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Methylated Arginine and Lysine Derivatives

Post-translational methylation of arginine and lysine residues is thought to be an important control mechanism for the regulation of protein expression in eukaryotes. Novabiochem offers one of the most extensive ranges of protected derivatives for the Fmoc SPPS of peptides containing these modifed amino acids. All possible variations of side-chain methylated lysine are available, together with Pbf-protected mono-methyl- and asymmetric and symmetric dimethyl-arginines.

For applications see: Novabiochem Innovations 05/06 and Novabiochem Innovations 2/07

  • Direct synthesis of methylated Arg/Lys-containing peptides by automated methods
  • Compatible with Fmoc SPPS
  • Eliminate need for unspecific post-synthetic methylation
ProductCatalog number
Fmoc-Arg(Me,Pbf)-OH 852105
Fmoc-Lys(Me)2-OH HCl 852111
Fmoc-Lys(Me,Boc)-OH 852106
Fmoc-Lys(Me3Cl)-OH 852112