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115973 Hematoxilina-fier - solutie Weigert

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      Fibre case 2 x 500 ml
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      Catalogue Number115973
      DescriptionWeigert's iron hematoxylin kit
      OverviewWeigert’s iron hematoxylin kit - for nuclear staining in histology is a ready to use staining kit used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serves the purpose of the histological investigation of sample material of human origin, for example histological sections of e. g. the liver, the kidney, the intestine, the placenta and similar. Aluminium hematoxylins (e. g. nuclear fast red aluminium sulfate) are washed out of the tissue sections by acidic staining solutions. Iron hematoxylin solutions (e. g. Weigert’s iron hematoxylin), on the other hand, are acid-resistant and are preferentially used for staining nuclei in histological tissue sections in which counterstaining is done with acidic staining solutions. Examples here include the visualization of elastic fibers according to the van Gieson method (e. g. Elastica van Gieson ( 115974)) and the various trichromo connective-tissue staining methods (e. g. acc. to Masson-Goldner( 100485). Commonly used hemalum solutions such as Mayer’s Hemalum, Delafield, Gill and Harris tend to procedure also weak nucleic staining only when used with acidic counter-stains.The kit contains two solutions; an alcoholic hematoxylin solution and a hydrochloric acid iron(III)nitrate solution, which are ready-to-use and should be applied at 3-5 µm paraffin sections.
      The package is sufficient for 400 - 500 applications. Weigert's Iron hematoxylin kit is an IVD & CE product and can be used in the clinical laboratory for diagnostics. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). The IFU can be downloaded from this webpage.
      Product Information
      HS Code3212 90 90
      Quality LevelMQ400
      Applicationfor nuclear staining in histology
      Biological Information
      Physicochemical Information
      Flash point14 °C
      Materials Information
      Toxicological Information
      Safety Information according to GHS
      Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Statement(s)H225: Lichid şi vapori foarte inflamabili.
      H290: Poate fi corosiv pentru metale.
      H319: Provoacă o iritare gravă a ochilor.
      Precautionary Statement(s)P210: A se păstra departe de surse de căldură, suprafețe fierbinți, scântei, flăcări și alte surse de aprindere. Fumatul interzis.
      P233: Păstraţi recipientul închis etanş.
      P234: A se păstra numai în ambalajul original.
      P240: Legătură la pământ și conexiune echipotențială cu recipientul și cu echipamentul de recepție.
      P241: Utilizați echipamente electrice/ de ventilare/ de iluminat antideflagrante.
      P305 + P351 + P338: ÎN CAZ DE CONTACT CU OCHII: Clătiți cu atenție cu apă timp de mai multe minute. Scoateți lentilele de contact, dacă este cazul și dacă acest lucru se poate face cu ușurință. Continuați să clătiți.
      P403 + P233: A se depozita într-un spaţiu bine ventilat. Păstraţi recipientul închis etanş.
      Signal WordPericol
      Storage class3 Lichide inflamabile
      Safety Information
      Product Usage Statements
      Storage and Shipping Information
      StorageA se depozita între +15°C la +25°C.
      Packaging Information
      Transport Information
      Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 2924 Ethanol, Lösung, 3 (8), II
      Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 2924 ETHANOL SOLUTION, 3 (8), II
      Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 2924 ETHANOL SOLUTION, 3 (8), II, Segregation Group: 1 (Acids)
      Supplemental Information
      Global Trade Item Number
      Catalogue Number GTIN
      1159730002 04022536975979

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