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EDSPAK0A1 EDS-Pak® Polisher

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Catalogue NumberEDSPAK0A1
Trade Name
  • EDS-Pak®
DescriptionEDS-Pak® Polisher
OverviewEDS-Pak® Polisher removes endocrine disruptors (EDs) from ultrapure water in the final purification step. The cartridge is validated for efficient removal of bisphenol A, diethylhexyl phthalate, di-n-butyl phthalate and nonylphenol. Dispensed ultrapure water is suitable for the preparation of buffers, blanks, and standards, as well as to dilute samples, used for the analysis of endocrine disruptors. The polisher is validated to produce 300 L of ED-free water from ultrapure water at the point of dispense of Milli-Q® IQ/EQ water systems. The e-Sure tag for RFID connection with Q-POD® dispenser enables full traceability (data management) and consumable status monitoring.
Product Information
HS Code8421 21 00
Quality LevelMQ300
Application• Delivers endocrine disruptor-free water at the point of dispense of Milli-Q® IQ 7 series systems
• e-Sure tag for traceability and consumable status monitoring
Materials Information
  • carbon cartridge (activated), polypropylene housing
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Global Trade Item Number
Katalogové číslo GTIN
EDSPAK0A1 04054839323430