Small RNA sequence analysis of adenovirus VA RNA-derived miRNAs reveals an unexpected serotype-specific difference in structure and abundance. Kamel, W; Segerman, B; Punga, T; Akusjärvi, G PloS one
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Human adenoviruses (HAds) encode for one or two highly abundant virus-associated RNAs, designated VA RNAI and VA RNAII, which fold into stable hairpin structures resembling miRNA precursors. Here we show that the terminal stem of the VA RNAs originating from Ad4, Ad5, Ad11 and Ad37, all undergo Dicer dependent processing into virus-specific miRNAs (so-called mivaRNAs). We further show that the mivaRNA duplex is subjected to a highly asymmetric RISC loading with the 3'-strand from all VA RNAs being the favored strand, except for the Ad37 VA RNAII, where the 5'-mivaRNAII strand was preferentially assembled into RISC. Although the mivaRNA seed sequences are not fully conserved between the HAds a bioinformatics prediction approach suggests that a large fraction of the VA RNAII-, but not the VA RNAI-derived mivaRNAs still are able to target the same cellular genes. Using small RNA deep sequencing we demonstrate that the Dicer processing event in the terminal stem of the VA RNAs is not unique and generates 3'-mivaRNAs with a slight variation of the position of the 5' terminal nucleotide in the RISC loaded guide strand. Also, we show that all analyzed VA RNAs, except Ad37 VA RNAI and Ad5 VA RNAII, utilize an alternative upstream A start site in addition to the classical +1 G start site. Further, the 5'-mivaRNAs with an A start appears to be preferentially incorporated into RISC. Although the majority of mivaRNA research has been done using Ad5 as the model system our analysis demonstrates that the mivaRNAs expressed in Ad11- and Ad37-infected cells are the most abundant mivaRNAs associated with Ago2-containing RISC. Collectively, our results show an unexpected variability in Dicer processing of the VA RNAs and a serotype-specific loading of mivaRNAs into Ago2-based RISC. | 25144466
Tat-PTD-modified oncolytic adenovirus driven by the SCG3 promoter and ASH1 enhancer for neuroblastoma therapy. Jin, C; Yu, D; Čančer, M; Nilsson, B; Leja, J; Essand, M Human gene therapy
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Secretogranin III (SGC3) belongs to the granin family and is highly expressed in endocrine and neural tissues. The human SCG3 promoter has not yet been characterized. We identified that a 0.5-kb DNA fragment upstream of the SCG3 gene can selectively drive transgene expression in neuroblastoma cell lines. The strength of transgene expression was further increased, with specificity maintained, by addition of the human achaete-scute complex homolog 1 (ASH1) enhancer. We developed an oncolytic serotype 5-based adenovirus, in which the SCG3 promoter and ASH1 enhancer drive E1A gene expression. The virus was further modified with a cell-penetrating peptide (Tat-PTD) in the viral capsid, which we have previously shown results in increased adenovirus transduction efficiency of many neuroblastoma cell lines. The virus, Ad5PTD(ASH1-SCG3-E1A), shows selective and efficient killing of neuroblastoma cell lines in vitro, including cisplatin-, etoposide-, and doxorubicin-insensitive neuroblastoma cells. Furthermore, it delays tumor growth and thereby prolonged survival for nude mice harboring subcutaneous human neuroblastoma xenograft. In conclusion, we report a novel oncolytic adenovirus with potential use for neuroblastoma therapy. | 23889332
The depuration dynamics of oysters (Crassostrea gigas) artificially contaminated with hepatitis A virus and human adenovirus. Adriana de Abreu Corrêa,Caroline Rigotto,Vanessa Moresco,Cristian Rafael Kleemann,Adriano Luiz Teixeira,Carlos Rogério Poli,Cláudia Maria Oliveira Simões,Célia Regina Monte Barardi Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz
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Within the country of Brazil, Santa Catarina is a major shellfish producer. Detection of viral contamination is an important step to ensure production quality and consumer safety during this process. In this study, we used a depuration system and ultraviolet (UV) disinfection to eliminate viral pathogens from artificially infected oysters and analysed the results. Specifically, the oysters were contaminated with hepatitis A virus (HAV) or human adenovirus type 5 (HAdV5). After viral infection, the oysters were placed into a depuration tank and harvested after 48, 72 and 96 h. After sampling, various oyster tissues were dissected and homogenised and the viruses were eluted with alkaline conditions and precipitated with polyethylene glycol. The oyster samples were evaluated by cell culture methods, as well as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantitative-PCR. Moreover, at the end of the depuration period, the disinfected seawater was collected and analysed by PCR. The molecular assays showed that the HAdV5 genome was present in all of the depuration time samples, while the HAV genome was undetectable after 72 h of depuration. However, viral viability tests (integrated cell culture-PCR and immunofluorescence assay) indicated that both viruses were inactivated with 96 h of seawater recirculation. In conclusion, after 96 h of UV treatment, the depuration system studied in this work purified oysters that were artificially contaminated with HAdV5 and HAV. | 22310530
Coagulation factor IX mediates serotype-specific binding of species A adenoviruses to host cells. Lenman, A; Müller, S; Nygren, MI; Frängsmyr, L; Stehle, T; Arnberg, N Journal of virology
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Human species A adenoviruses (HAdVs) comprise three serotypes: HAdV-12, -18, and -31. These viruses are common pathogens and cause systemic infections that usually involve the airways and/or intestine. In immunocompromised individuals, species A adenoviruses in general, and HAdV-31 in particular, cause life-threatening infections. By combining binding and infection experiments, we demonstrate that coagulation factor IX (FIX) efficiently enhances binding and infection by HAdV-18 and HAdV-31, but not by HAdV-12, in epithelial cells originating from the airways or intestine. This is markedly different from the mechanism for HAdV-5 and other human adenoviruses, which utilize coagulation factor X (FX) for infection of host cells. Surface plasmon resonance experiments revealed that the affinity of the HAdV-31 hexon-FIX interaction is higher than that of the HAdV-5 hexon-FX interaction and that the half-lives of these interactions are profoundly different. Moreover, both HAdV-31-FIX and HAdV-5-FX complexes bind to heparan sulfate-containing glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) on target cells, but binding studies utilizing cells expressing specific GAGs and GAG-cleaving enzymes revealed differences in GAG dependence and specificity between these two complexes. These findings add to our understanding of the intricate infection pathways used by human adenoviruses, and they may contribute to better design of HAdV-based vectors for gene and cancer therapy. Furthermore, the interaction between the HAdV-31 hexon and FIX may also serve as a target for antiviral treatment. | 21976659
Detection and quantitation of infectious human adenoviruses and JC polyomaviruses in water by immunofluorescence assay. Calgua B, Barardi CR, Bofill-Mas S, Rodriguez-Manzano J, Girones R J Virol Methods
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Human adenoviruses (HAdV) and JC polyomaviruses (JCPyV) have been proposed as markers of fecal/urine contamination of human origin. An indirect immunofluorescence assay has been developed to quantify infectious human adenoviruses types 2 and 41 and JC polyomaviruses strain Mad-4 in water samples. The immunofluorescence assay was compared with other quantitative techniques used commonly such as plaque assay, tissue culture infectious dose-50 and quantitative PCR (qPCR). The immunofluorescence assays showed to be specific for the detection of infectious viruses, obtaining negative results when UV or heat-inactivated viruses were analyzed. The assays required less time and showed higher sensitivity for the detection of infectious viral particles than other cell culture techniques (1log(10) more) evaluated. River water samples spiked previously with human adenoviruses and raw sewage samples were also analyzed using the proposed immunofluorescence assay as well as by qPCR. The results show quantitations with 2log(10) reduction in the numbers of infectious viruses compared with the number of genome copies detected by qPCR. The immunofluorescence assay developed is fast, sensitive, specific, and a standardizable technique for the quantitation and detection of infectious viruses in water samples. | 20863853
Adenovirus delivery of human CD40 ligand gene confers direct therapeutic effects on carcinomas. L Vardouli,C Lindqvist,K Vlahou,A S I Loskog,A G Eliopoulos Cancer gene therapy
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CD40, a tumor necrosis factor receptor family member, is an emerging target for cancer therapy being best appreciated as an important regulator of the anti-tumor immune response. In this study, we report the development of a replication-defective recombinant adenovirus (RAd) vector expressing human CD40 ligand (RAd-hCD40L) and show that sustained engagement of the CD40 pathway in malignant cells results in direct anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects. Thus, transduction of CD40-positive bladder, cervical and ovarian carcinoma cell lines with RAd-hCD40L potently inhibits their proliferation in vitro, whereas CD40-negative lines remain unresponsive. RAd-hCD40L is also found to be superior to recombinant CD40L in inducing carcinoma cell death and in amplifying the cytotoxic effects of the chemotherapeutic agents 5-fluorouracil, cis-platin and mitomycin C. Soluble CD40L is produced by RAd-hCD40L transduced carcinoma cells but unlike other soluble tumor necrosis factor family ligands, it does not interfere with the death-promoting activity of its membrane-bound form. In a mouse xenograft tumor model bearing a human bladder carcinoma, intratumoral delivery of RAd-hCD40L suppresses cancer growth. These findings highlight the potential of exploiting the CD40 pathway in carcinomas using CD40L gene transfer alone or in combination with other modalities for cancer therapy. Our results have also broader implications in understanding the multifaceted anti-tumor activities of the CD40 pathway in carcinomas, which thus offer an attractive option for future clinical application. | 19461675
Fiber mediated receptor masking in non-infected bystander cells restricts adenovirus cell killing effect but promotes adenovirus host co-existence. Rebetz J, Na M, Su C, Holmqvist B, Edqvist A, Nyberg C, Widegren B, Salford LG, Sjögren HO, Arnberg N, Qian Q, Fan X PLoS One
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The basic concept of conditionally replicating adenoviruses (CRAD) as oncolytic agents is that progenies generated from each round of infection will disperse, infect and kill new cancer cells. However, CRAD has only inhibited, but not eradicated tumor growth in xenograft tumor therapy, and CRAD therapy has had only marginal clinical benefit to cancer patients. Here, we found that CRAD propagation and cancer cell survival co-existed for long periods of time when infection was initiated at low multiplicity of infection (MOI), and cancer cell killing was inefficient and slow compared to the assumed cell killing effect upon infection at high MOI. Excessive production of fiber molecules from initial CRAD infection of only 1 to 2% cancer cells and their release prior to the viral particle itself caused a tropism-specific receptor masking in both infected and non-infected bystander cells. Consequently, the non-infected bystander cells were inefficiently bound and infected by CRAD progenies. Further, fiber overproduction with concomitant restriction of adenovirus spread was observed in xenograft cancer therapy models. Besides the CAR-binding Ad4, Ad5, and Ad37, infection with CD46-binding Ad35 and Ad11 also caused receptor masking. Fiber overproduction and its resulting receptor masking thus play a key role in limiting CRAD functionality, but potentially promote adenovirus and host cell co-existence. These findings also give important clues for understanding mechanisms underlying the natural infection course of various adenoviruses. Full Text Article | 20041185
Biodistribution and kinetics of the novel selective oncolytic adenovirus M1 after systemic administration. Huang, X; Zhuang, L; Cao, Y; Gao, Q; Han, Z; Tang, D; Xing, H; Wang, W; Lu, Y; Xu, G; Wang, S; Zhou, J; Ma, D Molecular cancer therapeutics
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Oncolytic adenoviruses represent a promising novel therapeutic option for the treatment of cancer. Despite their demonstrated safety in human clinical trials, the fundamental properties of oncolytic adenovirus biodistribution, spread, viral persistence, and replication in vivo have not been well characterized. The aim of this study was to evaluate the kinetics of viral distribution, spread, replication, and antitumoral efficacy after i.v. administration of a novel oncolytic mutant M1. This mutant consists of the E1A CR2-deleted Adv5 with a fragment of antisense polo-like kinase 1 (plk1) cDNA inserted into the deleted 6.7K/gp19K region, which combines oncolytic properties with efficient plk1 silencing, as described in our previous reports. In the present study, we established a new human orthotopic gastric carcinoma with a high frequency metastasis mouse model and showed that M1 spread not only in local primary tumors but also in disseminated metastases. M1 could effectively replicate in tumor cells leading to "oncolysis" and was able to eliminate expression of the targeted gene plk1 in human orthotopic gastric carcinoma model mice. Therefore, i.v. administration of M1 could prolong the survival time of tumor-bearing mice. | 18566233
Increased therapeutic efficacy of the prostate-specific oncolytic adenovirus Ad[I/PPT-E1A] by reduction of the insulator size and introduction of the full-length E3 region. Danielsson, A; Dzojic, H; Nilsson, B; Essand, M Cancer gene therapy
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Conditionally replicating adenoviruses are developing as a complement to traditional cancer therapies. Ad[I/PPT-E1A] is an E1B/E3-deleted virus that replicates exclusively in prostate cells, since the expression of E1A is controlled by the recombinant 1.4 kb prostate-specific PPT promoter. The transcriptional integrity of PPT is maintained by the 3.0 kb mouse H19 insulator that was introduced directly upstream of the PPT sequence. In order to increase the cloning capacity to be able to reintroduce E3 sequences in the 35.7 kb Ad[I/PPT-E1A] genome, various shorter insulators were examined in a luciferase reporter gene assay. It was found that the 1.6 kb core H19 insulator (i) improves the activity of PPT, compared to the 3.0 kb full-length insulator, while still maintaining prostate cell specificity and releasing 1.4 kb of space for insertion of additional sequences. To improve the ability of the virus to efficiently lyse infected cells and persist in vivo, we inserted the adenovirus death protein (ADP) or the full-length adenovirus E3 region. The oncolytic activity of PPT-E1A-based viruses was studied using MTS, crystal violet and replication assays. The virus with the reintroduced full-length E3-region (Ad[i/PPT-E1A, E3]) showed the highest cytopathic effects in vitro. Furthermore, this virus suppressed the growth of aggressively growing prostate tumors in vivo. Therefore, we conclude that Ad[i/PPT-E1A, E3] is a prostate-specific oncolytic adenovirus with a high potential for treating localized prostate cancer. | 18188185
Human matrix metalloproteinase-8 gene delivery increases the oncolytic activity of a replicating adenovirus. Cheng, J; Sauthoff, H; Huang, Y; Kutler, DI; Bajwa, S; Rom, WN; Hay, JG Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy
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The success of replicating adenoviruses for cancer therapy is limited by inefficient virus delivery and poor distribution within the tumor mass. Stromal matrix within the tumor may hinder the free cell-to-cell spread of the virus. In this study, in vitro cell culture experiments showed that collagen I blocked the passage of an adenoviral vector through a membrane. On the basis of reports of the effective collagen I-degrading activity of matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), we constructed an adenovirus to express the MMP-8 transgene (AdMMP8). A549 cells infected in vitro with AdMMP8 did not show altered growth but were able to modify a fibrillar collagen substrate to allow viral diffusion. Further, AdMMP8 did not affect replication of the wild-type virus (Adwt300). Established human A549 lung cancer and BxPC-3 pancreatic cancer xenograft tumors that were injected with Adwt300 together with the non-replicating AdMMP8 virus showed significantly reduced growth compared with control tumors. Histochemical analysis showed reduced amounts of collagen within necrotic areas of MMP-8-injected tumors compared with controls. These results demonstrate that intra-tumoral expression of MMP-8 is a possible strategy for improving viral spread and improving the oncolytic activity of replicating adenovirus. | 17653103