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102952 Dimetylosulfotlenek

Purchase on Sigma-Aldrich


Replacement Information

Tabela kluczowych gatunków

CAS #EC NumberHill FormulaChemical FormulaMolar MassGrade Value
67-68-5200-664-3C₂H₆OS(CH₃)₂SO78.13 g/molACS


Numer katalogowyOpakowanie Ilość/opak.
1029521000 Butelka szklana 1 l
1029521011 1 l
1029522500 Butelka szklana 2.5 l
1029522511 Butelka plastikowa 2.5 l
1029524000 Butelka szklana 4 l
1029529025 Beczka metal/PE 25 l
Catalogue Number102952
SynonymsMethanesulfinylmethane, Methyl sulfoxide, Dimethyl(oxido)sulfur, DMSO
DescriptionDimethyl sulfoxide
OverviewEMSURE® grade solvents are suitable for a broad spectrum of classical lab applications, and are frequently used in regulated and highly demanding lab applications. EMSURE® provides worldwide best and most extensive product specifications. We declare our EMSURE® range to be in compliance with the ACS, with the reagent part of the European Pharmacopoeia (Reag. Ph Eur) and also with the ISO standards.
Product Information
CAS number67-68-5
EC number200-664-3
Hill FormulaC₂H₆OS
Chemical formula(CH₃)₂SO
Molar Mass78.13 g/mol
HS Code2930 90 99
Structure formula ImageStructure formula Image
Quality LevelMQ300
Biological Information
Physicochemical Information
Boiling point189 °C (1013 hPa)
Density1.1 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Explosion limit1.8 - 63.0 %(V)
Flash point87 °C
Ignition temperature300 - 302 °C
Melting Point18.5 °C
Saturation concentration (air)8.0 g/m3 (20 °C)
Vapor pressure0.55 hPa (20 °C)
Viscosity kinematic2.14 mm2/s
Solubility1000 g/l
Materials Information
Toxicological Information
LD 50 oralLD50 Szczur 28300 mg/kg
LD 50 dermalLD50 Szczur 40000 mg/kg
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Inne substancje ciekłe i stałe
WGKWGK 1 lekkie zanieczyszczenie wody
Silnie zanieczyszczone bezchlorowcowe rozpuszczalniki organiczne. Kategoria A.
Safety Information
Product Usage Statements
Storage and Shipping Information
StoragePrzechowywać w +2°C do +30°C.
Packaging Information
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDKein Gefahrgut
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRNo Dangerous Good
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeNo Dangerous Good
Supplemental Information
Purity (GC)≥ 99.9 %
Identity (IR)conforms
Color≤ 10 Hazen
Titrable acid≤ 0.0002 meq/g
Density (d 20 °C/20 °C)1.101 - 1.103
Refractive index (n 20/D)1.478 - 1.481
Melting point≥ 18.0 °C
Heavy metals (as Pb)≤ 0.0001 %
Fe (Iron)≤ 0.0001 %
Related substances (GC)conforms
Readily carbonizable substancesconforms
Evaporation residue≤ 0.001 %
Water≤ 0.1 %
Global Trade Item Number
Numer katalogowy GTIN
1029521000 04022536038278
1029521011 04027269985714
1029522500 04022536038292
1029522511 04027269985721
1029524000 04027269429249
1029529025 04022536510347


Dimetylosulfotlenek MSDS


Safety Data Sheet (SDS) 

Dimetylosulfotlenek Certificates of Analysis

Numer katalogowy OpakowanieSpecyfikacjaNumer partii
1029521000 Butelka szklanaDokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF
1029521011 Dokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF
1029522500 Butelka szklanaDokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF
1029522511 Butelka plastikowaDokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF
1029524000 Butelka szklanaDokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF
1029529025 Beczka metal/PEDokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF


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963533 Uchwyt bezpieczeństwa

Accessories (Secondary)

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100801 Zestaw etykiet zgodnie z GHS
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Reagents, Chemicals and Labware > Solvents > Solvents for Classical Analysis and Synthesis > Solvents for Analysis EMSURE® ACS, ISO, Reag. PhEur
Analytics and Sample Preparation > Reagents for Pharmacopoeia Analysis > Solvents for Pharmacopoeia Analysis