PAR-CLIP (Photoactivatable Ribonucleoside-Enhanced Crosslinking and Immunoprecipitation): a step-by-step protocol to the transcriptome-wide identification of binding sites of RNA-binding proteins. Spitzer, J; Hafner, M; Landthaler, M; Ascano, M; Farazi, T; Wardle, G; Nusbaum, J; Khorshid, M; Burger, L; Zavolan, M; Tuschl, T Methods in enzymology
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We recently developed a protocol for the transcriptome-wide isolation of RNA recognition elements readily applicable to any protein or ribonucleoprotein complex directly contacting RNA (including RNA helicases, polymerases, or nucleases) expressed in cell culture models either naturally or ectopically (Hafner et al., 2010). Briefly, immunoprecipitation of the RNA-binding protein of interest is followed by isolation of the crosslinked and coimmunoprecipitated RNA. In the course of lysate preparation and immunoprecipitation, the mRNAs are partially degraded using Ribonuclease T1. The isolated crosslinked RNA fragments are converted into a cDNA library and deep-sequenced using Solexa technology (see Explanatory Chapter: Next Generation Sequencing). By introducing photoreactive nucleosides that generate characteristic sequence changes upon crosslinking (see below), our protocol allows one to separate RNA segments bound by the protein of interest from the background un-crosslinked RNAs. | 24581442
Differential expression of microRNA expression in tamoxifen-sensitive MCF-7 versus tamoxifen-resistant LY2 human breast cancer cells. Manavalan, TT; Teng, Y; Appana, SN; Datta, S; Kalbfleisch, TS; Li, Y; Klinge, CM Cancer letters
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Microarrays identified miRNAs differentially expressed and 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) regulated in MCF-7 endocrine-sensitive versus resistant LY2 human breast cancer cells. 97 miRNAs were differentially expressed in MCF-7 versus LY2 cells. Opposite expression of miRs-10a, 21, 22, 29a, 93, 125b, 181, 200a, 200b, 200c, 205, and 222 was confirmed. Bioinformatic analyses to impute the biological significance of these miRNAs identified 36 predicted gene targets from those regulated by 4-OHT in MCF-7 cells. Agreement in the direction of anticipated regulation was detected for 12 putative targets. These miRNAs with opposite expression between the two cell lines may be involved in endocrine resistance. | 21955614