17-10460 Sigma-AldrichMagna ChIP™ HiSens Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Kit
Single day chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) kit containing all necessary reagents to enable ChIP from low input amounts of chromatin obtained from either cells or tissues using magnetic A/G beads.
More>> Single day chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) kit containing all necessary reagents to enable ChIP from low input amounts of chromatin obtained from either cells or tissues using magnetic A/G beads. Less<<Recommended Products
Speciální nabídky
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 17-10460 |
Trade Name |
Description | Magna ChIP™ HiSens Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Kit |
Overview | Features & Advantages
The Magna ChIP HiSens kit provides a complete set of validated, quality controlled reagents, and a detailed protocol to enable ChIP from a wide range of input amounts of chromatin obtained from either cells or tissues. Our specialized blend of protein A/G blend of magnetic beads is specifically produced for chromatin immunoprecipiptation and enables the use of a broader range of antibodies than protein A or G alone eliminating the need to purchase different kits for different antibody isotypes. The SCW Buffer is unique to the Magna ChIP HiSens kit and enables the use of a single buffer for multiple steps of the ChIP process (sonication, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and wash). The ChIP elution buffer provided with the HiSens kit has been formulated to allow analysis of enrichment by qPCR without additional clean-up steps for more rapid results. |
Alternate Names |
Materials Required but Not Delivered | Reagents
Background Information | Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a powerful technique for mapping the in vivo distribution of proteins associated with chromosomal DNA. These proteins can be histone subunits and post-translational modifications or other chromatin associated proteins such as transcription factors, chromatin regulators, etc. Additionally, ChIP can be used to identify regions of the genome associated with these proteins, or conversely, to identify proteins associated with a particular region of the genome. ChIP methodology often involves protein-DNA and protein-protein cross-linking, fragmentation of the cross-linked chromatin, and subsequent immunoprecipitation of chromatin with an antibody specific to a target protein. The DNA fragments isolated in complex with the target protein can be identified by a variety of methods including PCR, DNA microarray and DNA sequencing. Standard or quantitative PCR can be performed to verify whether a particular DNA sequence (the gene or region of the genome) is associated with the protein of interest. The combination of ChIP and promoter or genomic tiling microarrays (ChIP-chip) allows genome-wide identification of DNA-binding sites for chromatin-associated proteins with precise resolution. Alternatively, high-throughput sequencing of libraries constructed from immunoprecipitated chromosomal DNA (ChIP-Seq) is a powerful alternative to ChIP-chip in mapping the protein-DNA interactions across mammalian genomes. |
Product Information | |
Components |
Presentation | Two boxes containing all necessary reagents to perform up to 24 chromatin immunoprecipitation reactions. Supplied buffers are sufficient to generate 12 individual chromatin preparation reactions using 15 cm plates of cultured cells or tissue samples. |
Quality Level | MQ100 |
Biological Information | |
Analytes Available |
Packaging Information | |
Material Size | 24 assays |
Material Package | Kit capacity: 24 chromatin immunoprecipitation assays |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Katalogové číslo | GTIN |
17-10460 | 04053252855382 |