802934 Sigma-AldrichEter dimetylowy glikolu dietylenowego
Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (stabilised) for synthesis. CAS 111-96-6, pH (H₂O, 20 °C) neutral.
More>> Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (stabilised) for synthesis. CAS 111-96-6, pH (H₂O, 20 °C) neutral. Less<<Synonyms: Dimethyl diglycol, Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether, Diglyme
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Tabela kluczowych gatunków
CAS # | EC Number | Hill Formula | Molar Mass |
111-96-6 | 203-924-4 | C₆H₁₄O₃ | 134.18 g/mol |
Numer katalogowy | Opakowanie | Ilość/opak. | |
8029340250 | Butelka szklana | 250 ml | |
8029341000 | Butelka szklana | 1 l | |
8029342500 | Butelka szklana | 2.5 l |
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 802934 |
Synonyms | Dimethyl diglycol, Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether, Diglyme |
Product Information | |
CAS number | 111-96-6 |
EC index number | 603-139-00-0 |
EC number | 203-924-4 |
Hill Formula | C₆H₁₄O₃ |
Molar Mass | 134.18 g/mol |
HS Code | 2909 19 90 |
Structure formula Image | |
Quality Level | MQ200 |
Applications | |
Application | Diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (stabilised) for synthesis. CAS 111-96-6, pH (H₂O, 20 °C) neutral. |
Physicochemical Information | |
Density | 0.944 g/cm3 (20 °C) |
Explosion limit | 1.4 - 17.4 %(V) |
Flash point | 51 °C |
Ignition temperature | 170 °C |
Melting Point | -64 °C |
Vapor pressure | 3.99 hPa (20 °C) |
Toxicological Information | |
LD 50 oral | LD50 Szczur 4760 mg/kg |
Safety Information | |
Categories of danger | substancja dzia?aj?ca szkodliwie na rozrodczo??, substancja ?atwo palna |
Storage and Shipping Information | |
Storage | Przechowywać poniżej +30°C. |
Transport Information | |
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RID | UN 3271 , 3, III |
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGR | UN 3271 , 3, III |
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-Code | UN 3271 , 3, III |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Numer katalogowy | GTIN |
8029340250 | 04022536377193 |
8029341000 | 04022536377209 |
8029342500 | 04022536377216 |