The bone morphogenetic protein antagonist noggin protects white matter after perinatal hypoxia-ischemia. Dizon ML, Maa T, Kessler JA Neurobiol Dis
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Hypoxia-ischemia (HI) in the neonate leads to white matter injury and subsequently cerebral palsy. We find that expression of bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) increases in the neonatal mouse brain after unilateral common carotid artery ligation followed by hypoxia. Since signaling by the BMP family of factors is a potent inhibitor of oligodendroglial differentiation, we tested the hypothesis that antagonism of BMP signaling would prevent loss of oligodendroglia (OL) and white matter in a mouse model of perinatal HI. Perinatal HI was induced in transgenic mice in which the BMP antagonist noggin is overexpressed during oligodendrogenesis (pNSE-Noggin). Following perinatal HI, pNSE-Noggin mice had more oligodendroglial progenitor cells (OPCs) and more mature OL compared to wild type (WT) animals. The increase in OPC numbers did not result from proliferation but rather from increased differentiation from precursor cells. Immunofluorescence studies showed preservation of white matter in lesioned pNSE-Noggin mice compared to lesioned WT animals. Further, following perinatal HI, the pNSE-Noggin mice were protected from gait deficits. Together these findings indicate that the BMP-inhibitor noggin protects from HI-induced loss of oligodendroglial lineage cells and white matter as well as loss of motor function.Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. | | | 21310236
Hypoxia-ischemia induces an endogenous reparative response by local neural progenitors in the postnatal mouse telencephalon. Dizon, M; Szele, F; Kessler, JA Developmental neuroscience
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Perinatal hypoxia-ischemia in the preterm neonate commonly results in white matter injury for which there is no specific therapy. The subventricular zone (SVZ) of the brain harbors neural stem cells and more committed progenitors including oligodendroglial progenitor cells that might serve as replacement cells for treating white matter injury. Data from rodent models suggest limited replacement of mature oligodendroglia by endogenous cells. Rare newly born mature oligodendrocytes have been reported within the striatum, corpus callosum and infarcted cortex 1 month following hypoxia-ischemia. Whether these oligodendrocytes arise in situ or emigrate from the SVZ is unknown. We used a postnatal day 9 mouse model of hypoxia-ischemia, BrdU labeling of mitotic cells, immunofluorescence and time-lapse multiphoton microscopy to determine whether hypoxia-ischemia increases production of oligodendroglial progenitors within the SVZ with emigration toward injured areas. Although cells of the oligodendroglial lineage increased in the brain ipsilateral to hypoxic-ischemic injury, they did not originate from the SVZ but rather arose within the striatum and cortex. Furthermore, they resulted from proliferation within the striatum but not within the cortex. Thus, an endogenous regenerative oligodendroglial response to postnatal hypoxia-ischemia occurs locally, with minimal long-distance contribution by cells of the SVZ. Full Text Article | | | 20616554
In vitro and in vivo induction and activation of nNOS by LPS in oligodendrocytes. S Y Yao,A Ljunggren-Rose,N Chandramohan,W O Whetsell,S Sriram Journal of neuroimmunology
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There are currently four known isoforms of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Of these, neuronal NOS (nNOS) is known to be present exclusively in neurons, endothelial NOS (eNOS) in vascular endothelium, while the inducible form of NOS (iNOS) is known to be activated in oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and microglia. The fourth isoform, mitochondrial NOS (mtNOS), represents a post-translational modification of nNOS. Using western blotting and real time-PCR, we show induction and activation of nNOS following culture of oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPC) with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Activation of nNOS results in accumulation of peroxynitrite and tyrosine nitration of proteins in oligodendrocytes resulting in reduced cell viability. Injection of LPS in vivo into the corpus callosum of rats leads to the development of extensive demyelination of the white matter tracts. Immunostaining of regions close to the injection site shows the presence of nNOS, but not iNOS, in oligodendrocytes. Neither iNOS nor nNOS was seen in astrocytes in areas of demyelination. These studies suggest that activation of nNOS in oligodendrocytes leads to oligodendrocyte injury resulting in demyelination. | | | 20724006
Functional recovery and neural differentiation after transplantation of allogenic adipose-derived stem cells in a canine model of acute spinal cord injury. Ryu, HH; Lim, JH; Byeon, YE; Park, JR; Seo, MS; Lee, YW; Kim, WH; Kang, KS; Kweon, OK Journal of veterinary science
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In this study, we evaluated if the implantation of allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) improved neurological function in a canine spinal cord injury model. Eleven adult dogs were assigned to three groups according to treatment after spinal cord injury by epidural balloon compression: C group (no ASCs treatment as control), V group (vehicle treatment with PBS), and ASC group (ASCs treatment). ASCs or vehicle were injected directly into the injured site 1 week after spinal cord injury. Pelvic limb function after transplantation was evaluated by Olby score. Magnetic resonance imaging, somatosensory evoked potential (SEP), histopathologic and immunohistichemical examinations were also performed. Olby scores in the ASC group increased from 2 weeks after transplantation and were significantly higher than C and V groups until 8 weeks (p less than 0.05). However, there were no significant differences between the C and V groups. Nerve conduction velocity based on SEP was significantly improved in the ASC group compared to C and V groups (p less than 0.05). Positive areas for Luxol fast blue staining were located at the injured site in the ASC group. Also, GFAP, Tuj-1 and NF160 were observed immunohistochemically in cells derived from implanted ASCs. These results suggested that improvement in neurological function by the transplantation of ASCs in dogs with spinal cord injury may be partially due to the neural differentiation of implanted stem cells. Full Text Article | | | 19934591
Neurogenic neuroepithelial and radial glial cells generated from six human embryonic stem cell lines in serum-free suspension and adherent cultures. Roxana Nat, Mats Nilbratt, Susanna Narkilahti, Bengt Winblad, Outi Hovatta, Agneta Nordberg Glia
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The great potential of human embryonic stem (hES) cells offers the opportunity both for studying basic developmental processes in vitro as well as for drug screening, modeling diseases, or future cell therapy. Defining protocols for the generation of human neural progenies represents a most important prerequisite. Here, we have used six hES cell lines to evaluate defined conditions for neural differentiation in suspension and adherent culture systems. Our protocol does not require fetal serum, feeder cells, or retinoic acid at any step, to induce neural fate decisions in hES cells. We monitored neurogenesis in differentiating cultures using morphological (including on-line follow up), immunocytochemical, and RT-PCR assays. For each hES cell line, in suspension or adherent culture, the same longitudinal progression of neural differentiation occurs. We showed the dynamic transitions from hES cells to neuroepithelial (NE) cells, to radial glial (RG) cells, and to neurons. Thus, 7 days after neural induction the majority of cells were NE, expressing nestin, Sox1, and Pax6. During neural proliferation and differentiation, NE cells transformed in RG cells, which acquired vimentin, BLBP, GLAST, and GFAP, proliferated and formed radial scaffolds. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)-positive and glutamate positive neurons, few oligodendrocyte progenitors and astrocytes were formed in our conditions and timing. Our system successfully generates human RG cells and could be an effective source for neuronal replacement, since RG cells predominantly generate neurons and provide them with support and guidance. | | | 17152062