104480 SupelcoSíran rtuťnatý
pro analýzu EMSURE® ACS
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Replacement Information |
Tabulka spec. kláve
CAS # | EC Number | Hill Formula | Chemical Formula | Molar Mass | Grade Value |
7783-35-9 | 231-992-5 | HgO₄S | HgSO₄ | 296.65 g/mol | ACS |
Katalogové číslo | Balení | ks/bal. | |
1044800050 | Plastová láhev | 50 g | |
1044800250 | Plastová láhev | 250 g |
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 104480 |
Description | Mercury(II) sulfate |
References |
Product Information | |
CAS number | 7783-35-9 |
EC index number | 080-002-00-6 |
EC number | 231-992-5 |
Grade | ACS |
Hill Formula | HgO₄S |
Chemical formula | HgSO₄ |
Molar Mass | 296.65 g/mol |
HS Code | 2852 10 00 |
Quality Level | MQ300 |
Applications |
Biological Information |
Physicochemical Information | |
Density | 6.470 g/cm3 |
Ignition temperature | >450 °C |
pH value | 1 (50 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C) |
Bulk density | 670 kg/m3 |
Dimensions |
Materials Information |
Toxicological Information |
Safety Information | |
Categories of danger | vysoce toxický, nebezpe?ný pro životní prost?edí |
Product Usage Statements |
Storage and Shipping Information | |
Storage | Skladovat od +2°C až +30°C. |
Packaging Information |
Supplemental Information |
Specifications | |
Assay (complexometric) | ≥ 98.0 % |
Chloride (Cl) | ≤ 0.003 % |
Nitrate (NO₃) | ≤ 0.005 % |
Fe (Iron) | ≤ 0.005 % |
Mercury (I) (as Hg) | ≤ 0.15 % |
Residue after reduction | ≤ 0.02 % |
Corresponds to ACS |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Katalogové číslo | GTIN |
1044800050 | 04022536052298 |
1044800250 | 04022536052304 |
Síran rtuťnatý MSDS
Title |
Síran rtuťnatý Certificates of Analysis
Katalogové číslo | Balení | Specifikace | Číslo šarže |
1044800050 | Plastová láhev | Specifikující dokument ve formátu PDF | |
1044800250 | Plastová láhev | Specifikující dokument ve formátu PDF |
Title |
Inorganics & Solvents for classical analysis |
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