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204885 Complement C3, Human

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Catalogue NumberPackaging Qty/Pack
204885-250UG Plastic ampoule 250 μg
OverviewNative, human C3 complement component. Glycoprotein composed of two non-identical disulfide-bonded subunits with M.W. of 115 kDa (α) and 75 kDa (β). Present in normal human serum at 1.25 mg/ml. Classical and alternative activation pathways of complement converge at C3 step. Activation via either pathway can result in assembly of C3-cleaving enzymes (C3 convertases) on target surfaces. Both C3 convertases cleave the C3 α-chain at peptide bond 77 resulting in production of C3a (M.W. 9083) and C3b fragments (M.W. 180,000). Released C3a peptide is one of the three complement anaphylatoxins. The nascent C3b fragment can form a covalent ester bond with target surface. This covalent attachment of C3b to target acceptors is required for continuation of complement activation.
Catalogue Number204885
Brand Family Calbiochem®
ReferencesLambris, J.D. and Muller-Eberhard, H.J. 1986. Mol. Immunol. 23, 1237.
Tack, B.F., et al. 1980. Methods Enzymol. 80, 64.
Product Information
CAS number80295-41-6
FormulationIn PBS.
Quality LevelMQ100
Biological Information
Biological activity>3,000 C₃H₅0 units/mg; ≥60% of the C3 activity in normal human serum on a mg/mg basis.
Purity≥85% by SDS-PAGE
SourcePrepared from serum that has been shown by certified tests to be negative for HBsAg and for antibodies to HIV and HCV.
Physicochemical Information
ContaminantsIgG, IgA, IgM, C4, functionally active C5, albumin or ceruloplasmin: ≤trace amounts
Storage and Shipping Information
Ship Code Dry Ice Only
Toxicity Standard Handling
Storage ≤ -70°C
Avoid freeze/thaw Avoid freeze/thaw
Do not freeze Ok to freeze
Special InstructionsFollowing initial thaw, aliquot and freeze (-70°C).
Global Trade Item Number
Catalogue Number GTIN
204885-250UG 04055977219791