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101510 Dusičnan strieborný


Replacement Information

Key Spec Table

CAS #EC NumberHill FormulaChemical FormulaMolar Mass
7761-88-8231-853-9AgNO₃AgNO₃169.87 g/mol


Catalogue NumberPackaging Qty/Pack
1015100050 Plastová flaša 50 g
1015100250 Plastová flaša 250 g
1015101000 1 kg
Catalogue Number101510
Product Information
CAS number7761-88-8
EC index number047-001-00-2
EC number231-853-9
Hill FormulaAgNO₃
Chemical formulaAgNO₃
Molar Mass169.87 g/mol
HS Code2843 21 00
Quality LevelMQ100
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Boiling point444 °C (1013 hPa) (rozklad)
Density4.350 g/cm3
Melting Point212 °C
pH value5.4 - 6.4 (100 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C)
Bulk density2350 kg/m3
Solubility2160 g/l
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Hazard Statement(s)H272: Môže prispieť k rozvoju požiaru; oxidačné činidlo.
H290: Môže byť korozívna pre kovy.
H314: Spôsobuje vážne poleptanie kože a poškodenie očí.
H360D: Môže poškodiť nenarodené dieťa.
H410: Veľmi toxický pre vodné organizmy, s dlhodobými účinkami.
Precautionary Statement(s)P210: Uchovávajte mimo dosahu tepla, horúcich povrchov, iskier, otvoreného ohňa a iných zdrojov zapálenia. Nefajčite.
P260: Nevdychujte prach.
P280: Použite ochranné rukavice/ ochranný odev/ ochranu očí/ ochranu tváre/ ochranu sluchu.
P303 + P361 + P353: PRI KONTAKTE S POKOŽKOU (alebo vlasmi): Vyzlečte všetky kontaminované časti odevu. Pokožku ihneď opláchnite vodou.
P304 + P340 + P310: PO VDÝCHNUTÍ: Presuňte osobu na čerstvý vzduch a umožnite jej pohodlne dýchať. Okamžite volajte TOXIKOLOGICKÉ INFORMAČNÉ CENTRUM/lekára.
P305 + P351 + P338: PO ZASIAHNUTÍ OČÍ: Niekoľko minút ich opatrne vyplachujte vodou. Ak používate kontaktné šošovky a je to možné, odstráňte ich. Pokračujte vo vyplachovaní.
Storage class5.1B Oxidujúce nebezpečné látky
WGKWGK 3 silne ohrozujúce vody
Zvyšky obsahujúce hodnotné vyťažiteľné kovy je potrebné recykovať. Nádoba H.
Safety Information
Categories of dangeroxidujúca, žieravá, nebezpe?ná pre životné prostredie
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageSkladujte pri +2°C až +30°C.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1493 , 5.1, II
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1493 , 5.1, II
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1493 , 5.1, II, Segregation Group: 7 (Heavy metals and their salts (including their organometallic compounds))
Supplemental Information
Assay (argentometric)99.0 - 100.5 %
Assay (argentometric; calculated on dried substance)98.0 - 102.0 %
Appearance of solutionpasses test
Identitypasses test
Acidity or alkalinitypasses test
Copper and substances precipitated by NH₃ (Al, Bi, Cu, Pb)passes test
Substances not precipitated by hydrochloric acid≤ 0.3 %
Loss on drying (Silica gel)
≤ 0.05 %
Meets analytical specifications of Ph Eur,USP.
The information provided does not imply the suitability of the product for any particular application. It is customer’s sole responsibility, prior to use, to determine that the product is suitable and permitted for the customer’s intended use and application.
Residual solvents (ICH Q3C)excluded by production process
Loss on drying (Silica gel)
≤ 0.05 %
Meets analytical specifications of Ph Eur,USP.
The information provided does not imply the suitability of the product for any particular application. It is customer’s sole responsibility, prior to use, to determine that the product is suitable and permitted for the customer’s intended use and application.
Elemental impurity specifications have been set considering ICH Q3D (Guideline for Elemental Impurities). Class 1-3 elements are not likely to be present above the ICH Q3D option 1 limit, unless specified and indicated (*).
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
1015100050 04022536021881
1015100250 04022536021898
1015101000 04022536021904