Data in support of 5'AMP-activated protein kinase alpha regulates stress granule biogenesis. Mahboubi, H; Barisé, R; Stochaj, U Data in brief
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This data article contains insights into the regulation of cytoplasmic stress granules (SGs) by 5'-AMP-activated kinase (AMPK). Our results verify the specific association of AMPK-α2, but not AMPK-α1, with SGs. We also provide validation data for the isoform-specific recruitment of the AMPK-α subunit to SGs using (i) different antibodies and (ii) a distinct cellular model system. In addition, we assess the SG association of the regulatory AMPK β- and γ-subunits. The interpretation of these data and further extensive insights into the regulation of SG biogenesis by AMPK can be found in "5'AMP-activated protein kinase alpha regulates stress granule biogenesis" [1]. | | 26217763
Mitochondrial calcium uniporter activity is dispensable for MDA-MB-231 breast carcinoma cell survival. Hall, DD; Wu, Y; Domann, FE; Spitz, DR; Anderson, ME PloS one
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Calcium uptake through the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) is thought to be essential in regulating cellular signaling events, energy status, and survival. Functional dissection of the uniporter is now possible through the recent identification of the genes encoding for MCU protein complex subunits. Cancer cells exhibit many aspects of mitochondrial dysfunction associated with altered mitochondrial Ca2+ levels including resistance to apoptosis, increased reactive oxygen species production and decreased oxidative metabolism. We used a publically available database to determine that breast cancer patient outcomes negatively correlated with increased MCU Ca2+ conducting pore subunit expression and decreased MICU1 regulatory subunit expression. We hypothesized breast cancer cells may therefore be sensitive to MCU channel manipulation. We used the widely studied MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line to investigate whether disruption or increased activation of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake with specific siRNAs and adenoviral overexpression constructs would sensitize these cells to therapy-related stress. MDA-MB-231 cells were found to contain functional MCU channels that readily respond to cellular stimulation and elicit robust AMPK phosphorylation responses to nutrient withdrawal. Surprisingly, knockdown of MCU or MICU1 did not affect reactive oxygen species production or cause significant effects on clonogenic cell survival of MDA-MB-231 cells exposed to irradiation, chemotherapeutic agents, or nutrient deprivation. Overexpression of wild type or a dominant negative mutant MCU did not affect basal cloning efficiency or ceramide-induced cell killing. In contrast, non-cancerous breast epithelial HMEC cells showed reduced survival after MCU or MICU1 knockdown. These results support the conclusion that MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells do not rely on MCU or MICU1 activity for survival in contrast to previous findings in cells derived from cervical, colon, and prostate cancers and suggest that not all carcinomas will be sensitive to therapies targeting mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake mechanisms. | Western Blotting | 24802861
Activation of AMPKα2 is not crucial for mitochondrial uncoupling-induced metabolic effects but required to maintain skeletal muscle integrity. Ost, M; Werner, F; Dokas, J; Klaus, S; Voigt, A PloS one
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Transgenic (UCP1-TG) mice with ectopic expression of UCP1 in skeletal muscle (SM) show a phenotype of increased energy expenditure, improved glucose tolerance and increase substrate metabolism in SM. To investigate the potential role of skeletal muscle AMPKα2 activation in the metabolic phenotype of UCP1-TG mice we generated double transgenic (DTG) mice, by crossing of UCP1-TG mice with DN-AMPKα2 mice overexpressing a dominant negative α2 subunit of AMPK in SM which resulted in an impaired AMPKα2 activity by 90±9% in SM of DTG mice. Biometric analysis of young male mice showed decreased body weight, lean and fat mass for both UCP1-TG and DTG compared to WT and DN-AMPKα2 mice. Energy intake and weight-specific total energy expenditure were increased, both in UCP1-TG and DTG mice. Moreover, glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity and fatty acid oxidation were not altered in DTG compared to UCP1-TG. Also uncoupling induced induction and secretion of fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) from SM was preserved in DTG mice. However, voluntary physical cage activity as well as ad libitum running wheel access during night uncovered a severe activity intolerance of DTG mice. Histological analysis showed a progressive degenerative morphology in SM of DTG mice which was not observed in SM of UCP1-TG mice. Moreover, ATP-depletion related cellular stress response via heat shock protein 70 was highly induced, whereas capillarization regulator VEGF was suppressed in DTG muscle. In addition, AMPKα2-mediated induction of mitophagy regulator ULK1 was suppressed in DTG mice, as well as mitochondrial respiratory capacity and content. In conclusion, we demonstrate that AMPKα2 is dispensable for SM mitochondrial uncoupling induced metabolic effects on whole body energy balance, glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. But strikingly, activation of AMPKα2 seems crucial for maintaining SM function, integrity and the ability to compensate chronic metabolic stress induced by SM mitochondrial uncoupling. | Western Blotting | 24732703
Gemcitabine induces poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) degradation through autophagy in pancreatic cancer. Wang, Y; Kuramitsu, Y; Tokuda, K; Baron, B; Kitagawa, T; Akada, J; Maehara, S; Maehara, Y; Nakamura, K PloS one
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Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) and autophagy play increasingly important roles in DNA damage repair and cell death. Gemcitabine (GEM) remains the first-line chemotherapeutic drug for pancreatic cancer (PC). However, little is known about the relationship between PARP-1 expression and autophagy in response to GEM. Here we demonstrate that GEM induces DNA-damage response and degradation of mono-ADP ribosylated PARP-1 through the autophagy pathway in PC cells, which is rescued by inhibiting autophagy. Hypoxia and serum starvation inhibit autophagic activity due to abrogated GEM-induced mono-ADP-ribosylated PARP-1 degradation. Activation of extracellular regulated protein kinases (ERK) induced by serum starvation shows differences in intracellular localization as well as modulation of autophagy and PARP-1 degradation in GEM-sensitive KLM1 and -resistant KLM1-R cells. Our study has revealed a novel role of autophagy in PARP-1 degradation in response to GEM, and the different impacts of MEK/ERK signaling pathway on autophagy between GEM-sensitive and -resistant PC cells. | | 25271986
Comparing the effects of nano-sized sugarcane fiber with cellulose and psyllium on hepatic cellular signaling in mice. Wang, Zhong Q, et al. Int J Nanomedicine, 7: 2999-3012 (2012)
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To compare the effects of dietary fibers on hepatic cellular signaling in mice. | | 22787396
Increased estrogen receptor β in adipose tissue is associated with increased intracellular and reduced circulating adiponectin protein levels in aged female rats. Nanette J Tomicek,Timothy S Lancaster,Donna H Korzick Gender medicine
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Obesity and associated metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk are correlated with reduced circulating adiponectin (APN) levels. Metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk is also increased after menopause and may be linked to disturbances in estrogen receptor (ER) signaling in adipose. | | 21782527
Adrenergic regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase in brown adipose tissue in vivo. Pulinilkunnil, T; He, H; Kong, D; Asakura, K; Peroni, OD; Lee, A; Kahn, BB The Journal of biological chemistry
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AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an evolutionarily conserved serine-threonine kinase that senses cellular energy status, is activated by stress and neurohumoral stimuli. We investigated the mechanisms by which adrenergic signaling alters AMPK activation in vivo. Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is highly enriched in sympathetic innervation, which is critical for regulation of energy homeostasis. We performed unilateral denervation of BAT in wild type (WT) mice to abolish neural input. Six days post-denervation, UCP-1 protein levels and AMPK α2 protein and activity were reduced by 45%. In β(1,2,3)-adrenergic receptor knock-out mice, unilateral denervation led to a 25-45% decrease in AMPK activity, protein expression, and Thr(172) phosphorylation. In contrast, acute α- or β-adrenergic blockade in WT mice resulted in increased AMPK α Thr(172) phosphorylation and AMPK α1 and α2 activity in BAT. But short term blockade of α-adrenergic signaling in β(1,2,3)-adrenergic receptor knock-out mice resulted in decreased AMPK activity in BAT, which strongly correlated with enhanced phosphorylation of AMPK on Ser(485/491), a site associated with inhibition of AMPK activity. Both PKA and AKT inhibitors attenuated AMPK Ser(485/491) phosphorylation resulting from α-adrenergic blockade and prevented decreases in AMPK activity. In vitro mechanistic studies in BAT explants showed that the effects of α-adrenergic blockade appeared to be secondary to inhibition of oxygen consumption. In conclusion, adrenergic pathways regulate AMPK activity in vivo acutely via alterations in Thr(172) phosphorylation and chronically through changes in the α catalytic subunit protein levels. Furthermore, AMPK α Ser(485/491) phosphorylation may be a novel mechanism to inhibit AMPK activity in vivo and alter its biological effects. | | 21209093
Myo1c regulates glucose uptake in mouse skeletal muscle. Toyoda, T; An, D; Witczak, CA; Koh, HJ; Hirshman, MF; Fujii, N; Goodyear, LJ The Journal of biological chemistry
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Contraction and insulin promote glucose uptake in skeletal muscle through GLUT4 translocation to cell surface membranes. Although the signaling mechanisms leading to GLUT4 translocation have been extensively studied in muscle, the cellular transport machinery is poorly understood. Myo1c is an actin-based motor protein implicated in GLUT4 translocation in adipocytes; however, the expression profile and role of Myo1c in skeletal muscle have not been investigated. Myo1c protein abundance was higher in more oxidative skeletal muscles and heart. Voluntary wheel exercise (4 weeks, 8.2 ± 0.8 km/day), which increased the oxidative profile of the triceps muscle, significantly increased Myo1c protein levels by ∼2-fold versus sedentary controls. In contrast, high fat feeding (9 weeks, 60% fat) significantly reduced Myo1c by 17% in tibialis anterior muscle. To study Myo1c regulation of glucose uptake, we expressed wild-type Myo1c or Myo1c mutated at the ATPase catalytic site (K111A-Myo1c) in mouse tibialis anterior muscles in vivo and assessed glucose uptake in vivo in the basal state, in response to 15 min of in situ contraction, and 15 min following maximal insulin injection (16.6 units/kg of body weight). Expression of wild-type Myo1c or K111A-Myo1c had no effect on basal glucose uptake. However, expression of wild-type Myo1c significantly increased contraction- and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, whereas expression of K111A-Myo1c decreased both contraction-stimulated and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. Neither wild-type nor K111A-Myo1c expression altered GLUT4 expression, and neither affected contraction- or insulin-stimulated signaling proteins. Myo1c is a novel mediator of both insulin-stimulated and contraction-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle. | | 21127070
Regulation of the expression of the avian uncoupling protein 3 by isoproterenol and fatty acids in chick myoblasts: possible involvement of AMPK and PPARalpha? Joubert, R; Métayer-Coustard, S; Crochet, S; Cailleau-Audouin, E; Dupont, J; Duclos, MJ; Tesseraud, S; Collin, A American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology
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The avian uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3), mainly expressed in muscle tissue, could be involved in fatty acid (FA) metabolism, limitation of reactive oxygen species production, and/or nonshivering thermogenesis. We recently demonstrated that UCP3 mRNA expression was increased by isoproterenol (Iso), a β-agonist, in chicken Pectoralis major. This upregulation was associated with changes in FA metabolism and variations in the activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and in the expression of the transcription factors peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)α, PPARβ/δ, and PPARγ coactivator-1α (PGC-1α). The aim of the present study was to elucidate the mechanisms involving AMPK and PPARα in UCP3 regulation in primary cultures of chick myoblasts. Avian UCP3 mRNA expression, associated with p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) activation, was increased by Iso and/or FAs. The PKA pathway mediated the effects of Iso on UCP3 expression. FA stimulation also led to AMPK activation. Furthermore, the direct involvement of AMPK on UCP3 regulation was shown by using 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxyamide ribonucleoside and Compound C. The use of the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB202190, which was associated with AMPK activation, also dramatically enhanced UCP3 mRNA expression. Finally the PPARα agonist WY-14643 strongly increased UCP3 mRNA expression. This study highlights the control of UCP3 expression by the β-adrenergic system and FA in chick myoblasts and demonstrates that its expression is directly regulated by AMPK and by PPARα. Overexpression of avian UCP3 might modulate energy utilization or limit oxidative stress when mitochondrial metabolism of FA is triggered by catecholamines. | | 21508290
Thermogenic activation induces FGF21 expression and release in brown adipose tissue. Hondares E, Iglesias R, Giralt A, Gonzalez FJ, Giralt M, Mampel T, Villarroya F J Biol Chem
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FGF21 is a novel metabolic regulator involved in the control of glucose homeostasis, insulin sensitivity and ketogenesis. The liver has been considered the main site of production and release of FGF21 into the blood. Here we show that, after thermogenic activation, brown adipose tissue (BAT) becomes a source of systemic FGF21. This is due to a powerful cAMP-mediated pathway of regulation of FGF21 gene transcription. Norepinephrine, acting via β-adrenergic, cAMP-mediated, mechanisms and subsequent activation of protein kinase-A and p38 MAP kinase, induces FGF21 gene transcription and also FGF21 release in brown adipocytes. ATF2 binding to the FGF21 gene promoter mediates cAMP-dependent induction of FGF21 gene transcription. FGF21 release by brown fat in vivo was directly assessed by analyzing arterio-venous differences in FGF21 concentration across interscapular brown fat, in combination with blood flow to BAT and assessment of FGF21 half-life. This analysis demonstrates that exposure of rats to cold induced a marked release of FGF21 by brown fat in vivo, in association with a reduction in systemic FGF21 half-life. The present findings lead to the recognition of a novel pathway of regulation the FGF21 gene and an endocrine role of brown fat, as a source of FGF21 that may be specially relevant in conditions of activation of thermogenic activity. | | 21317437