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Wybierz personalizowane panele i wstępnie zmieszane zestawy – LUB – MAPmates™ do sygnalizacji komórkowej
Zaprojektuj i wyceń swoje zestawy MILLIPLEX® MAP.
Panele podlegające personalizacji i zestawy wstępnie zmieszane
Nasza szeroka gama produktów składa się z paneli multipleksów, które pozwalają Ci wybierać, w ramach panelu, anality, które najlepiej pasują do Twoich potrzeb. W oddzielnej zakładce można wybrać wstępnie zmieszane cytokiny lub zestaw pojedynczego pleksu.
Zestawy dot. sygnalizacji komórkowej oraz MAPmates™
Wybierz gotowe zestawy, które pozwolą Ci badać całe szlaki lub procesy. Lub zaprojektuj swoje własne zestawy, wybierając jednopleksowe MAPmates™, zgodnie z podanymi wytycznymi.
Następujących MAPmates™ nie należy łączyć: -MAPmates™, które wymagają innego buforu do oznaczenia -Fosfospecyficzne i całkowite pary MAPmate™, np. całkowite GSK3β oraz GSK3β (Ser 9) -PanTyr i MAPmates™ specyficzne względem miejsca, np. receptora fosfo-EGF i fosfo-STAT1 (Tyr701) -Więcej niż 1 phospho-MAPmate™ dla jednego celu (Akt, STAT3) -GAPDH oraz β-Tubulin nie mogą być łączone z zestawami lub MAPmates™ zawierającymi panTyr
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Wybierz gatunek, typ panelu, zestaw lub rodzaj próbki
Aby rozpocząć projektowanie zestawu MILLIPLEX® MAP, należy wybrać gatunek, typ panelu lub interesujący nas zestaw.
Custom Premix Selecting "Custom Premix" option means that all of the beads you have chosen will be premixed in manufacturing before the kit is sent to you.
Catalogue Number
Ordering Description
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96-Well Plate
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Opis zamawiania
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Dodaj dodatkowe odczynniki (Do użycia z MAPmates wymagany jest bufor i zestaw do detekcji)
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Buffer Detection Kit for Magnetic Beads
1 Kit
Opcja oszczędzająca miejsce Klienci kupujący kilka zestawów mogą wybrać oszczędność przestrzeni koniecznej do przechowywania przez eliminację opakowania zestawu i otrzymanie komponentów oznaczenia multipleksowego w plastikowych torbach, co umożliwi bardziej kompaktowe przechowywanie.
Ten artykuł został dodany do ulubionych.
Produkt został dodany do koszyka
Możesz teraz spersonalizować inny zestaw, wybrać zestaw wstępnie przygotowany, wylogować się lub zamknąć zamówienie.
Attention: We have moved. Merck Millipore products are no longer available for purchase on MerckMillipore.com.Learn More
Animal watering is done using either drinking bottles placed in each cage, or an automatic watering system. While animal feed quality is usually tightly controlled, the requirements for animal watering are less stringent. The US National Research Council Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals is recognized in many countries as the standard for quality animal care and use. It states that “Ordinarily animals should have continuous access to fresh, potable, uncontaminated drinking water, according to their particular requirements.”
While ordinary tap water can be used for animal watering in some cases, the fact that its composition may vary with time and with the seasons can be a problem for researchers. Tap water variations may also be an issue when comparing the results of research performed in laboratories located in different geographical locations. In order to obtain consistent and reliable experimental results, it is important to provide laboratory animals with drinking water of consistent quality. In addition, some animals (for example, immuno-compromised animals) or disease models are known to be very sensitive to their environment and require very pure water.
The following water contaminants should be avoided:
Organics Some organics, such as pesticides, endocrine disrupters, etc. which may be present in tap water, can affect the health of laboratory animals and interfere with the research being conducted. In addition, in the presence of chlorine, organics may form disinfection by-products (DBP), some of which are thought to be carcinogenic or affect reproduction. Organics can also be used as nutrients by bacteria, and lead to bacterial proliferation. Organics can be removed by activated carbon and reverse osmosis technologies.
Bacterica Bacteria can cause serious health problems to the animals and are a main concern in animal facilities. Immuno-compromised and transgenic animals are especially sensitive to bacterial contamination. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, for example, is an opportunistic pathogen commonly found in water, and may affect the health of vulnerable animals. Bacteria levels in water can be minimized by reverse osmosis.
Heavy metals High levels of heavy metals (copper, iron, zinc, lead …) can be toxic for health-compromised animals. These metals can be leached from piping. Ions and metals present in water can be greatly removed by reverse osmosis.
Hardness and particles Hard water deposits and particles can damage the valves of automated watering systems, and cause leaks inside the animal cages. They will also increase the need for system maintenance.
In conclusion, water purified by reverse osmosis is usually recommended for this application, as it removes most of the organics and ions present in the feed water, and provides a consistent water quality. Tap water composition may vary with time and with the seasons, and should not be used for laboratory animals. Deionized water, purified with ion exchange resins, may contain organics and microorganisms, and is therefore not recommended.
Reverse osmosis water is usually treated before being used to water laboratory animals, in order to minimize the risks of bacterial contamination within the animal facility. Ozone treatment or ultra-violet irradiation may be used, but the most commonly methods are chlorination and acidification.
Chlorination Chlorination is commonly used. Water pH should be regularly controlled, as chlorination is less effective at high pH. Accepted practice is to reach a residual range of free chlorine between 5 and 12 ppm.
Acidification Acidification is more stable and lasts longer in the system than chlorine. The disadvantage of chlorination is that corrosion-resistant materials must be used. The pH range should be between 2.6 and 3 in order to be effective. The animals may refuse to drink the water if the pH is 2.5 or lower because of poor taste.
You may find more information related to laboratory animals in the following web sites:
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