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Lot Certificates in Spectroquant® Test Kits

Documenting Quality and Saving Time

Each Spectroquant® test kit comes with its own lot certificate. This important document contains all quality indicators for the specific lot – such as article number, batch number, measurement range and lot specific quality data.
They can be downloaded on each product page or here.

The lot specific quality data are:
  • Slope
  • Ordinate segment
  • Reagent blank
  • Confidence interval with 95 percent probability
  • Standard deviation of the method
  • Variation coefficient of the method

For further information on definition of quality terms see navigation on the left.

Comparable Results

Self-evidently when creating the lot certificate Merck has defined the tolerances for all relevant measured values. Compliance is evidenced by review of quality data produced by the control laboratory. Each lot certificate shows the defined standard value and the value obtained in quality testing with the specific lot. This allows users to compare results.

Highest Accuracy and Reliability

Merck adheres strictly to the requirements of ISO 8466-1. Although a standard 5-point calibration method can be used, Merck employs a more rigorous 10-point calibration system ensuring that the user obtains the highest accuracy and reliability.

By expanding the batch certificate to a second page, the customer not only has the important actual/nominal value comparison for the Spectroquant® test kit, but also reference values used to calibrate the photometer. This information, such as slope, is especially important for laboratories that need to create a regular review of results and analysis of relevant laboratory quality data.

Accepted Document for Audition

At least annually, these labs must verify the quality of data such as calibration accuracy, lower limit of detection and the detection limit of the method for their laboratory. By comparing Merck´s supplied data with their own quality data, it is easy for the laboratory to provide the auditor with results proving their compliance with regulatory standards: It is sufficient for the user of our test kits to provide the corresponding Merck lot certificates to the auditor, since Merck is a certified supplier of test kits and maintains an ISO 9001 documented quality management system. Users do not need to do a receiving inspection, as required by ISO 9001, because Merck already proves the outgoing quality of its test kits in the lot certificates. This saves users of Merck´s Spectroquant® test kits time and money while still providing maximum safety.

Altogether using the lot certificates provided with Merck´s Spectroquant® test kits, it is sufficient for the customer to focus on the review of their performance using standard solutions – as part of their own quality assurance. Occasionally it is also useful to check the data quality for critical samples. For this purpose, Merck supplies Spectroquant® CombiCheck products for many of the test kits.

Video on analytical quality assurance with Spectroquant®

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