Barrels / Drums / Canisters
Our extensive variety of packaging types and sizes is unrivaled in the industry. With volumes from 0.05 l to 20,000 l, and materials from glass and HDPE to metal and stainless steel, we can easily cater to your individual requirements.
Returnable stainless steel barrels for Prepsolv® and SeccoSolv® solvents (Europe only)
- Optimum material characteristics (avoidance of interactions between solvents and packaging material)
- Use as returnable barrels
- Can be combined with a variety of withdrawal systems and level sensors
- Optimum emptying
- Stackable
- Used for Prepsolv® solvents
For our SeccoSolv® dried solvents we provide specially designed 10 l and 30 l stainless steel barrels which are dedicated to the product and completely closed. These fully-sealed stainless steel barrels are equipped with integrated adapters and dip tube, for easy connection of withdrawal systems. |
Fully-sealed stainless steel barrel |
Stainless steel drums for EMSURE® solvents

- Optimum material characteristics (avoidance of interactions between solvents and packaging material)
- Use as returnable drums
- Can be combined with a variety of withdrawal systems and level sensors
- Optimum emptying
- Stackable
- Returnable in Europe
In Europe our stainless steel barrels and drums are part of a returnable process. Their use means that the user no longer has to cope with the topics of complete emptying, rinsing, disposing of the rinsing liquid and even disposing of the packaging itself in the proper manner. After consumption of the solvents on user site the empty barrels and drums are returned to Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany - unrinsed and with their original labels still attached. On their return, we will ensure that they are properly cleaned, checked and refilled. Clear advantages for a time saving and cost effective way of daily solvent handling.
Other drums and containers for EMSURE®, EMPARTA® and EMPLURA® Solvents, Acids and Bases

- Special packaging for higher volume requirements
- Steel drums (10, 25 or 180 / 190 l) with option of PE inliner and special coating depending on contents
- PE drums (up to 200 l)
- PE canisters
- 1,000 l intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
- Larger sizes (up to tank containers or tank trucks) also available
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