Phasic phosphorylation of caldesmon and ERK 1/2 during contractions in human myometrium. Paul, J; Maiti, K; Read, M; Hure, A; Smith, J; Chan, EC; Smith, R PloS one
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Human myometrium develops phasic contractions during labor. Phosphorylation of caldesmon (h-CaD) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK 1/2) has been implicated in development of these contractions, however the phospho-regulation of these proteins is yet to be examined during periods of both contraction and relaxation. We hypothesized that protein phosphorylation events are implicated in the phasic nature of myometrial contractions, and aimed to examine h-CaD and ERK 1/2 phosphorylation in myometrium snap frozen at specific stages, including; (1) prior to onset of contractions, (2) at peak contraction and (3) during relaxation. We aimed to compare h-CaD and ERK 1/2 phosphorylation in vitro against results from in vivo studies that compared not-in-labor (NIL) and laboring (L) myometrium. Comparison of NIL (n = 8) and L (n = 8) myometrium revealed a 2-fold increase in h-CaD phosphorylation (ser-789; P = 0.012) during onset of labor in vivo, and was associated with significantly up-regulated ERK2 expression (P = 0.022), however no change in ERK2 phosphorylation was observed (P = 0.475). During in vitro studies (n = 5), transition from non-contracting tissue to tissue at peak contraction was associated with increased phosphorylation of both h-CaD and ERK 1/2. Furthermore, tissue preserved at relaxation phase exhibited diminished levels of h-CaD and ERK 1/2 phosphorylation compared to tissue preserved at peak contraction, thereby producing a phasic phosphorylation profile for h-CaD and ERK 1/2. h-CaD and ERK 1/2 are phosphorylated during myometrial contractions, however their phospho-regulation is dynamic, in that h-CaD and ERK 1/2 are phosphorylated and dephosphorylated in phase with contraction and relaxation respectively. Comparisons of NIL and L tissue are at risk of failing to detect these changes, as L samples are not necessarily preserved in the midst of an active contraction. Full Text Article | 21738699
Phenotypic changes of human smooth muscle cells during development: late expression of heavy caldesmon and calponin. Frid, M G, et al. Dev. Biol., 153: 185-93 (1992)
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Expression of the regulatory contractile proteins, heavy caldesmon (h-caldesmon) and calponin was studied in human aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs) during development and compared with the expression of alpha-SM-actin and smooth muscle-myosin heavy chain (SM-MHCs). For this study, novel monoclonal antibodies specific to SM-MHCs, h-caldesmon, and calponin were developed and characterized. Aortic SMCs from fetuses of 8-10 and 20-22 weeks of gestation express alpha-SM-actin and SM-MHCs, but neither h-caldesmon nor calponin were expressed as demonstrated by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence techniques. In the adult aortic tunica media, SMCs contain all four markers. Thus, the expression of calponin, similar to the expression of alpha-SM-actin, SM-MHCs, and h-caldesmon, is developmentally regulated in aortic SMCs. In the adult aortic subendothelial (preluminal) part of tunica intima, numerous cells containing SM-MHCs, but lacking h-caldesmon and calponin, were found. These results illustrate the similarity of SMCs from intimal thickenings and immature (fetal) SMCs. Expression of contractile proteins in the developing SMCs is coordinately regulated; however, distinct groups of proteins appear to exist whose expression is regulated differently. Actin and myosin, being major contractile proteins, also play a structural role and appear rather early in development, whereas caldesmon and calponin, being involved in regulation of contraction, can serve as markers of higher SMC differentiation steps. In contrast, h-caldesmon and calponin were already present in visceral SMCs (trachea, esophagus) of the 10-week-old fetus. These results demonstrate that the time course of maturation of visceral SMCs is different from that of vascular SMCs. | 1397676