Aberrant hippocampal neurogenesis contributes to epilepsy and associated cognitive decline. Cho, KO; Lybrand, ZR; Ito, N; Brulet, R; Tafacory, F; Zhang, L; Good, L; Ure, K; Kernie, SG; Birnbaum, SG; Scharfman, HE; Eisch, AJ; Hsieh, J Nature communications
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Acute seizures after a severe brain insult can often lead to epilepsy and cognitive impairment. Aberrant hippocampal neurogenesis follows the insult but the role of adult-generated neurons in the development of chronic seizures or associated cognitive deficits remains to be determined. Here we show that the ablation of adult neurogenesis before pilocarpine-induced acute seizures in mice leads to a reduction in chronic seizure frequency. We also show that ablation of neurogenesis normalizes epilepsy-associated cognitive deficits. Remarkably, the effect of ablating adult neurogenesis before acute seizures is long lasting as it suppresses chronic seizure frequency for nearly 1 year. These findings establish a key role of neurogenesis in chronic seizure development and associated memory impairment and suggest that targeting aberrant hippocampal neurogenesis may reduce recurrent seizures and restore cognitive function following a pro-epileptic brain insult. | | 25808087
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Divergence of zebrafish and mouse lymphatic cell fate specification pathways. van Impel, A; Zhao, Z; Hermkens, DM; Roukens, MG; Fischer, JC; Peterson-Maduro, J; Duckers, H; Ober, EA; Ingham, PW; Schulte-Merker, S Development (Cambridge, England)
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In mammals, the homeodomain transcription factor Prox1 acts as the central regulator of lymphatic cell fate. Its restricted expression in a subset of cardinal vein cells leads to a switch towards lymphatic specification and hence represents a prerequisite for the initiation of lymphangiogenesis. Murine Prox1-null embryos lack lymphatic structures, and sustained expression of Prox1 is indispensable for the maintenance of lymphatic cell fate even at adult stages, highlighting the unique importance of this gene for the lymphatic lineage. Whether this pre-eminent role of Prox1 within the lymphatic vasculature is conserved in other vertebrate classes has remained unresolved, mainly owing to the lack of availability of loss-of-function mutants. Here, we re-examine the role of Prox1a in zebrafish lymphangiogenesis. First, using a transgenic reporter line, we show that prox1a is initially expressed in different endothelial compartments, becoming restricted to lymphatic endothelial cells only at later stages. Second, using targeted mutagenesis, we show that Prox1a is dispensable for lymphatic specification and subsequent lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish. In line with this result, we found that the functionally related transcription factors Coup-TFII and Sox18 are also dispensable for lymphangiogenesis. Together, these findings suggest that lymphatic commitment in zebrafish and mice is controlled in fundamentally different ways. | | 24523456
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FGFR1-Frs2/3 signalling maintains sensory progenitors during inner ear hair cell formation. Ono, K; Kita, T; Sato, S; O'Neill, P; Mak, SS; Paschaki, M; Ito, M; Gotoh, N; Kawakami, K; Sasai, Y; Ladher, RK PLoS genetics
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Inner ear mechanosensory hair cells transduce sound and balance information. Auditory hair cells emerge from a Sox2-positive sensory patch in the inner ear epithelium, which is progressively restricted during development. This restriction depends on the action of signaling molecules. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling is important during sensory specification: attenuation of Fgfr1 disrupts cochlear hair cell formation; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Here we report that in the absence of FGFR1 signaling, the expression of Sox2 within the sensory patch is not maintained. Despite the down-regulation of the prosensory domain markers, p27(Kip1), Hey2, and Hes5, progenitors can still exit the cell cycle to form the zone of non-proliferating cells (ZNPC), however the number of cells that form sensory cells is reduced. Analysis of a mutant Fgfr1 allele, unable to bind to the adaptor protein, Frs2/3, indicates that Sox2 maintenance can be regulated by MAP kinase. We suggest that FGF signaling, through the activation of MAP kinase, is necessary for the maintenance of sensory progenitors and commits precursors to sensory cell differentiation in the mammalian cochlea. | | 24465223
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Ephrin-B2 governs morphogenesis of endolymphatic sac and duct epithelia in the mouse inner ear. Raft, S; Andrade, LR; Shao, D; Akiyama, H; Henkemeyer, M; Wu, DK Developmental biology
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Control over ionic composition and volume of the inner ear luminal fluid endolymph is essential for normal hearing and balance. Mice deficient in either the EphB2 receptor tyrosine kinase or the cognate transmembrane ligand ephrin-B2 (Efnb2) exhibit background strain-specific vestibular-behavioral dysfunction and signs of abnormal endolymph homeostasis. Using various loss-of-function mouse models, we found that Efnb2 is required for growth and morphogenesis of the embryonic endolymphatic epithelium, a precursor of the endolymphatic sac (ES) and duct (ED), which mediate endolymph homeostasis. Conditional inactivation of Efnb2 in early-stage embryonic ear tissues disrupted cell proliferation, cell survival, and epithelial folding at the origin of the endolymphatic epithelium. This correlated with apparent absence of an ED, mis-localization of ES ion transport cells relative to inner ear sensory organs, dysplasia of the endolymph fluid space, and abnormally formed otoconia (extracellular calcite-protein composites) at later stages of embryonic development. A comparison of Efnb2 and Notch signaling-deficient mutant phenotypes indicated that these two signaling systems have distinct and non-overlapping roles in ES/ED development. Homozygous deletion of the Efnb2 C-terminus caused abnormalities similar to those found in the conditional Efnb2 null homozygote. Analyses of fetal Efnb2 C-terminus deletion heterozygotes found mis-localized ES ion transport cells only in the genetic background exhibiting vestibular dysfunction. We propose that developmental dysplasias described here are a gene dose-sensitive cause of the vestibular dysfunction observed in EphB-Efnb2 signaling-deficient mice. | | 24583262
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Preferential lymphatic growth in bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue in sustained lung inflammation. Baluk, P; Adams, A; Phillips, K; Feng, J; Hong, YK; Brown, MB; McDonald, DM The American journal of pathology
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Lymphatics proliferate, become enlarged, or regress in multiple inflammatory lung diseases in humans. Lymphatic growth and remodeling is known to occur in the mouse trachea in sustained inflammation, but whether intrapulmonary lymphatics exhibit similar plasticity is unknown. We examined the time course, distribution, and dependence on vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)-2/VEGFR-3 signaling of lung lymphatics in sustained inflammation. Lymphatics in mouse lungs were examined under baseline conditions and 3 to 28 days after Mycoplasma pulmonis infection, using prospero heomeobox 1-enhanced green fluorescence protein and VEGFR-3 as markers. Sprouting lymphangiogenesis was evident at 7 days. Lymphatic growth was restricted to regions of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT), where VEGF-C-producing cells were scattered in T-cell zones. Expansion of lung lymphatics after infection was reduced 68% by blocking VEGFR-2, 83% by blocking VEGFR-3, and 99% by blocking both receptors. Inhibition of VEGFR-2/VEGFR-3 did not prevent the formation of BALT. Treatment of established infection with oxytetracycline caused BALT, but not the lymphatics, to regress. We conclude that robust lymphangiogenesis occurs in mouse lungs after M. pulmonis infection through a mechanism involving signaling of both VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3. Expansion of the lymphatic network is restricted to regions of BALT, but lymphatics do not regress when BALT regresses after antibiotic treatment. The lung lymphatic network can thus expand in sustained inflammation, but the expansion is not as reversible as the accompanying inflammation. | | 24631179
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Spontaneous hair cell regeneration in the neonatal mouse cochlea in vivo. Cox, BC; Chai, R; Lenoir, A; Liu, Z; Zhang, L; Nguyen, DH; Chalasani, K; Steigelman, KA; Fang, J; Rubel, EW; Cheng, AG; Zuo, J Development (Cambridge, England)
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Loss of cochlear hair cells in mammals is currently believed to be permanent, resulting in hearing impairment that affects more than 10% of the population. Here, we developed two genetic strategies to ablate neonatal mouse cochlear hair cells in vivo. Both Pou4f3(DTR/+) and Atoh1-CreER™; ROSA26(DTA/+) alleles allowed selective and inducible hair cell ablation. After hair cell loss was induced at birth, we observed spontaneous regeneration of hair cells. Fate-mapping experiments demonstrated that neighboring supporting cells acquired a hair cell fate, which increased in a basal to apical gradient, averaging over 120 regenerated hair cells per cochlea. The normally mitotically quiescent supporting cells proliferated after hair cell ablation. Concurrent fate mapping and labeling with mitotic tracers showed that regenerated hair cells were derived by both mitotic regeneration and direct transdifferentiation. Over time, regenerated hair cells followed a similar pattern of maturation to normal hair cell development, including the expression of prestin, a terminal differentiation marker of outer hair cells, although many new hair cells eventually died. Hair cell regeneration did not occur when ablation was induced at one week of age. Our findings demonstrate that the neonatal mouse cochlea is capable of spontaneous hair cell regeneration after damage in vivo. Thus, future studies on the neonatal cochlea might shed light on the competence of supporting cells to regenerate hair cells and on the factors that promote the survival of newly regenerated hair cells. | | 24496619
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Subdivisions of the adult zebrafish pallium based on molecular marker analysis. Ganz, J; Kroehne, V; Freudenreich, D; Machate, A; Geffarth, M; Braasch, I; Kaslin, J; Brand, M F1000Research
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The telencephalon shows a remarkable structural diversity among vertebrates. In particular, the everted telencephalon of ray-finned fishes has a markedly different morphology compared to the evaginated telencephalon of all other vertebrates. This difference in development has hampered the comparison between different areas of the pallium of ray-finned fishes and the pallial nuclei of all other vertebrates. Various models of homology between pallial subdivisions in ray-finned fishes and the pallial nuclei in tetrapods have been proposed based on connectional, neurochemical, gene expression and functional data. However, no consensus has been reached so far. In recent years, the analysis of conserved developmental marker genes has assisted the identification of homologies for different parts of the telencephalon among several tetrapod species.We have investigated the gene expression pattern of conserved marker genes in the adult zebrafish ( Danio rerio) pallium to identify pallial subdivisions and their homology to pallial nuclei in tetrapods. Combinatorial expression analysis of ascl1a, eomesa, emx1, emx2, emx3, and Prox1 identifies four main divisions in the adult zebrafish pallium. Within these subdivisions, we propose that Dm is homologous to the pallial amygdala in tetrapods and that the dorsal subdivision of Dl is homologous to part of the hippocampal formation in mouse. We have complemented this analysis be examining the gene expression of emx1, emx2 and emx3 in the zebrafish larval brain.Based on our gene expression data, we propose a new model of subdivisions in the adult zebrafish pallium and their putative homologies to pallial nuclei in tetrapods. Pallial nuclei control sensory, motor, and cognitive functions, like memory, learning and emotion. The identification of pallial subdivisions in the adult zebrafish and their homologies to pallial nuclei in tetrapods will contribute to the use of the zebrafish system as a model for neurobiological research and human neurodegenerative diseases. | | 25713698
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Auditory hair cell-specific deletion of p27Kip1 in postnatal mice promotes cell-autonomous generation of new hair cells and normal hearing. Walters, BJ; Liu, Z; Crabtree, M; Coak, E; Cox, BC; Zuo, J The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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Hearing in mammals relies upon the transduction of sound by hair cells (HCs) in the organ of Corti within the cochlea of the inner ear. Sensorineural hearing loss is a widespread and permanent disability due largely to a lack of HC regeneration in mammals. Recent studies suggest that targeting the retinoblastoma (Rb)/E2F pathway can elicit proliferation of auditory HCs. However, previous attempts to induce HC proliferation in this manner have resulted in abnormal cochlear morphology, HC death, and hearing loss. Here we show that cochlear HCs readily proliferate and survive following neonatal, HC-specific, conditional knock-out of p27(Kip1) (p27CKO), a tumor suppressor upstream of Rb. Indeed, HC-specific p27CKO results in proliferation of these cells without the upregulation of the supporting cell or progenitor cell proteins, Prox1 or Sox2, suggesting that they remain HCs. Furthermore, p27CKO leads to a significant addition of postnatally derived HCs that express characteristic synaptic and stereociliary markers and survive to adulthood, although a portion of the newly derived inner HCs exhibit cytocauds and lack VGlut3 expression. Despite this, p27CKO mice exhibit normal hearing as measured by evoked auditory brainstem responses, which suggests that the newly generated HCs may contribute to, or at least do not greatly detract from, function. These results show that p27(Kip1) actively maintains HC quiescence in postnatal mice, and suggest that inhibition of p27(Kip1) in residual HCs represents a potential strategy for cell-autonomous auditory HC regeneration. | | 25411503
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Notum homolog plays a novel role in primary motor innervation. Cantu, JA; Flowers, GP; Topczewski, J The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
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To form complex neuronal networks, growth cones use intermediate targets as guideposts on the path to more distant targets. In the developing zebrafish (Danio rerio), the muscle pioneers (MPs) are intermediate targets for primary motor neurons (PMNs) that innervate the trunk musculature. The mechanisms regulating PMN axon guidance at the MPs are not fully understood. We have identified a new member of the Notum family in zebrafish, Notum 2, which is expressed exclusively in the MPs during primary motor innervation. While homologs of Notum, including zebrafish Notum 1a, negatively regulate the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, we discovered a novel function of Notum 2 in regulating motor axon guidance. Knockdown of Notum 2 resulted in a failure of caudal primary (CaP) axons to migrate beyond the MPs, despite the proper specification of the intermediate target. In contrast, mosaic Notum 2 overexpression induced branching of PMN axons. This effect is specific to Notum 2, as overexpression of Notum 1a does not affect PMN axon trajectory. Ectopic expression of Notum 2 by cells contacting the growing CaP axon induced the highest frequency of branching, suggesting that localized Notum 2 expression affects axon behavior. We propose a model where Notum 2 expression at the MPs provides a cue to release CaP motor axons from their intermediate targets, allowing growth cones to proceed to secondary targets in the ventral muscle. This work demonstrates an unexpected role for a Notum homolog in regulating growth cone migration, separate from the well established functions of other Notum homologs in Wnt signaling. | | 23365253
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Heterogenic final cell cycle by chicken retinal Lim1 horizontal progenitor cells leads to heteroploid cells with a remaining replicated genome. Shirazi Fard, S; Jarrin, M; Boije, H; Fillon, V; All-Eriksson, C; Hallböök, F PloS one
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Retinal progenitor cells undergo apical mitoses during the process of interkinetic nuclear migration and newly generated post-mitotic neurons migrate to their prospective retinal layer. Whereas this is valid for most types of retinal neurons, chicken horizontal cells are generated by delayed non-apical mitoses from dedicated progenitors. The regulation of such final cell cycle is not well understood and we have studied how Lim1 expressing horizontal progenitor cells (HPCs) exit the cell cycle. We have used markers for S- and G2/M-phase in combination with markers for cell cycle regulators Rb1, cyclin B1, cdc25C and p27Kip1 to characterise the final cell cycle of HPCs. The results show that Lim1+ HPCs are heterogenic with regards to when and during what phase they leave the final cell cycle. Not all horizontal cells were generated by a non-apical (basal) mitosis; instead, the HPCs exhibited three different behaviours during the final cell cycle. Thirty-five percent of the Lim1+ horizontal cells was estimated to be generated by non-apical mitoses. The other horizontal cells were either generated by an interkinetic nuclear migration with an apical mitosis or by a cell cycle with an S-phase that was not followed by any mitosis. Such cells remain with replicated DNA and may be regarded as somatic heteroploids. The observed heterogeneity of the final cell cycle was also seen in the expression of Rb1, cyclin B1, cdc25C and p27Kip1. Phosphorylated Rb1-Ser608 was restricted to the Lim1+ cells that entered S-phase while cyclin B1 and cdc25C were exclusively expressed in HPCs having a basal mitosis. Only HPCs that leave the cell cycle after an apical mitosis expressed p27Kip1. We speculate that the cell cycle heterogeneity with formation of heteroploid cells may present a cellular context that contributes to the suggested propensity of these cells to generate cancer when the retinoblastoma gene is mutated. | Immunofluorescence | 23527113
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