Western Blotting Reagents
Highest sensitivity with the least background
Highest sensitivity with the least background Méně
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Luminata™ |
bløk® |
Life Science Research > Protein Detection and Quantification > Western Blotting > Western Blotting Kits and Reagents |
For simple, cost-effective protein detection, use Millipore's Western blotting reagents to achieve the highest sensitivity with the least background.
Bløk™ Noise Cancelling Reagents
Bløk reagents minimize background in Western blots, increasing sensitivity for superior detection of even low-abundance proteins. Bløk reagents are protein-free, which reduces non-specific binding, especially when you are using phosphoantibodies or avidin-biotin systems.
While Bløk reagents were specially engineered for Millipore’s SNAP i.d. detection system, they can be used to reduce background in traditional Western blotting protocols.
Choose from 3 Bløk reagents
- Bløk-CH buffer for HRP chemiluminescence or chromogenic detection
- Bløk-FL buffer for fluorescence detection
- Bløk-PO buffer for phosphotyrosine detection using chemiluminescence or fluorescence
Bløk Buffer Features:
- Ready-to-use
- Protein-free
- Will pass freely through SNAP i.d. blot holders
- Can be stored at room temperature
- Long shelf life:
• Bløk-CH/FL 2 year shelf-life
• Bløk-PO 1 year shelf-life
- Available in 500 mL bottle
- Compatible with PVDF (Immobilon P, Immobilon FL) and nitrocellulose
- Bløk-CH reagent compatible with Immobilon HRP substrate
- Compatible with streptavidin antibodies
- Ability to dilute the 1° and 2° antibodies using Bløk reagents
- Sufficient reagent for 19 mini blots (each 8 x 7 cm blot requires at least 26 mL for SNAP i.d.)
Why use a synthetic blocker?
- Reduce cross-reactivity which may be observed with protein-based buffers
- Reduce background, especially for detecting low-abundance proteins
- If you are studying protein phosphorylation
- If you are using an avidin-biotin system
Simplify troubleshooting
Bløk reagents allow you to stain the membrane after immunodetection so you can see if there were problems with the protein transfer, or learn whether each lane contained the same amount of protein.
Luminata Western HRP Subtrates
The new family of Luminata Western HRP substrates are a family of premixed, ready-to-use chemiluminescent reagents for the detection of HRP-based Westerns. Pour directly onto the Western membrane without worrying about pipetting error. The Luminata™ Classico, Crescendo and Forte substrates cover a broad range of sensitivities and are stable at 4 °C or room temperature so you can store it on your own bench.
Immobilion® Western HRP and AP Chemiluminescent Substrates
Millipore’s HRP and AP substrates excel in all Western and dot/slot/spot blotting applications. In addition, they are compatible with both PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes, as well as all commonly used buffers and blocking reagents.
Spray and Glow Detection Reagent
The Visualizer™ Spray & Glow™ system is a light-emitting non-radioactive method for detecting immobilized specific antigens in chemiluminescent Western blots through HRP-labeled antibodies. Spray & Glow is comparable in sensitivity to an everyday “workhorse” ECL detection reagent, suitable for normal to high abundance proteins. As a plus, Spray & Glow is easy to use and requires no mixing or pipetting!
Its low background, high signal-to-noise ratio make it ideal for your research. As you may know, low background blots are considered higher quality data that are easier to analyze and more likely to be accepted for publication.

Detection of GAPDH in 10 μg (Lane 1), 5 μg (Lane 2), 2.5 μg (Lane 3), and 1.2 μg (Lane 4) of A431 lysate. Blots were treated with the indicated detection substrate and exposed to x-ray film for 5 minutes. Luminata Forte substrate is equivalent to Immobilon Western Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate (WBKLS0500, Millipore).
For simple, cost-effective protein detection, use our Western blotting reagents to achieve the highest sensitivity with the least background. Featured Western blotting tools include protein-free, room temperature-stable blocking reagents for chemiluminescent, fluorescent, and phosphoprotein detection and pre-mixed, room temperature-stable HRP substrates.
Features & Benefits
- Pre-optimized to work synergistically, providing strong, specific signals and low background
- Signal enhancing reagents amplify your signals so you can get your data more quickly and spend less time troubleshooting
- We also offer easy-to-use reagents for the removal of antibodies from Western blots that have been developed with chemiluminescent substrates
Western Blotting using Nitrocellulose or PVDF Membrane; Compatible with Radioactive, Chromogenic, Chemiluminescent, Fluorescent, and Chemifluorescent Detection