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506029 LipidGreen2 - Calbiochem

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Key Spec Table

Empirical Formula


Catalogue NumberPackaging Qty/Pack
5.06029.0001 Glass bottle 5 mg
OverviewA cell-permeable N-dimethylallylated 3-hydroxyindole based compound that is shown to selectively stain neutral lipids, but not phospholipids, in various cells lines with bright fluorescence and with minimal non-specific background. Generates stronger staining with lipid droplets (~10 µM) when compared to Nile Red. Shown to be more effective than BODIPY® 493/503 in assessing hepatotoxicity of several known compounds using HepG2 cells. Also suitable for staining fat deposits in developing zebrafish embryos. Can be used in conjunction with LipidToxt red dye for multicolor imaging of neutral lipids.

Please note that the molecular weight for this compound is batch-specific due to variable water content.
Catalogue Number506029
Brand Family Calbiochem®
ReferencesChun, H., et al, 2013, Mol Biosys. 9, 630.
Product Information
FormOrange-yellow oil
Hill FormulaC₂₂H₂₉NO₄
Chemical formulaC₂₂H₂₉NO₄
Structure formula ImageStructure formula Image
Quality LevelMQ100
Biological Information
Purity≥97% by HPLC
Physicochemical Information
Cell permeableY
Storage and Shipping Information
Ship Code Shipped at Ambient Temperature or with Blue Ice or with Dry Ice
Toxicity Standard Handling
Storage +2°C to +8°C
Protect from Light Protect from light
Do not freeze Ok to freeze
Special InstructionsFollowing reconstitution, aliquot and freeze (-20°C). Stock solutions are stable for up to 1 month at -20°C.
Packaging Information
Packaged under inert gas Packaged under inert gas
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
5.06029.0001 04055977262650