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100130 Acid benzoic


Replacement Information

Key Spec Table

CAS #EC NumberHill FormulaChemical FormulaMolar MassGrade Value
65-85-0200-618-2C₇H₆O₂C₆H₅COOH122.12 g/molPh Eur,BP,USP,E 210

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      Fibre carton 25 kg
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      Catalogue Number100130
      SynonymsPhenylformic acid, Benzene carboxylic acid
      The product is not intended for use as a biocide under global biocide regulations, including but not limited to US EPA's Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, European Biocidal Products Regulation, Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Turkey’s Biocidal Products Regulation, Korea’s Consumer Chemical Products and Biocide Safety Management Act (K-BPR) and others.
      Product Information
      CAS number65-85-0
      EC index number607-705-00-8
      EC number200-618-2
      GradePh Eur,BP,USP,E 210
      Hill FormulaC₇H₆O₂
      Chemical formulaC₆H₅COOH
      Molar Mass122.12 g/mol
      HS Code2916 31 10
      Structure formula ImageStructure formula Image
      Quality LevelMQ500
      Biological Information
      Physicochemical Information
      Boiling point249 °C (1013 hPa)
      Density1.26 g/cm3 (15 °C)
      Ignition temperature570 °C
      Melting Point122.4 °C
      pH value2.8 (H₂O, 25 °C) (soluţie saturată)
      Vapor pressure0.001 hPa (20 °C)
      Bulk density500 kg/m3
      Solubility2.9 g/l
      Materials Information
      Toxicological Information
      LD 50 oralLD50 Rat 1700 mg/kg
      LD 50 dermalLD50 Rabbit > 5000 mg/kg
      Safety Information according to GHS
      Hazard Pictogram(s) Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Pictogram(s)
      Hazard Statement(s)H315: Provoacă iritarea pielii.
      H318: Provoacă leziuni oculare grave.
      H372: Provoacă leziuni ale organelor în caz de expunere prelungită sau repetată în caz de inhalare.
      Precautionary Statement(s)P260: Nu inspiraţi praful.
      P264: Spălaţi-vă pielea bine după utilizare.
      P280: Purtaţi mănuşi de protecţie/ echipament de protecţie a ochilor/ echipament de protecţie a feţei.
      P302 + P352: ÎN CAZ DE CONTACT CU PIELEA: spălați cu multă apă.
      P305 + P351 + P338: ÎN CAZ DE CONTACT CU OCHII: Clătiți cu atenție cu apă timp de mai multe minute. Scoateți lentilele de contact, dacă este cazul și dacă acest lucru se poate face cu ușurință. Continuați să clătiți.
      P314: Consultaţi medicul, dacă nu vă simţiţi bine.
      Signal WordPericol
      Storage class6.1C Compuşi combustibili, toxicitate acută Categoria 3/compuşi toxici sau compuşi ce provoacă efecte cronice
      WGKWGK 1 slabă contaminare a apei
      Reactivii organici relativ cu reactivitate relativ redusa trebuie colectati in containerul A. Daca sunt halogenati, ei trebuie colectati in containerul B. Pentru reziduurile solide utilizati containerul C.
      Safety Information
      Categories of dangernociv, iritant
      Product Usage Statements
      Storage and Shipping Information
      StorageA se depozita între +15°C la +25°C.
      Packaging Information
      Transport Information
      Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDKein Gefahrgut
      Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRNo Dangerous Good
      Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeNo Dangerous Good
      Supplemental Information
      Assay (acidimetric)99.5 - 100.5 %
      Assay (acidimetric, calc. on anhydrous substance)99.5 - 100.5 %
      Appearance of solution (5 %; ethanol 96 %)passes test
      pH-value (saturated solution)2.5 - 3.5
      Solidification point (lower value)≥ 121 °C
      Solidification point (upper value)≤ 123 °C
      Sulfate (SO₄)≤ 0.02 %
      As (Arsenic)≤ 1 ppm
      Cd (Cadmium)≤ 10 ppm
      Hg (Mercury)≤ 1 ppm
      Pb (Lead)≤ 2 ppm
      Halogenated compounds (as Cl)≤ 0.01 %
      Toluene (HS-GC)≤ 890 ppm
      Other residual solvents (ICH Q3C)excluded by the production prozess
      Oxidizable matter (Ph Eur)passes test
      Oxidizable matter (USP)passes test
      Readily carbonisable substance
      passes test
      ≤ 0.5 %
      Sulfated ash
      ≤ 0.05 %
      Elemental impurity specifications have been set considering ICH Q3D (Guideline for Elemental impurities). Class 1-3 elements are not likely to be present above the ICH Q3D option 1 limit, unless specified and indicated (*).
      Conforms to the purity criteria on food additives according to the current European Commission Regulation.
      Corresponds to Ph Eur, BP, USP, E 210
      Readily carbonisable substance
      passes test
      ≤ 0.5 %
      Sulfated ash
      ≤ 0.05 %
      Elemental impurity specifications have been set considering ICH Q3D (Guideline for Elemental impurities). Class 1-3 elements are not likely to be present above the ICH Q3D option 1 limit, unless specified and indicated (*).
      Conforms to the purity criteria on food additives according to the current European Commission Regulation.
      Corresponds to Ph Eur, BP, USP, E 210
      Global Trade Item Number
      Catalogue Number GTIN
      1001309025 04022536002231


      Emprove Dossier


      Quality Management Dossier (Open Access)


      Operational Excellence Dossier


      Acid benzoic MSDS


      Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

      Acid benzoic Certificates of Analysis

      Product Number PackagingSpecificationLot Number
      1001309025 Fibre cartonPDF Specification Document

