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Amyloid Precursor Protein Antibodies

APP is the precursor molecule whose proteolysis generates beta amyloid (Aβ), a 37 to 49 amino acid peptide that is the primary component of amyloid plaques found in Alzheimer's disease patients.



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Amyloid Precursor Protein AntibodiesBorrar Clasificación y Filtrado Show Filter
Número de referenciaDescripciónInmunógenoHospedadorAplicaciones claveEspecificidadReactividad según especies
MAB348Anti-APP A4 Antibody, a.a. 66-81 of APP {NT}, clone 22C11 Purified recombinant Alzheimer precursor A4 (pre A4695) fusion protein. Ratón Inmunocitoquímica, Immunofluorescencia, Inmunohistoquímica, Inmunohistoquímica (parafina), Western Blotting Reacts with pre-A4. The antibody recognizes amino acids 66-81 of the N-terminus on the pre-A4 molecule (Hilbich et al., 1993). 22C11 recognizes all three isoforms of APP, immature ~110kDa, sAPP ~120kDa, and mature ~130kDa (Hoffmann et al., 2000). The antibody is known to cross react with APLP2 (Slunt, 1994). Canina, Ser humano, Ratón, Mono, Cerdo, Rata, Pez Precios y disponibilidad

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