, 47 mm
Control: 30, 35, 37, 41 ± 0.5, 44.5 ± 0.2 °C
Electrical Requirements
115 V or 230 V AC or 12 V DC rechargeable nickel-cadmium battery (included in Field Kit)
Electrical components described on this page have not received the CE mark. All incubators are made to order. Please contact your nearest Millipore office for details on availability and delivery.