107222 SupelcoKwas nadoctowy około 38-40%
Recommended Products
Replacement Information |
Numer katalogowy | Opakowanie | Ilość/opak. | |
1072221000 | Butelka plastikowa | 1 l |
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 107222 |
References |
Product Information | |
HS Code | 2915 90 70 |
Structure formula Image | |
Quality Level | MQ200 |
Applications |
Biological Information |
Physicochemical Information | |
Density | 1.14 g/cm3 (20 °C) |
Flash point | 62 °C |
Ignition temperature | 225 °C |
Melting Point | -37 °C |
pH value | 1 (H₂O, 20 °C) |
Vapor pressure | 14 hPa (20 °C) |
Dimensions |
Materials Information |
Toxicological Information | |
LD 50 oral | LD50 Szczur 263 mg/kg |
Safety Information | |
Categories of danger | substancja o w?a?ciwo?ciach utleniaj?cych, substancja szkodliwa, substancja ?r?ca, substancja niebezpieczna dla ?rodowiska |
Product Usage Statements |
Storage and Shipping Information | |
Storage | Przechowywać w +15°C do +25°C. |
Packaging Information |
Transport Information | |
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RID | UN 3105 , 5.2 (8), |
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGR | UN 3105 , 5.2 (8), |
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-Code | UN 3105 , 5.2 (8), |
Supplemental Information |
Specifications | |
Assay (peracetic acid) | 37.5 - 40.5 % |
Identity (IR-spectrum) | passes test |
Not to be used as a biocidal product. Date of expiry: see product label |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Numer katalogowy | GTIN |
1072221000 | 04022536676593 |
Kwas nadoctowy około 38-40% MSDS
Title |
Kwas nadoctowy około 38-40% Certificates of Analysis
Numer katalogowy | Opakowanie | Specyfikacja | Numer partii |
1072221000 | Butelka plastikowa | Dokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF |
Title |
Premium materials for reliable preparation and other routine lab processes |