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102143 Fosforan wapnia


Tabela kluczowych gatunków

CAS #EC NumberHill FormulaMolar MassGrade Value
7758-87-4231-840-8Ca₃O₈P₂310.18 g/molPh Eur,BP,E 341 (iii)


Numer katalogowyOpakowanie Ilość/opak.
1021431000 Butelka plastikowa 1 kg
1021439026 Pudlo tekturowe 25 kg
Catalogue Number102143
Synonymspenta-Calcium hydroxide triphosphate, Calcium phosphate tribasic, Tricalcium orthophosphate
Product Information
CAS number7758-87-4
EC number231-840-8
GradePh Eur,BP,E 341 (iii)
Hill FormulaCa₃O₈P₂
Molar Mass310.18 g/mol
HS Code2835 26 00
Quality LevelMQ500
Physicochemical Information
Density3.14 g/cm3 (20 °C)
Melting Point>450 °C
pH value6 - 8 (50 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C) zawiesina
Bulk density250 kg/m3
Solubility0.02 g/l
Toxicological Information
LD 50 oralLD50 Szczur > 5000 mg/kg
LD 50 dermalLD50 Królik > 2000 mg/kg
Safety Information according to GHS
Storage class10 - 13 Inne substancje ciekłe i stałe
WGKWGK 1 lekkie zanieczyszczenie wody
Względnie niereaktywne odczynniki organiczne należy zbierać w Kategorii A. Odczynniki chlorowcowane należy umieszczać w Kategorii B. Do pozostałości stałych stosować Kategorię C.
Storage and Shipping Information
StoragePrzechowywać w +15°C do +25°C.
Transport Information
Declaration (railroad and road) ADR, RIDKein Gefahrgut
Declaration (transport by air) IATA-DGRNo Dangerous Good
Declaration (transport by sea) IMDG-CodeNo Dangerous Good
Assay Ca (complexometric)35.0 - 40.0 %
Assay (as Ca₃(PO₄)₂ (calc. o. ignited subst.))≥ 90.2 %
Identitypasses test
Substances insoluble in hydrochloric acid≤ 0.1 %
Carbonate (as CO₂)passes test
Chloride (Cl)≤ 0.1 %
Fluoride (F)≤ 0.0050 %
Sulfate (SO₄)≤ 0.5 %
Al (Aluminium)≤ 0.0200 %
As (Arsenic) (*)≤ 0.0001
Cd (Cadmium) (*)≤ 0.0001
Fe (Iron)≤ 0.0400 %
Hg (Mercury)≤ 0.0001 %
Mg (Magnesium)≤ 0.3 %
Na (Sodium)≤ 0.2 %
Pb (Lead (*)≤ 0.0001
Si (Silicon)≤ 0.05 %
V (Vanadium) (*)≤ 0.0010 %
Residual solvents (ICH Q3C)excluded by production process
Loss on ignition (800 °C)≤ 8.0 %
Particle size (< 0.063 mm)about 98
Flowability (Hausner Ratio)1.3 - 1.8
Bulk density0.20 - 0.40 g/ml
Tapped density0.30 - 0.50 g/ml
Elemental impurity specifications have been set considering ICH Q3D (Guideline for Elemental Impurities). Class 1-3 elements are not likely to be present above the ICH Q3D option 1 limit, unless specified and indicated (*).
Corresponds to Ph Eur, BP, E 341 (iii)
Conforms to the purity criteria on food additives, except for use as additive in infant and young child nutrition, according to the current European Commission Regulation.
Global Trade Item Number
Numer katalogowy GTIN
1021431000 04022536030081
1021439026 04022536582641