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111661 Hemacolor® Rýchle farbenie krvných náterov

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Catalogue NumberPackaging Qty/Pack
1116610001 Kartónová krabica 1 set
Catalogue Number111661
DescriptionHemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear
OverviewThe Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear - staining kit for microscopy, is used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the purpose of the hematological and clinico-cytological investigation of sample material of human origin, for example smears of whole blood and bone marrow.
The Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear staining kit combines the brilliance and reproducibility of the Pappenheim staining with the time-advantage of a rapid stain. The Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear staining kit contains a fixing solution, one red (eosin) and one blue (azur) staining solution and phosphate buffer tablets pH 7.2 acc. to Weise (Cat. no. 109468). The staining solutions are separately applied, which results in a high degree of stability. The conventionally appearing precipitates in the hematological staining solutions, could be avoided in this kit. In addition to blood and bone marrow smears, Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear can be used in clinical cytology, e.g. for staining urine, sputum, FNAB, effusions and lavages.
A kit contains safe 500-ml PE-bottles and six buffer tablets. The package is sufficient for 250 - 1000 applications. The buffer tablets acc. to Weise pH 7.2 ( 109468) are also available in larger pack sizes, thus, they can be useful for higher demands. The three solutions needed for staining are all available individually as:

Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear solution 1, fixing solution (Cat. no. 111955)
Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear solution 2, colour reagent red (Cat. no. 111956)
Hemacolor® Rapid staining of blood smear solution 3, colour reagent blue(Cat. no. 111957)

This product is registered as IVD and CE marked. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
Product Information
HS Code3212 90 00
Quality LevelMQ400
Applicationstaining kit for microscopy
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
Safety Information according to GHS
Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
Hazard Pictogram(s)
Hazard Pictogram(s)
Hazard Statement(s)H225: Veľmi horľavá kvapalina a pary.
H301 + H311 + H331: Toxický pri požití, styku s kožou alebo pri vdýchnutí.
H317: Môže vyvolať alergickú kožnú reakciu.
H370: Spôsobuje poškodenie orgánov.
Precautionary Statement(s)P210: Uchovávajte mimo dosahu tepla, horúcich povrchov, iskier, otvoreného ohňa a iných zdrojov zapálenia. Nefajčite.
P233: Nádobu uchovávajte tesne uzavretú.
P280: Použite ochranné rukavice/ ochranný odev/ ochranu očí/ ochranu tváre/ ochranu sluchu.
P303 + P361 + P353: PRI KONTAKTE S POKOŽKOU (alebo vlasmi): Vyzlečte všetky kontaminované časti odevu. Pokožku ihneď opláchnite vodou.
P304 + P340 + P311: PO VDÝCHNUTÍ: Presuňte osobu na čerstvý vzduch a umožnite jej pohodlne dýchať. Volajte TOXIKOLOGICKÉ INFORMAČNÉ CENTRUM/lekára.
P403 + P233: Uchovávajte na dobre vetranom mieste. Nádobu uchovávajte tesne uzavretú.
Signal WordNebezpečenstvo
Storage class3 Vznietlivé kvapaliny
WGKWGK 2 významne ohrozuje vodné zdroje
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
StorageSkladujte pri +15°C až +25°C.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1230 Methanol, 3 (6.1), II
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1230 METHANOL, 3 (6.1), II
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1230 METHANOL, 3 (6.1), II
Supplemental Information
Suitability for microscopy (Blood smear)passes test
Erythrocytespink to brownish
Eosinophilic granulesred to red-brown
Neutrophilic granuleslight violet
Lymphocyte cytoplasmblue
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
1116610001 04022536134369


Hemacolor® Rýchle farbenie krvných náterov MSDS


Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

Hemacolor® Rýchle farbenie krvných náterov Certificates of Analysis

Product Number PackagingSpecificationLot Number
1116610001 Kartónová krabicaPDF Specification Document

User Guides

User Guide 111661