101738 SupelcoNadchloran barowy
bezwodny do analizy EMSURE®
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Replacement Information |
Tabela kluczowych gatunków
CAS # | EC Number | Hill Formula | Chemical Formula | Molar Mass |
13465-95-7 | 236-710-4 | BaCl₂O₈ | Ba(ClO₄)₂ | 336.24 g/mol |
Numer katalogowy | Opakowanie | Ilość/opak. | |
1017380250 | Puszka metalowa | 250 g | |
1017381000 | Puszka metalowa | 1 kg |
Description | |
Catalogue Number | 101738 |
References |
Product Information | |
CAS number | 13465-95-7 |
EC index number | 017-007-00-X |
EC number | 236-710-4 |
Hill Formula | BaCl₂O₈ |
Chemical formula | Ba(ClO₄)₂ |
Molar Mass | 336.24 g/mol |
HS Code | 2829 90 10 |
Quality Level | MQ300 |
Applications |
Biological Information |
Physicochemical Information | |
Density | 2.74 g/cm3 (20 °C) |
Flash point | 21 °C |
Melting Point | 505 °C |
pH value | 5.6 (100 g/l, H₂O, 20 °C) |
Bulk density | 1300 kg/m3 |
Solubility | 1985 g/l |
Dimensions |
Materials Information |
Toxicological Information |
Safety Information | |
Categories of danger | substancja o w?a?ciwo?ciach utleniaj?cych, substancja szkodliwa |
Product Usage Statements |
Storage and Shipping Information | |
Storage | Przechowywać w +2°C do +30°C. |
Packaging Information |
Supplemental Information |
Global Trade Item Number | |
Numer katalogowy | GTIN |
1017380250 | 04022536024271 |
1017381000 | 04022536024288 |
Nadchloran barowy MSDS
Title |
Nadchloran barowy Certificates of Analysis
Numer katalogowy | Opakowanie | Specyfikacja | Numer partii |
1017380250 | Puszka metalowa | Dokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF | |
1017381000 | Puszka metalowa | Dokument ze specyfikacją, w formacie PDF |
Title |
Inorganics & Solvents for classical analysis |
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