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106887 Soluție 2b Papanicolaou Soluție portocalie II

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          Plastic bottle 2.5 l
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          Catalogue Number106887
          DescriptionPapanicolaou's solution 2b Orange II solution
          OverviewPapanicolaou’s solution 2b Orange II solution - for cytology, is a ready-to-use solution used for human-medical cell diagnosis and serve the purpose of the cytological investigation of sample material of human origin, for example, cervical smears. Papanicolaou’s technique is the most used staining procedure for cytological specimens and is intended for the the staining of exfoliative cells in cytological specimens.
          In the first step, the cell nuclei are stained either progressively or regressively with a hematoxylin solution, (Hematoxylin solution modified Gill II, ( 105175),
          Papanicolaou’s solution 1a Harris hematoxylin solution, ( 109253) or Papanicolaou’s solution 1b Hematoxylin solution S, ( 109254)). Nuclei are stained blue to dark violet. In the progressive hematoxylin staining method, staining is carried out to the endpoint, after which the slide is blued in tapwater. With the regressive method the material is over-stained and the excess of staining solution is removed by acid rinsing steps, followed by the bluing step. The structures of nuclei are more differentiated and better visible by the regressive method. The second staining step is cytoplasmic staining by orange staining solution, (Papanicolaou’s solution 2b Orange II solution, (Cat. no. 1106887) or Papanicolaou’s solution 2a Orange G solution (OG6), (Cat. no. 106888)), especially for demonstration of mature and keratinized cells. The target structures are stained orange in different intensities. In the third staining step is used the so-called polychrome solution, a mixture of eosin, light green SF and Bismarck brown, Papanicolaou’s solution 3a polychromatic solution EA 31, ( 109271), Papanicolaou’s solution 3b polychromatic solution EA 50, ( 109272), Papanicolaou’s solution 3c polychromatic solution EA 65,( 109270), or Papanicolaou’s solution 3d polychromatic solution EA 65, ( The polychrome solution is used for demonstration of differentiation of squamous cells. Papanicolaou’s solution 2b Orange II solution gives a more intense reddish staining result with mature and keratinized squamous cells than Papanicolaou’s solution 2a Orange G solution (OG6) - for cytology.
          The 500 ml bottle provides 1500 - 2000 stainings. For more details, please see instructions for use (IFU). This product is registered as IVD and CE marked.
          Product Information
          HS Code3212 90 00
          Quality LevelMQ400
          Applicationfor cytology
          Biological Information
          Physicochemical Information
          Density0.83 g/cm3 (20 °C)
          Flash point17 °C
          pH value7.0 - 7.5 (H₂O, 20 °C)
          Materials Information
          Toxicological Information
          Safety Information according to GHS
          Hazard Statement(s)H225: Lichid şi vapori foarte inflamabili.
          H302 + H312 + H332: Nociv în caz de înghiţire, în contact cu pielea sau prin inhalare.
          H319: Provoacă o iritare gravă a ochilor.
          H370: Provoacă leziuni ale organelor.
          Precautionary Statement(s)P210: A se păstra departe de surse de căldură, suprafețe fierbinți, scântei, flăcări și alte surse de aprindere. Fumatul interzis.
          P280: Purtați mănuși de protecție/ îmbrăcăminte de protecție/ protecție pentru ochi/ protecție pentru față/ protecție pentru auz.
          P301 + P312: ÎN CAZ DE ÎNGHIȚIRE: Sunați la un CENTRU DE INFORMARE TOXICOLOGICĂ/un medic dacă nu vă simțiți bine.
          P303 + P361 + P353: ÎN CAZ DE CONTACT CU PIELEA (sau cu părul): Scoateți imediat toată îmbrăcămintea contaminată. Clătiți pielea cu apă.
          P304 + P340 + P312: ÎN CAZ DE INHALARE: transportați persoana la aer liber și mențineți-o într-o poziție confortabilă pentru respirație. Sunați la un CENTRU DE INFORMARE TOXICOLOGICĂ/un medic dacă nu vă simțiți bine.
          P308 + P311: ÎN CAZ de expunere sau de posibilă expunere: sunați la un CENTRU DE INFORMARE TOXICOLOGICĂ/un medic.
          P403 + P233: A se depozita într-un spaţiu bine ventilat. Păstraţi recipientul închis etanş.
          Storage class3 Lichide inflamabile
          WGKWGK 2 substanţe cu potenţial specific de poluare a apei
          Solventi organici cu grad ridicat de contaminare, fara halogeni: Container A.
          Safety Information
          Categories of dangerputernic inflamabil, toxic
          Product Usage Statements
          Storage and Shipping Information
          StorageA se depozita între +15°C la +25°C.
          Packaging Information
          Transport Information
          Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDUN 1987 , 3, II
          Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRUN 1987 , 3, II
          Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeUN 1987 , 3, II
          Supplemental Information
          Suitability for microscopy (Vaginal smear)passes test
          Nucleiblue to dark violet
          Cyanophilic Cytoplasm (basophilic)blue-green
          Eosinophilic Cytoplasm (acidophilic)pink
          Global Trade Item Number
          Catalogue Number GTIN
          1068870500 04022536084084
          1068872500 04022536084107

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          IVD/OEM Materials & Reagents > Microscopy > Cytology > Cytological Staining Reagents