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Cleavage, Lysis and Purification after Harvest


Achieve Consistent, High Yields

We offer a powerful set of products for the processing steps that follow cell harvest. These include Benzonase® endonuclease for nucleid acid digestion and viscosity reduction, and our family of lysozomes for the lysis of bacterials cells.


  • A cleaner pool
  • Less work in downstream processing
  • Faster, more efficient purification

Benzonase® Endonuclease
Because biotech drugs are manufactured using microorganisms, it is important to avoid DNA impurities by thoroughly removing DNA and RNA from the product.

This can improve downstream processing later on – and the only effective biochemical method is enzymatic cleavage, using our Benzonase® endonuclease.

Click here to learn more. 

To help you achieve consistent, high yields from your therapeutic protein production process, we offer a set of robust lysozymes.

Click here to learn more.