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109275 Roztok na farbenie Shorr

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Replacement Information


Catalogue NumberPackaging Qty/Pack
1092750500 Plastová flaša 500 ml
Catalogue Number109275
DescriptionShorr staining solution
OverviewShorr staining solution - for hormonal cytodiagnosis, is a ready-to-use staining solution that is used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the cytological investigation of sample material of human origin, for example cervical smears. During the course of menstrual cycle, the sex hormones cause characteristic changes in the vaginal epithelium. The hormone situation can be evaluated with the aid of stained vaginal smears. The Shorr staining is used for hormonal cytodiagnosis only, however the differences between eosinophilia and cyanophilia are more distinct. The ratio of eosinophilic to cyanophilic cells casts light on the effects of the folliccular and the corpus luteum hormones. The number of eosinophilic cells increases under the influence of the follicular hormone, whilst that of the cyanophilic cells increases under the influence of corpus luteum hormone.
The 500 ml bottle will provide approx. 1000 stainings. The Shorr staining solution is an IVD registered product and CE certified, thus can be used for clinical diagnostic purposes. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
Product Information
HS Code3212 90 00
Quality LevelMQ400
Applicationfor hormonal cytodiagnosis
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Density0.91 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Flash point19 °C
Ignition temperature425 °C (etanol)
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Hazard Statement(s)H225: Veľmi horľavá kvapalina a pary.
H319: Spôsobuje vážne podráždenie očí.
Precautionary Statement(s)P210: Uchovávajte mimo dosahu tepla, horúcich povrchov, iskier, otvoreného ohňa a iných zdrojov zapálenia. Nefajčite.
P233: Nádobu uchovávajte tesne uzavretú.
P240: Uzemnite a upevnite nádobu a plniace zariadenie.
P241: Používajte elektrické/ ventilačné/ osvetľovacie zariadenie do výbušného prostredia.
P242: Používajte neiskriace prístroje.
P305 + P351 + P338: PO ZASIAHNUTÍ OČÍ: Niekoľko minút ich opatrne vyplachujte vodou. Ak používate kontaktné šošovky a je to možné, odstráňte ich. Pokračujte vo vyplachovaní.
P403 + P233: Uchovávajte na dobre vetranom mieste. Nádobu uchovávajte tesne uzavretú.
Storage class3 Vznietlivé kvapaliny
WGKWGK 2 významne ohrozuje vodné zdroje
Relatívne nereaktívne organické reagencie je potrebné zhromaždovať v nádobe A. Ak sú halogénované, je potrebné ich zhromaždovať v nádobe B. Pre tuhé zvyšky použite nádobu C.
Safety Information
Categories of dangerve?mi hor?avá
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageSkladujte pri +15°C až +25°C.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1993 , 3, II
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1993 , 3, II
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1993 , 3, II
Supplemental Information
Suitability for microscopy (Vaginal smear)passes test
Nucleibrownish red
Eosinophilic Cytoplasm (acidophilic)red
Cyanophilic Cytoplasm (basophilic)blue-green
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
1092750500 04022536112961