Disentangling the molecular determinants for Cenp-F localization to nuclear pores and kinetochores Alessandro Berto 1 2 , Jinchao Yu 3 , Stéphanie Morchoisne-Bolhy 1 , Chiara Bertipaglia 4 , Richard Vallee 4 , Julien Dumont 1 , Francoise Ochsenbein 3 , Raphael Guerois 3 , Valérie Doye EMBO Rep
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Cenp-F is a multifaceted protein implicated in cancer and developmental pathologies. The Cenp-F C-terminal region contains overlapping binding sites for numerous proteins that contribute to its functions throughout the cell cycle. Here, we focus on the nuclear pore protein Nup133 that interacts with Cenp-F both at nuclear pores in prophase and at kinetochores in mitosis, and on the kinase Bub1, known to contribute to Cenp-F targeting to kinetochores. By combining in silico structural modeling and yeast two-hybrid assays, we generate an interaction model between a conserved helix within the Nup133 β-propeller and a short leucine zipper-containing dimeric segment of Cenp-F. We thereby create mutants affecting the Nup133/Cenp-F interface and show that they prevent Cenp-F localization to the nuclear envelope, but not to kinetochores. Conversely, a point mutation within an adjacent leucine zipper affecting the kinetochore targeting of Cenp-F KT-core domain impairs its interaction with Bub1, but not with Nup133, identifying Bub1 as the direct KT-core binding partner of Cenp-F. Finally, we show that Cenp-E redundantly contributes together with Bub1 to the recruitment of Cenp-F to kinetochores. | 29632243
Nup133 Is Required for Proper Nuclear Pore Basket Assembly and Dynamics in Embryonic Stem Cells Nup133 belongs to the Y-complex, a key component of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) scaffold. Studies on a null mutation in mice previously revealed that Nup133 is essential for embryonic development but not for mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) proliferation. Using single-pore detection and average NE-fluorescence intensity, we find that Nup133 is dispensable for interphase and postmitotic NPC scaffold assembly in pluripotent mESCs. However, loss of Nup133 specifically perturbs the formation of the nuclear basket as manifested by the absence of Tpr in about half of the NPCs combined with altered dynamics of Nup153. We further demonstrate that its central domain mediates Nup133's role in assembling Tpr and Nup153 into a properly configured nuclear basket. Our findings thus revisit the role of the Y-complex in pore biogenesis and provide insights into the interplay between NPC scaffold architecture, nuclear basket assembly, and the generation of heterogeneity among NPCs. Cell Rep
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Nup133 belongs to the Y-complex, a key component of the nuclear pore complex (NPC) scaffold. Studies on a null mutation in mice previously revealed that Nup133 is essential for embryonic development but not for mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) proliferation. Using single-pore detection and average NE-fluorescence intensity, we find that Nup133 is dispensable for interphase and postmitotic NPC scaffold assembly in pluripotent mESCs. However, loss of Nup133 specifically perturbs the formation of the nuclear basket as manifested by the absence of Tpr in about half of the NPCs combined with altered dynamics of Nup153. We further demonstrate that its central domain mediates Nup133's role in assembling Tpr and Nup153 into a properly configured nuclear basket. Our findings thus revisit the role of the Y-complex in pore biogenesis and provide insights into the interplay between NPC scaffold architecture, nuclear basket assembly, and the generation of heterogeneity among NPCs. | 29791854