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AAMT002 Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay Kit

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      Product Description

      Complex II, also known as succinate-coenzyme Q reductase (SDH, EC, is one of the five complexes involved in oxidative phosphorylation in the inner mitochondrial membrane and also a member of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA). It catalyzes electron transfer from succinate to the electron carrier, ubiquinone, but unlike the other four complexes it is not a proton pump. The product ubiquinol is utilized by complex III in the respiratory chain and the product fumarate is necessary to maintain the TCA cycle.

      Succinate + ubiquinone (Q) → Fumarate + ubiquinol (QH2)

      The Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay is designed for determining the Complex II activity in a sample. Each of the 96 wells in the kit has been coated with an anti-Complex II monoclonal antibody (mAb) which purifies the enzyme from a complex sample such as mitochondria, tissue homogenate or cell lysate. After this in-well purification the production of ubiquinol by the enzyme is coupled to the reduction of the dye DCPIP (2,6-diclorophenolindophenol) and a decreases in its absorbance at 600 nm which in turn recycles the substrate ubiquinone, as shown below.

      ubiquinol (QH2) + DCPIP (blue) → ubiquinone (Q) + DCPIPH2 (colorless)

      Panel Components

      15 ml 	20X Buffer, (72581-15ML)
      25 ml	Complex II Activity Buffer, (72582-25ML)
      2 x 1 ml	10X Detergent, (72583-1ML)
      500 µl	50X Succinate Solution, (72584-500UL)
      250 µl	100X DCPIP, (72585-250UL)
      60 µl	Ubiquinone 2, (72586-60UL)
      5 ml	10X Blocking Solution, (72587-5ML)
      6 ml	Phospholipids, (72588-6ML)
      1 ea	Microplate, (72589-1EA)

      * This kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).

      Storage: Store the 20X Buffer, Complex II Activity Buffer, 10X Detergent, 10X Blocking Solution, and Microplate at 4°C. Store the 50X Succinate Solution, 100X DCPIP,
      Ubiquinone 2, and Phospholipids at –80°C The Mitochondrial Complex II Activity Assay Kit contains sufficient materials for 96 measurements (one 96-well microplate).

      Catalogue NumberAAMT002
      Brand Family Novagen®
      Storage and Shipping Information
      Ship Code Multiple Storage Conditions
      Storage Multiple storage requirements
      Global Trade Item Number
      Catalogue Number GTIN
      AAMT002 0