114546 SupelcoSpectroquant® - Test cu celula pentru fosfat
(o-fosfat); kit pentru determinare fotometrica, VM; 0.5 - 25.0 mg/l PO₄-P 1.5 - 76.7 mg/l PO₄³⁻ 1.1 - 57.3 mg/l P₂O₅
More>> (o-fosfat); kit pentru determinare fotometrica, VM; 0.5 - 25.0 mg/l PO₄-P 1.5 - 76.7 mg/l PO₄³⁻ 1.1 - 57.3 mg/l P₂O₅ Less<<Recommended Products
Replacement Information |
Pricing & Availability
Catalogue Number | Availability | Packaging | Qty/Pack | Price | Quantity | |
1145460001 |
EPS box | 25 tests |
— |
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 114546 |
References |
Product Information | |
HS Code | 3822 19 00 |
Quality Level | MQ100 |
Applications |
Biological Information |
Physicochemical Information | |
Density | 1.14 g/cm3 (20 °C) |
pH value | <1 (H₂O, 20 °C) |
Dimensions |
Materials Information |
Toxicological Information |
Safety Information |
Product Usage Statements |
Storage and Shipping Information | |
Storage | A se depozita între +15°C la +25°C. |
Packaging Information |
Supplemental Information |
Specifications |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Catalogue Number | GTIN |
1145460001 | 04022536155678 |
Spectroquant® - Test cu celula pentru fosfat MSDS
Title |
Spectroquant® - Test cu celula pentru fosfat Certificates of Analysis
Product Number | Packaging | Specification | Lot Number |
1145460001 | EPS box | PDF Specification Document |
Title |
114546 - Certificate of Quality - Spectroquant Phosphate Cell Test / Phosphat-Küvettentest / Test en cubetas Fosfatos |
Technical Info
Title |
Programming data for Spectrophotometer and Spectroquant Test Kits |
USEPA-approved Spectroquant®methods |