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Novagen® KOD Polymerase PCR Systems

Optimized for the most challenging samples or DNA templates

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KOD DNA polymerase is an ultra high-fidelity, thermostable DNA polymerase that provides low mutation frequency, fast extension rate, and high processivity for higher yields of full-length product in fewer reaction cycles. The KOD polymerase systems provide best-in-class amplification for a wide array of crude samples and targets with up to 90% GC-rich sequences. Combined with their ability to amplify long PCR targets, KOD polymerase systems extend the limits of typical PCR reactions as compared to other PCR enzymes. Choose the appropriate KOD DNA polymerase system based on your application requirements.

Features & Benefits

  • High accuracy, yield, and processivity compared to most other proofreading DNA polymerases
  • Optimized for complex crude samples with minimal sample processing
  • Efficient amplification for up to 90% GC-rich templates
  • Amplification of genomic targets up to 24 kb


PCR Amplification, Next-Gen Sequencing, Gene Expression Analysis

Product Performance