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GT20/25 NovAseptic Mixer, Multi Tool for Mixing Head and Male Bearing, GMP and USM

1  The Multi Tool is packaged in a closed box.
Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Catalogue NumberGT20/25
Trade Name
  • NovaSeptic
DescriptionNovAseptic Mixer, Multi Tool for Mixing Head and Male Bearing, GMP and USM
Product Information
Surface Finish, ExteriorAnodized aluminium, not on key handle.
Quality LevelSP2
Application NotesA dynamometric wrench is not included but can be supplied, order on Catalogue No. GT/24-5. The Multi Tool is not recommended for use on larger sizes of mixing heads than GMP2000. Mixing heads GMP5000 - GMP20000 shall be lifted by hand, for tightening the male bearing choose tool GT30/26.
DimensionsFor information about the dimensions of this product please refer to the Product Specification Sheet.
Weight1.2 kg (2.65 lb.)
Materials Information
Device Material
  • Body: Aluminium
  • Key Handle: Stainless Steel
Packaging Information
Material Size1
Material PackageThe Multi Tool is packaged in a closed box.
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
GT20/25 04053252447181