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Opticap XL Disposable Capsule Filters with Clarigard Media

Opticap XL capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings.



Clarigard® filters' 99.99% retention rating characteristic makes them ideal for the protection of critical downstream process steps such as membrane filters or chromatography columns. The graded-density depth structure of Clarigard filter media provides maximum filtration capacity, and the all-polypropylene construction offers low extractables levels and broad chemical compatibility.

Opticap XL capsule filters eliminate the time and expense associated with assembling, cleaning, and validating stainless steel housings. The capsule patented design allows unparalleled thermal and hydraulic stress resistance, resulting in reliability, high confidence in the sterility process and improved cleanliness. The unique capsule design with Clarigard media minimizes hold-up volume and reduces production losses.

Regulatory Compliance

Clarigard filters are designed, developed, and manufactured in accordance with a Quality Management System approved by an accredited registering body to an ISO® 9000 Quality Systems Standard and are shipped with a Certificate of Quality. Each Opticap™ XL capsule and cartridge filter is supported by a Validation Guide for compliance with regulatory requirements.

For traceability and easy identification, each filter is marked with identifying characteristics.

Multiple Formats Available

Opticap XL disposable capsule filters with Clarigard media are available in multiple filtration sizes, providing an optimal choice for every application.

Typical Applications

Precipitate Removal
Protein processing
Plasma fractions
Undissolved Constituent Removal
Cell culture media
Buffer salts
Carbon Fine Removal
Carbon beds in water processing
Powdered carbon in chemical synthesis
Dust, rust and other solids